- Economics and management / Grenoble
- Economics and management / Valence
- Economics and management / distance learning
- Economics and management languages / Grenoble
- Economics and management languages / Valence
- Economics and management law / Valence
- Economic engineering and performance management 3rd year
- Management 3rd year / Grenoble and Valence
- Assistant director of PME-PMI 3rd year / Grenoble and Valence
- Diploma in legal studies
- Methodology and pedagogy of FLE
- Evaluation and certifications
- French phonetics and the pedagogy of phonetic correction
- Multimedia and teaching of French as a foreign language (FLE)
- Introduction to french linguistics
- Teaching literary texts
- Written and spoken expression techniques
- French vocabulary and language
- Grammar teaching
- Educational mentoring
- Dramatic play and the french language
- French literature from the 20th century
- University degree Business administration
- University degree Solidarity gateway B2 objectives (PASS B2)
- UE Molecular Genetics and Epigenetics controls
- UE Chemistry and Biochemistry
- UE Driving Experimentation in Biology
- UE Laboratory internship (part I)
- UE Development and differentiation
- UE Metabolic physiology and pathophysiology
- UE How to become a cancer cell
- UE Neurological bases of the Emotions and Motivation
- UE Drug action and drug design
- UE Immunobiology
- UE Infectious diseases (part I)
- UE Functional anatomy of the central nervous system
- UE Macromolecular engineering
- UE Bacteriology
- UE Molecular bases of the normal and pathological memory
- UE English course
- UE Transverse teaching of choice
- UE Analytical and spectroscopic methods II
- UE Connaissance de l'entreprise et des métiers
- UE Research project
- UE Fundamental and Applied Microbiology
- UE Infectious diseases (part II)
- UE Pathology and immunology
- UE Immunity against cancers and infectious diseases
- UE Cancer disease : experimental and therapeutical approaches
- UE High throughput Biology
- UE Biostatistics, bioinformatics, modeling (part II)
- UE Business plan of your start-up (entrepreneurship and science)
- UE Laboratory internship IMID (part II)
- UE Communication in scientific english (part II)
- UE Transverse teaching of choice
- UE Research project
- UE Structure determination of biological macromolecules
- UE Integrative structural cell biology
- UE Recent advances and applications in structural biology
- UE High throughput Biology
- UE Biostatistics, bioinformatics, modeling (part II)
- UE Fundamental and Applied Microbiology
- UE Business plan of your start-up (entrepreneurship and science)
- UE Laboratory internship ISB (part II)
- UE Communication in scientific english (part II)
- UE Transverse teaching of choice
- UE Research project
- UE Neurophysiology
- UE Neurodegeneration and repair
- UE Synaptic Plasticity of the adult nervous system
- UE Cancer disease : experimental and therapeutical approaches
- UE High throughput Biology
- UE Biostatistics, bioinformatics, modeling (part II)
- UE Epigenetics and cell differentiation
- UE Cardiovascular physiology and integrated metabolism
- UE Ageing and longevity
- UE Evo Devo and the green lineage
- UE Business plan of your start-up (entrepreneurship and science)
- UE Laboratory internship NN (part II)
- UE Communication in scientific english (part II)
- UE Transverse teaching of choice
- UE Research project
- UE Ageing and longevity
- UE Cardiovascular physiology and integrated metabolism
- UE Epigenetics and cell differentiation
- UE Evo Devo and the green lineage
- UE Molecular biology of the cancer cell
- UE Ageing and longevity
- UE Evolution & Development of Eukaryotes
- UE Epigenetics and cell differentiation
- UE Cardiovascular physiology and integrated metabolism
- UE Molecular biology of the cancer cell
- UE High throughput Biology
- UE Biostatistics, bioinformatics, modeling (part II)
- UE Cancer disease : experimental and therapeutical approaches
- UE Neurophysiology
- UE Neurodegeneration and repair
- UE Synaptic Plasticity of the adult nervous system
- UE Business plan of your start-up (entrepreneurship and science)
- UE Laboratory internship PhEDD (part II)
- UE Communication in scientific english (part II)
- UE Transverse teaching of choice
- UE Sales and commercial negotiation
- UE Marketing : an approach to foreign markets
- UE Sociological and multicultural approach of market
- UE Company knowledge and management
- UE Biotechnology
- UE Imaging technologies and applications
- UE How to etablish relationships and links with the professional world
- UE How to build and manage a Commercial Programme
- UE Answers to customer's needs by Metrology
- UE Omnical method for selling and business ethic
- UE Internship (part II)
- UE Communication in scientific english (part II)
- UE Ecosystème des entreprises
- UE Projet de fin d'études
- UE Ouverture professionnelle
- UE Entreprenariat de l'innovation
- UE Fundamental and Applied Microbiology
- UE Infectious diseases (part II)
- UE Pathology and immunology
- UE Immunity against cancers and infectious diseases
- UE Training period M2Pro2Bio
