UE Geometric modelling

Degrees incorporating this pedagocial element :


This course is an introduction to the differential geometry of curves and surfaces with a particular focus on spline curves and surfaces that are routinely used in geometrical design softwares.


This course includes practical sessions.

Recommended prerequisite

Elementary notions of linear algebra and analysis.

Targeted skills

Interpolation and approximation of curves and surfaces using B-splines : theory and algorithmic implementation. 


Knowledge assessment methods

Session 1 ou session unique - Contrôle des connaissances

Type of teaching providedMethodTypeDuration (min)Coefficient
Teaching Unit (UE) Practical33/100
Teaching Unit (UE) 100/100
Teaching Unit (UE) Written - supervised work12067/100

Session 2 - Contrôle des connaissances

Type of teaching providedMethodTypeDuration (min)Coefficient
Teaching Unit (UE) Calculation report33/100
Teaching Unit (UE) Written or Oral67/100
Teaching Unit (UE) 100/100