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  • Target level

    Baccalaureate +5

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Component

    Grenoble INP, Institut d'ingénierie et de management - UGA, UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)

  • Language(s) of instruction

    English, French


The University of Grenoble benefits from an exceptional scientific environment, with a high concentration of laboratories of excellence and industries. Its educational teams, made up of specialised academics and qualified professionals, are among the best in Europe. The establishments (UGA and G-INP) are bolstered by first-rate teaching platforms (GreenER, CIME, Minatec, etc.), enabling students to benefit from leading-edge, professional equipment. 

The master in EEA (electronics, electrical energy, automation and signal processing) is an example, offering a comprehensive training course, adapted to the growing need for specialised skills resulting from the constant transformation of energy and information systems. There are therefore numerous career opportunities, with management positions in industry or research & development in both the public and private sectors.

The course is jointly accredited by the Université́ Grenoble Alpes and Grenoble INP. The first year prepares students for further studies through a foundation program with two majors (Electrical energy systems and Electronic systems). In the second year of the master, students specialise and choose from among five programs :

  • 3MEE (Multiscale and multiphysics modelling for electrical engineering)
  • CSEE (Design of electrical energy systems)
  • MISCIT (Master in systems, control and information technologies)
  • MISTRE (Microelectronics integration of real-time embedded systems)
  • WICS (Wireless integrated circuits and systems)

The 3MEE, MISCIT and WICS programs target international students (courses are in English) and concentrate on preparing them for doctoral studies or for positions in industry. The CSEE and MISTRE programs are more vocational, with practical instruction and the option of work-linked training.

The specialisation also includes the two-year master of Science in electrical engineering, which is offered by G-INP.

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International education

Internationally-oriented programmes


Select a program

Electrical Engineering and Control Systems 1st year

The Electrical Engineering and Control Systems (EECS) program is intended for English-speaking students who want to obtain a solid training in the fields of Electronics, Electrical Energy and Automation and who wish to pursue a PhD thesis in one of the laboratories in Grenoble or elsewhere in the world.

The program consists of a common core in semesters 7 and 8 which correspond to the first year of the Masters degree. In semesters 9 and 10, students will choose to pursue their studies in one of the following areas:

  • Computational Sciences for Electrical Engineering (CompSEE)
  • Master in Systems, Control and Information Technologies (MISCIT)
  • Wireless Integrated Circuits and Systems (WICS)


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  • UE Signals and systems

    3 credits
  • UE High frequency electronics

    3 credits
  • UE Linear dynamical system

    3 credits
  • UE State space representation

    3 credits
  • UE Scientific programming in Python

    3 credits
  • UE Numerical methods

    3 credits
  • UE Analog and digital transmission

    3 credits
  • Choice: 1 among 2

    • English

      3 credits
    • French as a foreign language

      3 credits
  • Choice: 2 among 3

    • UE Linear optimal control

      3 credits
    • UE Numerical analysis of circuits equations

      3 credits
    • UE Analog electronics

      3 credits
  • UE SISO Feedback control

    3 credits
  • UE Initiation to research methodologies

    6 credits
  • UE Embedded systems and internet of things (IOT)

    3 credits
  • UE Electromagnetism

    3 credits
  • UE Introduction to numerical field computation

    3 credits
  • UE Communication systems

    3 credits
  • UE Introduction to RF electronic design

    3 credits
  • UE Internship

    6 credits

Design of electrical energy systems (CSEE) 1st and 2nd year

To view the presentation of the Design of electrical energy systems (CSEE) program in French click on the following link : Parcours Conception des Systèmes d'Energie Electrique (CSEE)

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Microelectronics integration of real-time embedded systems (MISTRE) 1st and 2nd year

To view the presentation of the Microelectronics integration of real-time embedded systems (MISTRE) program in French click on the following link : Parcours Microélectronique Intégration des Systèmes Temps Réels Embarqués (MISTRE)

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Sciences in electrical engineering for smart grids and buildings (SGB) 1st and 2nd year

Electrical networks, storage and buildings have become major strategic issues for modern societies faced with the challenges of sustainable development and energy transition. They are currently undergoing profound technological and conceptual changes. All three converge through the intelligent electrical network (the "smart grid"), where buildings are an essential link via customers who have become both consumers and producers (activist consumers). They have been the subject of extensive research, development and investment, in Europe and throughout the world. The SGB master offers 24 months of high-level technical training in these three areas. It will give students a strong systemic view of the electrical system, including the economic, environmental and societal aspects, combined with a strong capacity for technical analysis.

This 2nd year's master involves work-linked training under a vocational training contract. Students wishing to go on to doctoral studies may conduct a project in a laboratory instead of pursuing work-linked training in a company.

Information will be available in the next few weeks from the G-INP website: master-smartgrid-energy.grenoble-inp.fr

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Master in Integration, Security and TRust in Embedded systems 2nd year / MISTRE Valence

MISTRE Valence focuses on critical and secure embedded systems: smart systems (car, building,...), IoT, distributed systems etc. 

  Lire la suiteWhy choose this Master Program

  • Embedded systems are everywhere (IoT, cars, buildings, etc.)
  • Safety and security of embedded systems are major concerns for our societies
  • Strong connection with industry and laboratories which offer many jobs and PhD positions
  • Master courses and practical work with the quality of Grenoble INP
  • International experience with a deep integration among local French students.

  Lire la suiteMain thematics:   Electronic Engineering / Computer Engineering / Computer Science / System Control

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Electrical Engineering and Control Systems / CompSEE 2nd year

The R&D sector into electrical energy is booming worldwide, both because sustained energy requirements and environmental constraints increasingly strong. Technological developments are many and generate an important call for engineers and researchers high-level able to support their development. To meet these needs, the EECS/CompSEE Master program will give you the opportunity to learn advanced skill sets with projects led by high-level research units.