- UE Communication in scientific english (part II)
- UE Transverse teaching of choice
- Physiology, epigenetics, differentiation and development 2nd year
- UE Experimental chemistry
- UE Analytical and spectroscopic methods
- UE Organic chemistry 1
- UE Organometallic catalysis
- UE Polymers 1
- Chemistry of Biomolecules
- UE Analytical and spectroscopic methods II
- UE Internship
- UE Organic chemistry 2
- UE Bioorganic and bioinorganic chemistry
- UE Polymers 2 chemistry and physico-chemistry
- UE Macromolecular engineering
- UE Lab project
- UE English
- UE Bio-targeted chemistry 1
- UE Bionorganic chemistry
- UE Topics in biological chemistry
- UE Bio-targeted chemistry 2
- UE Green chemistry
- UE Outils pour l'ingénieur
- UE Entrepreneurship and Sciences
- UE Heterocyclic chemistry
- UE Développement chimique
- UE Chimie médicinale et Médicaments
- UE Entrepreneurship and Sciences
- UE Bibliography project
- UE High troughput biology
- UE Structure determination of biological macromolecules
- UE Molecular modelling
- UE Internship
- UE English
- UE Stage
- UE Polymers for flexible electronics
- UE Biomaterials
- UE Nanostructured materials
- UE Degradation and sustainability
- UE Analysis, formulation and coatings
- UE Tools for investigating polymers
- UE Polymers for renewable energy sources
- UE Biobased polymers
- UE Entrepreneurship and Sciences
- UE Outils pour l'ingénieur
- UE Bibliography project
- UE Molecular modelling
- UE Green chemistry
- UE Entrepreneurship and Sciences
- UE Internship
- UE Anglais
- UE Internship
- UE Ecole d'été - Graduate school EUR CBS
- UE Asymmetric synthesis
- UE Synthetic strategies
- UE Heterocyclic chemistry
- UE Développement chimique
- UE Green chemistry
- UE Chimie médicinale et Médicaments
- UE Entrepreneurship and Sciences
- UE Molecular modelling
- UE Outils pour l'ingénieur
- UE Entrepreneurship and Sciences
- UE Molecular modelling
- UE Bio-targeted chemistry 1
- UE Internship
- UE English
- UE Internship
- UE Ecole d'été - Graduate school EUR CBS
- UE Solid mechanics
- UE Experimental techniques and methods 1
- UE Numerical methods in solid and fluid mechanics 1
- UE Image and signal processing
- UE Fluid mechanics
- UE English
- UE French as a foreign language
- UE Mechanics of material
- UE Physics of granular media
- UE Multiphysical couplings (THCM)
- UE Convection in industrial and geophysical flows
- UE Instabilities and turbulence
- UE Basic geomechanics
- UE Wave in fluids
- UE Environmental flows
- UE Introduction of geophysical fluids dynamics
- UE Plastic analysis of structures
- GS_GREEN_UE Climate and Energy for a Sustainable Transition
- UE Research project 1
- GS_Soft-Nano_UE-Research Methodologies
- UE Experimental techniques and methods 2
- UE Numerical methods in solid and fluid mechanics 2
- UE French as a foreign language
- GS_GREEN_UE_Energy Systems for the Transition
- UE Research Internship M1 AM
- GS_Soft-Nano_UE_Internship
- UE Research project 2
- Hydraulics, Civil and Environmental Engineering 1st year
- Hydraulics, Civil and Environmental Engineering 2nd year
- Construction, risks and mountains 2nd year
- Génie Civil et Architecture 2nd year
- UE Selected topic in continuum mechanics
- UE Numerical methods for nonlinear mechanics
- UE english or FLE or others
- UE Experimental Methods in Geomechanics
- UE Basic geomechanics
- UE Basic engineering seismology
- UE Mechanics of damage and rupture
- UE Behavior of geotechnical structures
- UE Durability and vulnerability of structures and associated risks
- UE Advanced soil mechanics
- UE Advanced rock mechanics
- UE Strain localization in geomaterials
- UE Mechanics of porous media
- UE Dynamics of structures
- UE Geomechanics in reservoir and basin systems
- UE Soil dynamics and nonlinear site response analysis
- UE Quantitative Image Analysis for Mechanics
- UE Plastic analysis of structures
- UE Research Project
- Sustainable construction and environment 2nd year
- Urban engineering 2nd year
- Master in Computer science standard 1st year
- UE Programming language and compiler design
- UE Software engineering
- UE Principles of operating systems
- UE Algorithms Problem Solving
- UE Mathematics for computer science
- UE Introduction to visual computing
- UE Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- UE Programming project (OS)
- UE Programming project (Compiler design)
- UE Research project
- UE Research methodology
- UE Introduction to modeling and verification of digital systems
- UE Operations Research
- UE Data base foundations
- UE Introduction to distributed systems
- UE Human computer interaction
- UE Computer networks principles
- UE 3D graphics
- UE Introduction to mobile robotics
- UE Introduction to cryptology
- UE Parallel algorithms and programming
- UE Fundamental Computer Science
- UE Foundations of Data Science
- UE Embodying the shift: digital in the age of low-tech
- UE Algebraic Algorithms for Cryptology
- UE GS_MSTIC_Scientific approach
- UE Technical writing and speaking
- UE Process engineering
- UE Advanced networking
- UE Advanced parallel system
