Target level
Baccalaureate +5
120 credits
2 years
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
Language(s) of instruction
To view the presentation of the Hydroressources et Qualité des Milieux 1st and 2nd year program in French click on the following link : Parcours Hydroressources et Qualité des Milieux 1re et 2e années
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Master 1st year
UE Air, soil, water : introduction to environmental pollutants modelling
6 creditsUE Climatic and Environmental variability
6 creditsUE Géochimie des contaminants : I) interactions métaux/minéraux/matière organique dans les réservoirs terrestres
6 creditsUE Hydrology and hydraulics
6 creditsChoice: 1 among 4
UE Hydrogeology
6 creditsUE Professional and Scientific Communication 1
3 creditsChoice: 4 to 5 among 6
Master 2nd year
UE Organic pollutions and remediation
6 creditsUE Projets en Géochimie/Hydrologie et Qualité de l'Eau
6 creditsUE Transfer in Porous Media
6 creditsUE Continental Systems Hydrology
3 creditsUE Transferts dans les eaux de surface
3 creditsChoice: 1 to 2 among 6
UE Water quality and treatment
6 creditsUE Environmental-politics
3 creditsUE Emerging pollutions
3 creditsUE Hydrogeophysics for Hydrodynamic modeling
3 creditsUE Hydrogeophysics
3 creditsUE Hydrologie et climat
3 credits
UE short Internship
6 creditsUE long Internship
24 credits
UE Air, soil, water : introduction to environmental pollutants modelling
6 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
Every year, mankind emits into the environment large quantities of chemical compounds, notably organic ones, some of which may have an environmental impact far from where or when they were emitted.
The primary objective of this course is to learn how to analyse environmental problems, to estimate the most important phenomena and to provide first-order approximate answers to these problems. By the end of the course, you should:
- Be able to define a simple model to evaluate the fate of chemical compounds in the environment: box models
- Be able to solve this type of model, if necessary numerically with a common tool (python)
- Understand how / where to find data to configure these models
- Know some methods for evaluating the uncertainties of your numerical model
- Develop some environmental common sense
## Teaching language
- all courses documents are available in both english and french
- most activities are group-based, and groups work either in english or french depending on people present - there is always at leas a french group and at least an english group
UE Climatic and Environmental variability
6 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
What are the scientific issues associated with climate and environmental variability?
How does this variability play out on global, regional and local scales?
With which statistical tools can we describe it?
This course aims, through practical work on a machine, to address these questions.
The objective is to acquire :
a culture of climate and environmental sciences
a knowledge of statistical tools to describe climate and environmental variability
skills in several numerical data treatment languages (R and Python) in an ergonomic programming environment (Jupyter
Language: French and English
UE Géochimie des contaminants : I) interactions métaux/minéraux/matière organique dans les réservoirs terrestres
6 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
This course deals with the fundamental processes that control the behavior of metallic pollutants (e.g. Zn, Pb, As, Ag, Cr, U, Fe, Mn...) and nutrients (Nitrate, phosphate...) in soils, groundwater, mine waters, lakes, and wastewaters. In the first part, the fundamental processes conditioning the mobility/reactivity of these pollutants, and their solubility and toxicity are discussed, i.e. bacterial respiration and the redox chain, the parameters conditioning their retention (specific surface, density/nature/structure/strength of the reactive sites, pH) and their modes of interaction with solids (complexation/ionic exchange/hydrophobicity) are treated, and exemplified.
The second part of the module is dedicated to the illustration of the taught subject, i.e. dedicated to the visit of two respectively sulphide and carbanate-based mining sites and the associated societal, environmental and technical management problems and outcomes. This visit is followed by three days of practical work in the laboratory with the study in small groups of the metal content of the sampled soils, the composition and the BOD of wastewater and the complexing reactivity of reactive soil organic matter. A reading and oral presentation of related scientific publications is included.
Language: Course in English, overheads in French, the 'mines' sites visit ans sampling is in French. A 50-page course summary written in English and French is distributed at the beginning of the course.
UE Hydrology and hydraulics
6 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
This course covers an area and knowledge that will be useful for both vocational and research programmes.