The EECS/CompSEE courses is designed as the convergence of three training areas: Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science and emphasize the use of multiscale and multiphysics techniques to aid in the understanding and development of complex physical behaviors and electrical systems. With advanced theoretical knowledge and challenging practical applications, it will teach you the techniques and methodologies you will need to enhance your research and innovation capabilities at the international level.

The EECS/CompSEE program is supported by leading laboratories and companies in electrical engineering. Whether you look for a career in the international research community or high-level research and development industrial departments, when you graduate you are competent to work in many engineering and industrial fields: distribution networks, electric power systems, electromagnetic modeling and computation, etc. You can also choose to pursue a career in research field with a Ph.D thesis in the exceptional scientific environment that is Grenoble and the French Alps, in one of our partner laboratories (G2Elab, GIPSA-Lab, G-Scop, CEA), which hire a large number of doctoral students every year.

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  • UE Power Systems Modeling and Analysis I

    3 credits
  • UE Power Systems Modeling and Analysis II

    3 credits
  • UE Optimization of Energy Systems

    3 credits
  • UE Modeling and Methods for Electrical Circuits and Systems

    3 credits
  • UE Optimization Methods for Components and Systems

    3 credits
  • UE Theory and Computation of Electromagnetic Fields

    6 credits
  • UE Advanced techniques for computational electromagnetics

    6 credits
  • UE Research Project

    3 credits
  • UE Humanities and engineering

    3 credits
  • UE Internship Master CompSEE

    24 credits
  • Choice: 1 among 1

    • UE English or French as a foreign language

      3 credits

Electrical Engineering and Control Systems / MISCIT 2nd year

Control and information technology components are increasingly used in complex engineering systems. The pervasive infiltration of computer systems (embedded systems and networks) in engineered products and in society requires new insights and ideas in engineering research, education and entrepreneurship. Model-based system integration methodology combined with an overall emphasis on compositional design methodology then appears as a crucial issue in modern process automation and research in automatic control. The proposed curriculum consequently includes advanced topics in control-oriented modeling, systems theory, supervision communication networks and real-time operation, along with the more classical multi-objective and discrete-events control issues. The aim is to provide high level knowledge and skills for research and developments (R&D) in process automation, from the latest theories to their applications.


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  • UE Multi-objective control

    6 credits
  • UE Modeling and system identification

    3 credits
  • UE Adaptive control systems

    3 credits
  • UE Embedded control and modeling labs

    3 credits
  • UE Supervision and diagnosis

    3 credits
  • UE Network applications

    6 credits
  • UE Design project 1

    3 credits
  • Choice: 1 to 2 among 2

    • UE English

      3 credits
    • UE French as a foreign language

      3 credits
  • UE Multi-objective control

    6 credits
  • UE Modeling and system identification

    3 credits
  • UE Adaptive control systems

    3 credits
  • UE Nonlinear and predictive control

    6 credits
  • UE Design project 1

    3 credits
  • Choice: 1 among 4

    • UE Efficient methods in optimization

      3 credits
    • UE Modeling and control of PDE

      6 credits
    • UE Embedded control and modeling labs

      3 credits
    • UE Supervision and diagnosis

      3 credits
  • Choice: 1 among 2

    • French as a foreign language

      3 credits
    • UE English

      3 credits
  • UE Project management and seminars

    3 credits
  • UE Internship

    24 credits
  • UE Systems Reliability and Maintenance

    3 credits
  • UE Project management and seminars

    3 credits
  • UE Internship

    24 credits
  • UE reinforcement learning and optimal control

    3 credits

Electrical Engineering and Control Systems / WICS 2nd year

The WICS (Wireless integrated circuits and systems) master is a master degree focusing in integrated circuit and system design for Analog/Mixed/RF & millimeterwave applications. It gives students the opportunity to learn advanced skill sets with projects led by high-level research units; the techniques and methodologies they will need to promote their research on an international level will be studied.

With a curriculum focusing on theoretical knowledge supported by practical applications, the WICS master prepares students for a career in both the international research community and the professional applications. As they finish their training, graduate students are fully ready to pursue a career in thriving fields such as the Internet of Things, future wireless communication systems, sensor networks, or medical applications.

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  • UE Radiofrequency Communication Systems

    6 credits
  • UE Radiofrequency Integrated Circuits

    6 credits
  • UE Microwave Circuits

    6 credits
  • UE Antennas and Electromagnetic Compatibility

    3 credits
  • UE Integrated technologies & process of fabrication

    3 credits
  • UE Research lab work (part I)

    3 credits
  • UE Specialty courses

    3 credits
  • UE Research internship

    24 credits
  • UE Research lab work (part II)

    3 credits
  • Choice: 1 among 2

    • UE French as a foreign language

      3 credits
    • UE English

      3 credits


Access conditions

  • For the first year : holders of a bachelor degree in EEA or physics, or equivalent diploma
  • For the second year : students who have completed the first year of the Master or equivalent level course in the field of electrical energy

Public continuing education :  You are in charge of continuing education :
• if you resume your studies after 2 years of interruption of studies
• or if you followed training under the continuous training regime one of the previous 2 years
• or if you are an employee, job seeker, self-employed

If you do not have the diploma required to integrate the training, you can undertake a validation of personal and professional achievements (VAPP)

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Candidature / Application

You want to apply and sign up for a master ? Please be aware that the procedure differs depending on the diploma you want to take, the diploma you have already obtained and, for foreign students, your place of residence.Let us be your guide – simply follow this link

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Tuition fees 2023 - 2024: 243 € + 100€ CVEC

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And after


  • Business and studies manager
  • Specialist in the design of devices and systems
  • Responsible in research and development, production, quality control
  • Teacher / researcher
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