- UE Fundamentals of Data Processing and Distributed Knowledge
- UE Scientific Methodology, Regulatory and ethical data usage
- UE Robotics
- UE Computer Graphics
- UE Multi-agent systems
- UE Information visualization
- UE Computer vision
- UE Cloud Computing, from infrastructure to applications
- UE Large scale Data Management and Distributed Systems
- UE GPU Computing
- UE From Basic Machine Learning models to Advanced Kernel Learning
- UE Advanced Machine Learning: Applications to Vision, Audio and Text
- UE Natural Language Processing & Information Retrieval
- UE Information Security
- UE Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning
- UE Statistical learning: from parametric to nonparametric models
- UE Refresh courses
- UE Human Computer Interaction
- UE Next Generation Software Development
- UE Safety Critical Systems: from design to verification
- UE Research project
- UE GS_MSTIC_Research ethics
- Computer engineering standard 2nd year
- Computer engineering block-release 2nd year
- UE Advanced models and methods in operations research
- UE Combinatorial optimization and graph theory
- UE Optimization under uncertainty
- UE Constraint Programming, applications in scheduling
- UE Graphs and discrete structures
- UE Advanced heuristic and approximation algorithms
- UE Advanced mathematical programming methods
- UE Academic and industrial challenges
- UE Transport Logistics and Operations Research
- UE Advanced parallel system
- UE Multi-agent systems
- UE Fundamentals of Data Processing and Distributed Knowledge
- UE Scientific Methodology, Regulatory and ethical data usage
- UE Large scale Data Management and Distributed Systems
- UE Cryptographic engineering, protocols and security models, data privacy, coding and applications
- UE From Basic Machine Learning models to Advanced Kernel Learning
- UE Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning
- UE Learning, Probabilities and Causality
- UE Statistical learning: from parametric to nonparametric models
- UE Mathematical optimization
- UE Safety Critical Systems: from design to verification
- UE Information visualization
- UE GPU Computing
- UE Robotics
- UE Cloud Computing, from infrastructure to applications
- UE Advanced Machine Learning: Applications to Vision, Audio and Text
- UE Natural Language Processing & Information Retrieval
- UE Information Security
- UE Human Computer Interaction
- UE Next Generation Software Development
- UE Practicum
- UE GS_MSTIC_Research ethics
- UE Software security, secure programming and computer forensics
- UE Security architecture
- UE Cryptographic engineering, protocols and security models, data privacy, coding and applications
- UE Threat and risk analysis, IT security audit and norms
- UE Physical Security : Embedded, Smart Card, Quantum & Biometrics
- UE Advanced security
- UE Advanced cryptology
- UE Research practicum (in company or laboratory)
- UE GS_MSTIC_Research ethics
- Supplementary computing skills (CCI) 2nd year
- Cybersecurity and legal informatics 2nd year
- Corporate computer networks
- UE Elective course
- UE Algorithms Problem Solving
- UE Technical writing and speaking
- UE Introduction to Cybersecurity
- UE Principle of Internet
- UE French as a foreign language
- UE Project
- UE Research methodology
- UE Data base foundations
- UE Digital Transmission from Técnico Lisboa
- UE Foundations of Data Science
- UE Database foundations 2
- Research Intensive Track in Geosciences 1st year
- UE Lithosphere dynamics (2024-2025)
- UE Tectonics and surface processes (2023-2024)
- UE Petrology
- UE Petrology field course
- UE Plio-Quaternary climates and landforms (2024-2025)
- UE Solid Earth and the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere (2023-2024)
- UE Surfaces planétaires
- UE Geophysical observation of the Earth
- UE Introductory Field Course - Professional project
- UE Programmation et environnements informatiques
- UE Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
- UE Geomechanics
- UE Remote sensing and GIS project
- UE Basin analysis
- UE Sedimentology field course
- UE Multidisciplinary field course
- UE Lautaret Field Course: Snow-Atmosphere interface
- UE Climate records
- UE Deep Earth Geodynamics
- UE Data sciences & Inverse problems
- UE Volcanic dynamics and hazards
- UE Environment records
- UE Scientific computing
- UE Sciences, pseudosciences, & pensée critique
- UE Tectonics-Metamorphism field course
- UE Active Faults
- UE Intérieurs planétaires
- UE Dynamique des fluides géophysiques
- UE Doctoral School - InternalEarth@les Houches
- UE Climate change
- UE Ecologie, biogéographie, évolution
- UE Fieldtrip Mountain Building, Climate, and biodiversity
- UE short Internship
- UE long Internship
- UE Geophysical observation of the Earth
- UE Signal processing
- UE Programmation et environnements informatiques
- UE Waves Physics
- UE Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
- UE Geomechanics
- UE Geophysical Prospecting
- UE Introductory Field Course - Professional project
- UE Deep Earth Geodynamics
- UE Exploration geophysics
- UE Data sciences & Inverse problems
- UE Volcanic dynamics and hazards