1. Physical hydrology, slope processes (Cédric Legoût)
2. Hydrology for engineers (Théo Vischel)
Provide the hydrological concepts for addressing issues of predetermination of floods:
- analysis of the rainfall-runoff relationship;
- application of flood predetermination methods.
3. Open-channel hydraulics and river hydraulics (Philippe Belleudy)
Which elements of your fluid mechanics courses might be useful for the study and practice of river hydraulics problems?
- head loss and backwater curve;
- gradually varied flows;
- shocks and transitions of the water regime;
- gravity, inertia and friction: non-permanent open-channel flows;
- application: facilities to combat flood risk;
- solid transport and river morphology; several impact studies.
4. Closed-conduit hydraulics (Jean-Pierre Vandervaere)
UE Geophysical Prospecting
3 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
This course is an introduction to the use of basic geophysical prospecting methods (seismic refraction, electrical sounding, EM mapping). An effort is made towards the processing and acquisition of data in the field and especially their interpretation in geological and hydrological terms in simple environments.
UE Géochimie des contaminants II) modélisation Phreeqc
3 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
This optional module is intended for students wishing to deepen their knowledge of the behavior of metals in natural soils and waters and in mining environments. It is based on the PHREEQC geochemical modeling software which is a reference in the scientific world and is freely available. The first sessions are dedicated to the step-by-step learning of the software in the classroom and in tutored sessions, the following sessions are dedicated to the modeling of equilibrium speciation processes in soils and groundwater (hydrolysis, Eh-pH diagrams, complexation and toxicity, 1D reactive transfer of pollutions in soils, redox processes) and mining processes (acid mine drainage, genesis of a mining reservoir, solubility f(T, p)). The last two sessions are dedicated to projects elaborated by the students in pairs.
Language: English, bilingual notices.
UE Fluid mechanics
3 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
This course provides basics in fluid mechanics. This includes hydrostatic, fluid kinematics and Euler equation for ideal fluid. Bernoulli formula are then derived and examples of application are presented. The case of non-ideal fluid and Navier-Stokes formula are afterwards established. The NS equation is solved for classical simple cases (e.g. Couette flow). Turbulence is shortly introduced during a 3h practical course held at the Coriolys experiment.
This course comprises 21h of CM/TD, and a 3h practical course.
The final exam is a 2h examination. The "controle continu" is a written homework.
UE Introductory Field Course - Professional project
3 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
This module provides an introduction to the course. It helps place the issues covered by the Earth and Environmental Sciences in context, and guide the students with their training and professional projects. This module consists of:
(1) a 3-day field workshop for the entire class, which will serve to illustrate the major themes and issues of EES with the help of the exceptional sites found around Grenoble;
(2) an interview, and the drafting of an educational and professional project by each student;
(3) seminars for the entire class on the major current issues of EES (mineral and energy resources, telluric risks, climate change, water resources).
UE Hydrogeology
6 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
This module deals with flow in saturated porous media. The first part teaches the natural flow of water (development of piezometric maps, determination of streamlines, discrimination of flow systems, variation of reserves, calculation of mass balances, Darcy, etc.). The second part deals with the anthropic disturbance of the natural flow (hydrodynamics of wells and consequences on the aquifer and its functioning, e.g. pumping tests; development of analytical solutions with a dedicated Python-based software). The third part deals with mass transfer in solution (fate of contaminants and anthropogenic tracers in the aquifer). Practical lessons on real cases are provided (implementation of pollution control systems, water production, prediction of the fate of pollutants (sorption, degradation).
Language : français // Language : french
UE Professional and Scientific Communication 1
3 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
Préparer l’étudiant aux métiers visés par la formation, autant les métiers de chercheur que ceux de chargés d’étude dans le privé. Formulation d’un CV, entraînement aux entretiens d’embauche, la structuration d’une publication scientifique et d'un rapport d'études, la connaissance des outils de recherche et de mise en forme d’une publication, un enseignement sur le fonctionnement des bureaux d’étude et de la législation en vigueur font partie de cette préparation. Nous insistons sur le fait que les futurs thésards ou ceux qui entrent directement dans le monde du travail doivent connaître les deux mondes.
