Target level
Centre Universitaire d'Etudes Françaises
Language(s) of instruction
This training is intended for teachers wishing to update their knowledge and renew their practices or students wishing to acquire a first professional qualification for teaching French as a foreign and second language.
Specifics of the program
Students obtain a university diploma "Higher Diploma in Teaching French as a Foreign Language" if they pass the exam as well as a transcript.
Modalities : Anyone interested in this degree course applies by sending their CV accompanied by a cover letter. International students must have the baccalaureate or an equivalent qualification in their country of origin. They will also attach to their application any document attesting to their language level and if possible, a letter of recommendation
Methodology and pedagogy of FLE
Evaluation and certifications
French phonetics and the pedagogy of phonetic correction
Multimedia and teaching of French as a foreign language (FLE)
Introduction to french linguistics
Teaching literary texts
Written and spoken expression techniques
French vocabulary and language
Grammar teaching
Educational mentoring
Dramatic play and the french language
French literature from the 20th century
French culture
And after
Further studies
Success in the DSA provides the equivalent of the additional bachelor’s degree FLE university diploma and can, depending on the results obtained, grant access to the UGA Masters in FLE Teaching (subject to validation of level C1).
Passerelle to the UGA FFL Didactics Master (subject to C1 level validation)
Additional information
At the end of the training, a detailed certificate is given to each participant