- UE Instrumentation for geophysics
- UE Introduction to Machine learning in Earth Sciences
- UE Scientific computing
- UE Marine Geophysics
- UE Induced seismicity
- UE Frontiers in seismic imaging (Noise + FWI)
- UE Quantitative seismology
- UE Computing and data analysis Project
- UE Advanced signal Processing
- UE Near surface geophysics
- UE Active Faults
- UE Doctoral School - InternalEarth@les Houches
- UE Advanced Machine Learning in Earth Sciences
- UE Numerical Modelling
- UE short Internship
- UE long Internship
- UE Novel analysis methods in geochemistry & mineralogy
- UE Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
- UE Introductory Field Course - Professional project
- UE Géochimie des contaminants : I) interactions métaux/minéraux/matière organique dans les réservoirs terrestres
- UE Petrology field course
- UE Geomechanics
- UE Geophysical Prospecting
- UE Géochimie des contaminants II) modélisation Phreeqc
- UE Lithosphere dynamics (2024-2025)
- UE Croissance économique et limites planétaires: climat, biodiversité
- UE Petrology
- UE Basin analysis
- UE Mineral resources
- UE Exploration geophysics
- UE Subsurface modelling
- UE Multidisciplinary field course
- UE Sedimentology field course
- UE Stratégie argumentative
- UE Marine Geophysics
- UE Remote sensing and GIS project
- UE Mineral Resources and Sustainable Development
- UE Field trip : Exploration and Mining Geology
- UE GéoReservoirs: caractérisation, évaluation, valorisation
- UE Drilling and borehole geophysics
- UE Tectonics-Metamorphism field course
- UE Near surface geophysics
- UE Environmental-politics
- UE Active Faults
- UE short Internship
- UE long Internship
- UE Air, soil, water : introduction to environmental pollutants modelling
- UE Climatic and Environmental variability
- UE Géochimie des contaminants : I) interactions métaux/minéraux/matière organique dans les réservoirs terrestres
- UE Hydrology and hydraulics
- UE Geophysical Prospecting
- UE Géochimie des contaminants II) modélisation Phreeqc
- UE Fluid mechanics
- UE Introductory Field Course - Professional project
- UE Hydrogeology
- UE Professional and Scientific Communication 1
- UE Lautaret Field Course: Snow-Atmosphere interface
- UE Hydrology and Hydrometeorology Field Course
- UE Instrumentation and metrology
- UE Atmospheric pollution: Principles and Experimental Methods
- UE Remote sensing and GIS project
- UE Environment records
- UE Organic pollutions and remediation
- UE Projets en Géochimie/Hydrologie et Qualité de l'Eau
- UE Transfer in Porous Media
- UE Continental Systems Hydrology
- UE Transferts dans les eaux de surface
- UE Water quality and treatment
- UE Environmental-politics
- UE Emerging pollutions
- UE Hydrogeophysics for Hydrodynamic modeling
- UE Hydrogeophysics
- UE Hydrologie et climat
- UE short Internship
- UE long Internship
- UE Signal processing
- UE Introductory Field Course - Professional project
- UE Programmation et environnements informatiques
- UE Geophysical observation of the Earth
- UE Tectonics and surface processes (2023-2024)
- UE Geomechanics
- UE Geophysical Prospecting
- UE Professional and Scientific Communication 1
- UE Gestion des risques : approches réglementaires et alternatives
- UE Waves Physics
- UE Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
- UE Introduction to Seismic Risk
- UE Volcanic dynamics and hazards
- UE Advanced volcanic dynamics and hazards
- UE Mouvements de terrain, avalanches, ouvrages de protection
- UE Exploration geophysics
- UE Remote sensing and GIS project
- UE Data sciences & Inverse problems
- UE Instrumentation for geophysics
- UE Introduction to Machine learning in Earth Sciences
- UE Scientific computing
- UE Induced seismicity
- UE Advanced gravitational risk
- UE Engineering seismology
- UE Project in engineering seismology [seismic vulnerability, site characterization, ground motion simulation]
- UE Project in gravitational risk [multi-method approach]
- UE Active Faults
- UE Risk management: regulatory and alternative approaches
- UE Near surface geophysics
- UE Quantitative seismology
- UE Advanced Machine Learning in Earth Sciences
- UE Computing and data analysis Project
- UE Numerical Modelling
- UE short Internship
- UE long Internship
- UE Hydrology and hydraulics
- UE Fluid mechanics
- UE Air, soil, water : introduction to environmental pollutants modelling
- UE Climatic and Environmental variability
- UE General Physical Meteorology
- UE Professional and Scientific Communication 1
- UE Croissance économique et limites planétaires: climat, biodiversité
- UE Programmation et environnements informatiques
- UE Atmospheric pollution: Principles and Experimental Methods
- UE Lautaret field workshop: snow & atmosphere interface
- UE Instrumentation and metrology
- UE Hydrology and Hydrometeorology Field Course
- UE Remote sensing and GIS project
- UE Climate records
- UE Introduction to Machine learning in Earth Sciences
- UE Environmental flows
- UE Climate change
- UE Cryosphere
- UE Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
- UE Models for atmospheric chemistry and physics