UE Lautaret Field Course: Snow-Atmosphere interface
6 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
The snowpack is an essential and unique component of the Earth's climate system. It forms an interface between the atmosphere and the ground, a place of intense exchanges of mass (water/ice), energy (radiative, turbulent), and chemical species (nitrogen, ...). It thus plays an important role in mountain hydrology (water resources, etc.), in ecology, in the thermal regime of the soil (permafrost), etc.
The course "Snow and atmosphere at Le Lautaret" aims at observing the alpine snow cover and the atmosphere from several angles: mass and energy balance of the surface, nivology, thermics, chemistry. The objective is to acquire new knowledge on snow and associated problems as well as technical and experimental skills.
This internship emphasizes autonomy and practical application with the use of instruments used in research and data processing in order to achieve elaborate scientific results. You will be in groups of 3, and will conduct a large number of observations during the internship, then process them to finally present the whole in the form of posters, which constitutes the final exam.
The course takes place every year at the end of February or the beginning of March at the Col du Lautaret (2100 m.a.s.l) over 6 days, during which you will address
- snowpack thickness mapping (GPS, GPR, 2 x 0.5 days)
- snowpack study: snow wells, stratigraphy, metamorphism (2 x 0.5 days)
- thermal regime (0.5 day).
- albedo of the anieg and energy balance (0.5 day).
- atmospheric ozone (0.5 day).
- snow optics (0.5 day).
- data processing and interpretation (0.5 day)
This course is also open to international students/professionals (Master, PhD), depending on available places, and is a good opportunity to open up in a beautiful and friendly environment.
Recommended prerequisites :
Basic knowledge of environmental physics
Language(s) : French
UE Hydrology and Hydrometeorology Field Course
6 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
This hydrology trainee course occurs on the ‘Gazel’ and ‘Claduègne’ watershed sites in the French Ardèche department. To note that the landscapes are appreciated not only from hydrologists but also from tourists of the entire planet. The investigated watersheds are monitored since 2011 by the ‘Observatoire Hydrométéorologique Méditerranéen Cévennes-Vivarais’ ( for a better understanding of the processes leading to the flash floods, and associated improvement of their prediction. Teaching occurs on site in small group (5-6 students) workshops and combines both theoretical and practical training and on-site hypothesis testing. Teaching focuses on an integrated understanding approach, that means the transmission of watershed-relevant hydrological, meteorological, pedological, geophysical, geochemical, ecological and geomorphological knowledge. Courses are performed by the staff of observatory researchers and professors ( in their respective domain of their specialized knowledge, the Environmental Geosciences Institute ( is specifically involved.
Lange d’enseignement / Teaching language: french, with english support, see the ‘Hydroressource’ main page.
UE Instrumentation and metrology
6 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
In geoscience, it is important to know how to appreciate the precision and the accuracy of a physical measurement, to correctly interpret and compare it with other measurements. This module begins with a short introduction to the theory of measurement (metrology) (course 6h) which will be put into practice (TP 9h) by the statistical analysis of datasets of measurements that you will acquire yourself in the TP.
In a second part, the module deals with instrumentation, firstly in a general way (the principles and the problems specific to geosciences, 6h) illustrated by a TP where you will assemble a simple instrument (temperature logger) from the electronic components .
All this will then be put into practice in a concrete and real case of measures (24h total). You will perform precise positioning measurements on a landslide in Trièves, by GPS and by tacheometry (field trip of one day). When analyzing the data obtained, we will benefit from the redundancy of the measurements and the independence of the two techniques to quantify the distances between several measurement points with their uncertainties. The results in terms of distances will be compared with measurements from previous years to assess if the landslide is active, and if so, how and how fast it is moving. This module allows you to acquire the basics of GPS operation and tachometry (course 6h), to obtain a field measurement experience (one day), and to test several freely available software as well as webservices to analyze GPS data (TD 12h).
UE Atmospheric pollution: Principles and Experimental Methods
6 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
The aim of this module is to explain the chemical reactor that is the atmosphere, in order to describe the main types of pollution affecting it.