- UE Radiative transfer and remote sensing
- UE Advanced Machine Learning in Earth Sciences
- UE Atmospheric boundary layer : from fundamentals to air quality 1
- UE Atmospheric boundary layer : from fundamentals to air quality 2
- UE Computing and data analysis Project
- UE Data assimilation in geosciences
- UE Geostatistics
- UE Continental Systems Hydrology
- UE Hydrologie et climat
- UE Numerical Modelling
- UE Ocean dynamics
- UE Wave dynamics
- UE short Internship
- UE long Internship
- UE Signals and systems
- UE High frequency electronics
- UE Linear dynamical system
- UE State space representation
- UE Scientific programming in Python
- UE Numerical methods
- UE Analog and digital transmission
- English
- French as a foreign language
- UE Linear optimal control
- UE Numerical analysis of circuits equations
- UE Analog electronics
- UE SISO Feedback control
- UE Initiation to research methodologies
- UE Embedded systems and internet of things (IOT)
- UE Electromagnetism
- UE Introduction to numerical field computation
- UE Communication systems
- UE Introduction to RF electronic design
- UE Internship
- Design of electrical energy systems (CSEE) 1st and 2nd year
- Microelectronics integration of real-time embedded systems (MISTRE) 1st and 2nd year
- Sciences in electrical engineering for smart grids and buildings (SGB) 1st and 2nd year
- Master in Integration, Security and TRust in Embedded systems 2nd year / MISTRE Valence
- UE Power Systems Modeling and Analysis I
- UE Power Systems Modeling and Analysis II
- UE Optimization of Energy Systems
- UE Modeling and Methods for Electrical Circuits and Systems
- UE Optimization Methods for Components and Systems
- UE Theory and Computation of Electromagnetic Fields
- UE Advanced techniques for computational electromagnetics
- UE Research Project
- UE Humanities and engineering
- UE Internship Master CompSEE
- UE English or French as a foreign language
- UE Multi-objective control
- UE Modeling and system identification
- UE Adaptive control systems
- UE Embedded control and modeling labs
- UE Supervision and diagnosis
- UE Network applications
- UE Design project 1
- UE English
- UE French as a foreign language
- UE Nonlinear and predictive control
- UE Efficient methods in optimization
- UE Modeling and control of PDE
- French as a foreign language
- UE Project management and seminars
- UE Internship
- UE Systems Reliability and Maintenance
- UE reinforcement learning and optimal control
- UE Radiofrequency Communication Systems
- UE Radiofrequency Integrated Circuits
- UE Microwave Circuits
- UE Antennas and Electromagnetic Compatibility
- UE Integrated technologies & process of fabrication
- UE Research lab work (part I)
- UE Specialty courses
- UE Research internship
- UE Research lab work (part II)
- UE French as a foreign language
- UE English
- Science and management of biotechnologies 1st year
- Drug sciences and pharmaceutical engineering 1st year
- Health methods and technologies 1st year
- Health double curriculum 1st year
- Physiotherapy 1st year
- Science and management of biotechnologies : biopharmaceuticals 2nd year
- Science and management of biotechnologies : cell and gene therapy, tissue engineering 2nd year
- Science and management of biotechnologies : biomarkers - in vitro diagnosis 2nd year
- Industrial pharmacy, formulation, processes, production 2nd year
- Quality control, quality assurance, validation methods 2nd year
- Innovative methods for pharmacological development and individualization 2nd year
- Environment, health, toxicology and ecotoxicology research methods 2nd year
- Methods for the design and management of clinical research projects 2nd year
- Models, technological innovation, imaging 2nd year
- Medical physics and radiation protection of humans and the environment 2nd year
- Artificial intelligence for one health 2nd year
- Health engineering 2nd year
- BioHealth engineering 1st and 2nd year
- Genetics genomics and infertility 2nd year
- Preparation for agregation
- UE Algebra
- UE Holomorphic functions
- UE Probabilities
- UE Analysis
- UE Study and research work
- UE Effective algebra and cryptographie
- UE Compléments sur les EDP
- UE Differential geometry
- UE Markov process
- UE Galois theory
- UE English S8
- UE Opening UE (only if C1 level in English reached)
- UE Morse theory in geometry and topology
- UE Random models on lattices
- UE Analysis and probability on manifolds
- UE Topology of random hypersurfaces
- UE Probabilistic and geometric techniques in high dimension
- UE Research internship
- UE English
- UE Object-oriented and software design
- UE Signal and image processing
- UE Geometric modelling
- UE English
- UE Applied probability and statistics
- UE Systèmes dynamiques
- UE Instability and Turbulences
- UE Turbulence
- UE Project
- UE Internship
- UE Numerical optimisation
- UE GS_MSTIC_Scientific approach
- UE Algebra
- UE Holomorphic functions
- UE Probabilities
- UE Analysis
- UE Study and research work
- UE Effective algebra and cryptographie
- UE Compléments sur les EDP
- UE Differential geometry
- UE Markov process
- UE Galois theory
- UE English S8
- UE Opening UE (only if C1 level in English reached)
- UE Advanced models and methods in operations research
- UE Combinatorial optimization and graph theory
- UE Optimization under uncertainty
- UE Constraint Programming, applications in scheduling
- UE Graphs and discrete structures
- UE Advanced heuristic and approximation algorithms
- UE Advanced mathematical programming methods
- UE Academic and industrial challenges
- UE Transport Logistics and Operations Research
- UE Advanced parallel system
- UE Multi-agent systems
- UE Fundamentals of Data Processing and Distributed Knowledge
- UE Scientific Methodology, Regulatory and ethical data usage
- UE Large scale Data Management and Distributed Systems
- UE Cryptographic engineering, protocols and security models, data privacy, coding and applications
- UE From Basic Machine Learning models to Advanced Kernel Learning
- UE Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning
- UE Learning, Probabilities and Causality
- UE Statistical learning: from parametric to nonparametric models
- UE Mathematical optimization
- UE Safety Critical Systems: from design to verification
- UE Natural Language Processing & Information Retrieval
- UE Information Security
- UE Human Computer Interaction
- UE Next Generation Software Development
- UE Practicum
- UE GS_MSTIC_Research ethics
- UE Object-oriented and software design
- UE Signal and image processing
- UE Geometric modelling
- UE English
- UE Applied probability and statistics
- UE Systèmes dynamiques
- UE Instability and Turbulences
- UE Turbulence
- UE Project
- UE Internship
- UE Numerical optimisation
- UE GS_MSTIC_Scientific approach
- UE Algebra
- UE Holomorphic functions
- UE Probabilities
- UE Analysis
- UE Study and research work
- UE Effective algebra and cryptographie
- UE Compléments sur les EDP
- UE Differential geometry
- UE Markov process
- UE Galois theory
- UE English S8
- UE Opening UE (only if C1 level in English reached)
- UE Software security, secure programming and computer forensics
- UE Security architecture
- UE Cryptographic engineering, protocols and security models, data privacy, coding and applications
- UE Threat and risk analysis, IT security audit and norms
- UE Physical Security : Embedded, Smart Card, Quantum & Biometrics
- UE Advanced cryptology
- UE Advanced security
- UE Research practicum (in company or laboratory)
- UE GS_MSTIC_Research ethics
- Statistics and data sciences (SSD)
- UE Object-oriented and software design
- UE Signal and image processing
- UE Geometric modelling
- UE English
- UE Applied probability and statistics
- UE Systèmes dynamiques
- UE Instability and Turbulences
- UE Turbulence
- UE Project
- UE Internship
- UE Numerical optimisation
- UE Object-oriented and software design
- UE Applied probability and statistics
- UE GS_MSTIC_Scientific approach
- UE Differential Calculus, Wavelets and Applications
- UE An Introduction to Shape and Topology Optimization
- UE Efficient methods in optimization
- UE Computational biology
- UE Fluid Mechanics and Granular Materials
- UE GPU Computing
- UE Software development tools and methods
- UE Geophysical imaging
- UE Handling uncertainties in (large-scale) numerical models
- UE Modeling seminar and projects
- UE Quantum Information & Dynamics
- UE Optimal transport: theory, applications and related numerical methods
- UE Statistical learning: from parametric to nonparametric models
- UE Temporal, spatial and extreme event analysis
- UE Research projects
- UE Advanced Machine Learning: Applications to Vision, Audio and Text
- UE Data Science Seminars and Challenge
- UE From Basic Machine Learning models to Advanced Kernel Learning
- UE Learning, Probabilities and Causality
- UE Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning
- UE Natural Language Processing & Information Retrieval
- UE GS_MSTIC_Research ethics
- UE Refresh courses
- UE Numerical Mechanics
- UE Solid mechanics
- UE Fluid mechanics
- UE Experimental techniques and methods 1
- UE Numerical methods in solid and fluid mechanics 1
- UE Image and signal processing
- UE English
- UE French as a foreign language
- UE Plastic analysis of structures
- UE Physics of granular media
- UE Convection in industrial and geophysical flows
- UE Instabilities and turbulence
- UE Basic geomechanics
- UE Introduction of geophysical fluids dynamics
- UE Mechanics of material
- UE Multiphysical couplings (THCM)
- UE Environmental flows
- UE Wave in fluids
- GS_GREEN_UE Climate and Energy for a Sustainable Transition
- UE Research project 1
- GS_Soft-Nano_UE-Research Methodologies
- UE Experimental techniques and methods 2
- UE Numerical methods in solid and fluid mechanics 2
- UE French as a foreign language - Semester 8
- GS_GREEN_UE_Energy Systems for the Transition
- UE Research Internship M1 AM
- GS_Soft-Nano_UE_Internship
- UE Research project 2
- Mechanical engineering 1st and 2nd year
- Simulation and instrumentation in mechanics 1st and 2nd year
- UE Turbulence, diffusion and transport
- UE Scientific computing
- UE English
- UE Transversal teaching of choice