The first part of the course consists of reminders of the structure of the atmosphere and its composition, insisting on the diversity of this composition. The concepts of wells, sources and lifespan are also reviewed and illustrated by atmospheric examples where the lifespans are related to the transport times that can be observed in the different layers of the atmosphere. The importance of temperature inversion situations in the establishment of pollution episodes is illustrated with examples of pollution concerning, in particular, the Grenoble basin.
Subsequently, the means for quantifying the processes (deposits, chemical or photochemical reactions) responsible for elimination or formation of the main air pollutants are described: units, chemical and photochemical kinetics applied to the atmosphere, calculation of concentrations, etc.
Lastly, the different types of pollution to which the atmosphere may be subjected are addressed:
- The different types of air pollution episodes
- Regulatory concepts: ASQAA, information and alert thresholds, public regulatory measures, etc.
- Particulate pollution and public health aspects
- Acid rain and London smog
- Urban ozone pollution (photochemical smog)
- Ozone layer and ozone hole: an example of global pollution
The last course session prepares students for the 4-day mini-internship that takes place in the month of March. The objective of these four days is for the students, working in pairs or groups of three, to conduct measurements of some of the most representative pollutants in urban areas: ozone, nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds. Besides the measurements that may be carried out, our objective through this mini-internship is to raise awareness of the particularities and difficulties that can be posed by environmental measurements in general, and atmospheric measurements in particular. The procedure for carrying out the atmospheric sampling and analysis is explained to the students, who will then be free to define for themselves the questions they wish to answer with the measurements they take (many different ways of measuring a given pollutant).
UE Remote sensing and GIS project
6 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
This course offers a broad and practical introduction to Earth Observation from space and to Geographic Information System (GIS). The course works on a basis of 3h lecture associated to 3h of practical work using the free software QGIS. Course are usually given in French. In addition, a project using QGIS has to be by small groups of students, including 9h (3x3h) with teacher support in computer room.
The structure of the courses is:
first part is common to all the student (from January to February winter break)
+ Introduction to GIS: 3h course + 3h practical
+ Basics of Remote Sensing (1): 3h course + 3h practical
+ Basics of Remote Sensing (2): 3h course + 3h practical
+ Classification methods: 3h course + 3h practical
The second part of the course depends of the program followed by the students :
for Geophysics, Geodynamics, Georesources and Georisks programs:
+ Remote-Sensing and GIS applied to geology: 3h course
+ Remote-Sensing and GIS applied to geophysics: 3h course
+ Remote-Sensing and GIS applied to continental surfaces: 3h course
+ Remote-Sensing and GIS applied to planetology: 3h course + 3h practical
for Hydro-resources and Atmosphere-Climate-Continental Landmass programs:
+ Remote-Sensing and GIS applied to continental surfaces: 3h course
+ Remote-Sensing and GIS applied to Digital Elevation Surface: 3h course + 3h practical
+ Remote-Sensing and GIS applied to atmosphere: 3h course
+ Remote-Sensing and GIS applied to Ocean: 3h course
Evaluation will be based on a written exam at mid-term, a written report about the project, and a final written exam covering all the lectures and practicals.
UE Environment records
3 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
The objective of "Environmental Records" is to understand the principles and implementation of classical methods of sedimentology, isotope chemistry, mineralogy and biology (DNA, pollen, chironomids, diatoms) applied to the study of various paleoenvironnemental records (sediment, peat, loess,..) to reconstruct Holocene landscape, plant and human migration, climate change.
The aim is to reconstruct the quality of water, the biology of the catchment area, landscapes, water and air pollution, the direction of marine currents and winds throughout the Holocene and thus to reconstruct the advent of the Anthropocene since the Bronze Age
The module is based on a series of applied lectures/examples and includes a personal project on a topic chosen from a wide range of themes, or on another topic defined with the student and the supervisors, with a written report and an oral presentation.
Recommended prerequisites: Basic geochemistry, and notions of geology and sedimentology
Language of teaching: In French, with slides in English
UE Organic pollutions and remediation
6 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
This course combines diagnosis and risk analysis of polluted sites, behavior of organic pollutants, mainly hydrocarbons, remediation and legislation with a visit to a site polluted with organochlorines and hydrocarbons. The lessons are delivered by university teachers and professionals of the depollution sector.
Two sessions are dedicated to the reminders of the metallic pollutions delivered the previous year in the module "Geochemistry of contaminants: I) interactions...". A 50 pages Fr/An written document summarizing this course is available. Language : French, documents in French and English.
UE Projets en Géochimie/Hydrologie et Qualité de l'Eau
6 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
This module deals with the quality and properties of drinking water and wastewater in the form of tutored projects and several site visits, and teaches specific treatment, characterization and implementation techniques (stable isotopes, pumping tests, infiltration tests, geochemical and hydrogeological monitoring of the campus water table, non collective sanitation).
Language : French
UE Transfer in Porous Media
6 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
This course deals with the simulation of (a) groundwater flows, (b) contamination plumes and (c) heat fluxes, in saturated and unsaturated porous media, using numerical models (Feflow and Hydrus). The associated keywords are direct and inverse modelling, groundwater, contamination, geothermal energy. The practical and research implications are the modelling of infiltration, groundwater recharge, flow fields and contaminant fate, the design of remediation systems, heat pumps (low and high energy, i.e. subsurface and deep) and water production systems.
* M1 STE-UGA (or equivalent) hydrological or hydrogeological courses.
* M1 STE-UGA (or equivalent) hydrological or hydrogeological courses.
The course is taught in French. Supplements in English are provided if necessary for non-French speaking students.
UE Continental Systems Hydrology
3 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
L'objectif de cette UE est de présenter l'ensemble des connaissances nécessaires à la compréhension du cycle continental de l'eau. Les variables, leurs liens entre elles et les méthodes de mesure sont présentées. Les équations de transfert et d'infiltration verticale sont présentées ensuite ainsi que quelques cas d'étude particuliers. Une séance TP porte sur un sujet à approfondir au choix parmi deux.
UE Transferts dans les eaux de surface
3 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
This course deals with the transfer in surface waters of both dissolved and particulate matter. It deals with soil erosion by water on hillslopes, solid transport of fine and coarse elements in rivers, reactive transfer of contaminants and pathogens in surface soil horizons. Both the processes and the management strategies to limit the impacts are addressed.
Recommended prerequisites : M1 STE-UGA hydrological or hydrogeological courses
Language :The course is taught in French. Supplements in English are provided if necessary for non-French speaking students.
UE Water quality and treatment
6 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
(i) Understand and model the main processes managing and impacting water quality (mainly surface water in this module) (ii) Development strategies in terms of development and depollution to limit its impacts (wastewater/rainwater treatment) (iii) Ensure the production of water suitable for different uses (domestic, industrial, etc.). An integrated approach to the phenomena is favoured, from upstream of the catchment area to downstream and the receiving environment. This module thus comprises 3 parts: (i) Water quality (ii) Water treatment bioprocesses (iii) Physico-chemical water treatment processes.
In terms of pedagogy, the tutorials include applications concerning the biogeochemical modeling of watercourses as well as the dimensioning of unitary water treatment processes. In addition, a mini project makes it possible to synthesize and relate the themes provided in this module in a more integrated way. These tutorials and this project correspond to one third of the module (counting 20 hours of personal work in addition to face-to-face sessions. The module is in ENGLISH. Beware, the number of place is limited (4 students/year) this module being shared with the ENS3/HOE option. The module is self-consistant.
Language : English
UE Environmental-politics
3 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
The Environmental Problem Solving training unit helps develop the knowledge, methods and competencies needed to advance sustainability and the ecological transition as unprecedented change is happening at the global, regional and local levels. Students are trained to use qualitative, quantitative and scenario methods in a systems-theory approach. “What can change?” “How can change happen?” “Who can change?” are the pivotal questions of the course. Two of the six key sectors of the ecological transition (Transport and Industry) are explored from a theoretical and practical perspective, including investigation of a set of case studies and a roll-play at the end of each sequence. Specific attention is given to biophysical and subsurface resources. This course works hand in hand with the project-based course “Initiatives” and the various interventions of our colleagues from the geology department.