- UE French as a foreign language - Semester 9
- UE Signal and information processing in fluid mechanics
- UE Atmospheric boundary layer : from fundamentals to air quality 1
- UE Atmospheric boundary layer : from fundamentals to air quality 2
- UE Exchanges across air-water interface
- UE Renewable marine energy
- UE Ocean dynamics
- UE Wave dynamics
- UE Sediment transport
- UE Flow measurement science and technology
- UE Data assimilation
- UE Machine learning for environmental sciences
- UE in another program or specialisation
- UE Stage (Internship)
- Fluid mechanics and energetics 2nd year
- UE Physique theorique de la turbulence
- UE Ecoulements diphasiques turbulents
- UE Effet dynamo et rotation en turbulence
- UE Bilinguisme Anglais/Français compréhension
- UE Méthodes expérimentales avancées
- UE Méthodes numériques avancées
- UE Dynamique des plasmas astrophysiques
- UE Turbulence compressible
- UE Turbulence d’ondes
- UE Turbulence en couche limite atmosphérique
- UE Advanced Machine Learning in Earth Sciences
- UE Dynamique des fluides géophysiques
- UE Controle et turbulence de paroi
- UE GPU Computing
- UE Data assimilation in geosciences
- UE Advanced Simulation Tools for Mechanics and the Environment
- UE Transfert de chaleur
- UE Internship - 5 months
- UE Surfaces and interfaces
- UE Coordination and supramolecular chemistry
- UE From solution to solid
- UE Electrochemistry
- UE Optic and magnetic spectroscopies
- UE Occupational integration
- UE French as a foreign language
- UE Polymers 1
- UE Solid State Physics I
- UE Microscale mechanics and fluidics I : Mechanics
- UE Research Intensive Track I
- GS_Soft-Nano_UE_Research Methodologies
- 1 or 2 UEs up to 6 ECTS in another program
- UE Nanosciences I
- UE Nanosciences II
- UE Research Internship
- UE Molecular Photophysics
- UE Thin films
- UE Materials Science
- UE Surface functionalization and applications I
- UE Molecular electronics and magnetism
- UE Polymers 2 chemistry and physico-chemistry
- UE Physical measurements at nanoscale by local probes
- UE Physics of 2D materials: from elaboration to properties
- UE Ray-Matter Interaction
- UE Research Intensive Track II
- UE Graduate School Soft Nano internship
- UE Nano-safety
- UE Molecular nanomaterials
- UE Functional Nanoparticles
- UE Advanced Functional Nanomaterials
- UE Research training
- UE Polymers for flexible electronics
- UE Nanocomposites
- UE Surface Functionalisation
- UE Characterization of bio-molecular interactions at surfaces
- UE Nanomaterials and energy
- UE Micro-nano fabrication techniques
- UE Bio-molecular interactions : methods and applications
- UE From nanofabrication in research laboratories to VLSI
- UE Advanced characterization for Nanostructures
- UE Large Scale Facilities for Soft Matter
- UE Advanced semiconductor devices
- UE Nano-pores and membranes technologies
- UE Elaboration of nanostructures / physics of 2D materials
- UE International School in Soft Nanoscience (ESONN)
- UE Current trends in nanosciences
- 1 UE (6ETCS) OU 2 UE (2 UE de 3 ECTS) in an other program of the Nanosciences speciality or in another speciality
- UE Master Thesis
- UE Quantum Physics I
- UE Solid State Physics I
- UE Optics
- UE Semiconductor physics
- UE Magnetism and nanosciences
- UE Research Intensive Track I
- UE Statistical physics I: Theory
- UE Microscale mechanics and fluidics I : Mechanics
- UE Surfaces and interfaces
- UE Image and signal processing
- UE Electrochemistry
- 1 or 2 UEs up to 6 ECTS in another program
- UE Occupational integration
- UE French as a foreign language
- UE Nanosciences I
- UE Solid state physics II
- UE Modelling and numerical simulations
- UE Physical measurements at nanoscale by local probes
- UE Research Internship
- GS_Quantum_UE_Quantum Labworks
- UE Nanosciences II
- UE Research Intensive Track II
- GS_Quantum_UE_Many-body quantum mechanics
- UE Physics of 2D materials: from elaboration to properties
- UE Molecular electronics and magnetism
- UE Molecular Photophysics
- UE Ray-Matter Interaction
- UE Materials Science
- UE Thin films
- 1 UE of 3 ECTS in other program
- UE Microscale mechanics and fluidics I : Mechanics
- UE Microscale mechanics and fluidics II: Fluidics
- UE Statistical physics I: Theory
- UE Surfaces and interfaces
- UE Statistical physics II : Computational aspects and introduction to AI
- GS_Soft-Nano_UE_Research Methodologies
- UE Quantum Physics I
- UE Solid State Physics I
- UE Optics
- UE Physics of biological systems
- UE Optic and magnetic spectroscopies
- UE Polymers 1
- UE Electrochemistry
- UE Physics of granular media
- UE Image and signal processing
- UE Molecular biology
- UE Molecular biology TP
- UE Research Intensive Track I
- 1 or 2 UEs up to 6 ECTS in another program
- UE Occupational integration
- UE French as a foreign language
- UE Research Internship
- UE Nanosciences I
- UE Nanosciences II
- UE Ray-Matter Interaction
- UE Soft Matter I
- UE Soft Matter II : statistical physics aspects; polymers
- UE Physical measurements at nanoscale by local probes
- UE Graduate School Soft Nano internship
- UE Research Intensive Track II