Course objectives and competencies developed:
- Understand the complexity and interconnectedness of major environmental issues: systems competence
- Demonstrate understanding of selected environmental problems from a transdisciplinary perspective: transdisciplinary competence
- Learn to use the methods and processes of environmental problem solving: critical, strategic and normative competence
Learn to use qualitative and quantitative data-collection methods: integrative data collection and analysis
- Develop strong oral and written communication skills and abilities: interpersonal and communication competence
UE Emerging pollutions
3 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
Introduction to concepts involved in risk assessment and how they are applied to formulating human, aquatic or terrestrial environments emerging contaminants risk assessments. Modern methods and models describing environmental risk assessment strategies will be emphasized. Topics will include: Sources and exposure pathways, Transformation and transport processes, Megacities as tomorrow ecosystems, energy exploration and fracking, Military and conflicts areas, nanomaterials and microplastics as emerging contaminants. Tools to be acquired and used include: soil and water quality data evaluation, dynamic box models (for lake, building, city), risk assessment and risk management, human health risk assessment, Life Cycle Analysis. Case studies across all environmental compartments (e.g. surface water, groundwater, soil, air, biological tissue, etc.) will be drawn on specific emerging contaminants by students, who will formulate a risk assessment as part of a team.
Langue d’enseignement / Teaching language: french, with english support, see the ‘Hydroressource’ main page.
UE Hydrogeophysics for Hydrodynamic modeling
3 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
This module aims to expand knowledge of students acquired in the fields of hydrogeophysics and hydrodynamic modeling. Teaching is focalized on a better understanding of geophysical data and their use as input variables for hydrodynamic modeling. Practicing with the numerical modeling software will be focused on the demonstration of the benefits brought by the use of these data as, for example, a decrease of the uncertainties in the modeling. The teaching is based on software packages with a free access that will facilitate to students the use of this approach at the beginning of the professional activities. The follow-up of both courses hydrogeophysics and Transfer in porous media and the use of a laptop for each student will be required.
Prerequisites: Having followed the hydrodynamic modeling and hydrogeophysics courses. The use of a laptop PC for each student will be required..
Language: French or English (but not both)
UE Hydrogeophysics
3 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
This course will focus on the main geophysical methods used for environmental and hydrological problems. In particular, a detailed presentation on electrical tomography, electromagnetic methods, geological radar and proton magnetic resonance will be provided. These methods will then be used to acquire data in an environmental context (one day of fieldwork) and then processed and interpreted together.
UE Hydrologie et climat
3 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
The water cycle is tightly coupled to climate change (and more generally to global changes) at all time and space scales. After a brief introduction on the observed continental hydrological cycle changes at the global level; and on the associated methods (detection, attribution, projection); the course will focus on these changes (and their impacts and possible adaptation strategies) at finer scales in different regions of the world. This second part will be done mainly in the form of TD/TPs.
Recommended prerequisites: Some background in climate/meteorology/hydrology. Practical experience in programming and/or numerical/statistical analysis of environmental data series (e.g. Climatic and Environmental variability EU)
Language: French
UE short Internship
6 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
This internship must be carried out for at least 6 weeks. It aims to discover the professional environment, business or research laboratory, whose themes are linked to the objectives of each course.
UE long Internship
24 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
This internship has a minimum duration of 4 months and constitutes the finalization of each student's master's project. It can serve as a gateway to the professional world or preparatory to a doctorate. It must be closely linked to the chosen master's course.
Access conditions
- The 1st year is open to students who have obtained a national diploma equivalent to a bachelor degree (licence) in a field compatible with that of the master, or via a validation of their studies or experience
- Entry to the 2nd year may be selective. It is open to candidates who have completed the first year of a master in the field, subject to a review of their application
Public continuing education :You are in charge of continuing education :
- if you resume your studies after 2 years of interruption of studies
- or if you followed training under the continuous training regime one of the previous 2 years
- or if you are an employee, job seeker, self-employed.If you do not have the diploma required to integrate the training, you can undertake a validation of personal and professional achievements (VAPP)
Candidature / Application
You want to apply and sign up for a Master? Please be aware that the procedure differs depending on the diploma you want to take, the diploma you have already obtained and, for foreign students, your place of residence .Let us be your guide – simply follow this link (English version) or this link (French version)
Tuition fees 2023-2024: 243 € + 100E CVEC