- UE Modelling and numerical simulations
- UE Cell biology
- UE Modelling in systems biology
- UE Experimental Protocol Design (in biology)
- UE Physiology & Bioenergetics
- UE Polymers 2 chemistry and physico-chemistry
- UE Surface functionalization and applications I
- UE Micro-nano fabrication techniques
- UE Lab training
- UE Matériaux pour les nanostructures
- UE Physique et chimie de la micro-électronique
- UE Méthodes d'élaboration
- UE Nano-characterization 1
- UE Nano-charactérization 2
- UE Scientific softwares
- UE Master Thesis
- UE Professional integration
- UE English - master 2 - S10
- UE Elaboration of nanostructures / physics of 2D materials
- UE From nanofabrication in research laboratories to VLSI
- UE Nanophotonics & plasmonics
- UE Advanced semiconductor devices
- UE Thematic and interdisciplinary projects
- UE Advanced characterization for Nanostructures
- UE Nanomagnetism, spintronics
- UE Nanomaterials and energy
- GS_Quantum_UE_Quantum Optics
- GS_Quantum_UE_ Condensed Matter
- UE Introduction to Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- UE Active matter
- UE in another program
- UE Master Thesis
- Nanomedicine and structural biology 2nd year
- UE Surface Functionalisation
- UE Biosensors & high through-put analysis
- UE Bio-molecular interactions : methods and applications
- UE Micro-nano fabrication techniques
- UE Nano-safety
- UE Research training
- UE Fundamentals of structural biology
- UE Optics for bio systems
- UE Metabolic and cardiovascular physiology
- UE Introduction to Neurosciences
- UE Cell signaling and cancer biology
- UE Biomaterials and Biocompatible Surface Engineering
- UE Molecular markers for medical Imaging and therapy
- UE Nano-pores and membranes technologies
- UE Introduction to Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- UE Active matter
- UE Physics of biological systems
- UE International School in Soft Nanoscience (ESONN)
- UE in another program
- UE Microfluidics
- UE Master thesis
- UE Out-of-equilibrium Statistical physics
- UE Complex fluids
- UE Large Scale Facilities for Soft Matter
- UE Adhesion, friction, nanomechanics
- UE International School in Soft Nanoscience (ESONN)
- UE Introduction to Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- UE Discrete and continuous modelling
- UE Research training
- UE Micro-nano fabrication techniques
- UE Advanced characterization for Nanostructures
- UE Thematic school in soft condensed matter
- UE Nano-pores and membranes technologies
- UE Active matter
- UE Physics of biological systems
- UE Fundamentals of structural biology
- UE Nano-safety
- 1 UE (6ETCS) OU 2 UE (2 UE de 3 ECTS) in an other program of the Nanosciences speciality or in another speciality
- UE Master Thesis
- Basic research 1st year
- Innovation and research 1st year
- Astrophysics 2nd year
- Nuclear energy 2nd year
- Materials for energy 2nd year
- Medical physics and radiation protection of humans and the environment 2nd year
- Photonics and semiconductors 2nd year
- Subatomic physics and cosmology 2nd year
- UE Physique theorique de la turbulence
- UE Ecoulements diphasiques turbulents
- UE Effet dynamo et rotation en turbulence
- UE Bilinguisme Anglais/Français compréhension
- UE Méthodes expérimentales avancées
- UE Méthodes numériques avancées
- UE Dynamique des plasmas astrophysiques
- UE Turbulence compressible
- UE Turbulence d’ondes
- UE Turbulence en couche limite atmosphérique
- UE Advanced Machine Learning in Earth Sciences
- UE Dynamique des fluides géophysiques
- UE Controle et turbulence de paroi
- UE GPU Computing
- UE Data assimilation in geosciences
- UE Advanced Simulation Tools for Mechanics and the Environment
- UE Transfert de chaleur
- UE Internship - 5 months
- UE Introduction to Plant development and Signaling
- UE Evolutionary biology of plants
- UE Strategies in experimental biology
- UE Advanced scientific english/FLE/italian
- UE Communication tools
- UE Business plan of your start-up (entrepreneurship and science)
- UE Knowledge of Company
- UE Plant development part II
- UE Plant signal transduction part II
- UE Laboratory stage
- UE Plant Ecology
- UE Advanced plant cell biotechnology
- UE Plant metabolic engineering and nutrigenomics
- UE Development of crop ideotypes
- UE Molecular plant breeding and genetics
- UE Evo Devo and the green lineage
- UE Epigenetics and cell differentiation
- UE Chemistry and cellular biochemistry
- UE Molecular Genetics and Epigenetics controls
- UE Functional genomics (UNIMI)
- UE Molecular bioinformatics (UNIMI)
- UE Biostatistics, bioinformatics, modeling (part II)
- UE High throughput Biology
- UE Patenting and technology transfer (UNIMI)
- UE Environmental plant biochemistry and Physiology (UNIMI)
- UE Basic statistics and Experimental Design
- UE Molecular and Cellular Imaging (UNIMI)
- UE Laboratory Methods for Biodiversity (UNIMI)
- UE Intership I
- UE Internship II
- Urban planning and urban project
- Development and planning engineering for territories in transition
- Architecture, urban planning, political studies
- Project management of the building 2nd year
- Home
- Sitemap