Target level
Baccalaureate +5
120 credits
2 years
UFR Médecine, UFR Pharmacie
Language(s) of instruction
English, French
The Health engineering masters were created in 2003 and are organised by the faculties of Medicine and Pharmacy in Grenoble. Previously accommodating a hundred students at 2st year's level, this course now has more than 350 students shared between both the 1st + 2nd year's master offer. At a time when multidisciplinarity is considered one of the driving forces of progress in the health sector, this master is a place for young scientists (biology, chemistry, physics etc), doctors, pharmacists, engineers, radiographers, veterinarians or midwives to meet. Local, national or international partnerships, strong connections with the working environment and good integration numbers for graduates all explain the attraction observed over the last few years, with, for example, nearly 50% of our 2nd years students coming from 1st year's courses other than the Health engineering course.
The teams managing this course come from a community of teacher-researchers and researchers who practice their research activities within laboratories associated with the CNRS, or the CEA or INSERM and within departments of the Grenoble University hospital (CHU).The subjects, tasks and work placements offered to the students vary from learning about the most fundamental notions to the development of applications that are immediately useable in clinical practice or in public health. Solutions are based on the most recent tools and findings in mathematics, physics, computer science or biology.
All curricula require a strong collaboration between the health departments and the teams from scientific and technical disciplines and involve many industrialists.
The IS master’s degree contains 14 2nd-year master’s courses in the fields of medtech, pharmacy, biotechnology and environment-health relations. These courses provide access to occupations which meet society’s needs both in fundamental research and in clinical research and the development of industrial applications. The occupations carried out by our graduates are not limited to research and development as our students are also trained, depending on their chosen course, in quality, regulations, industrial property and even management.
International education
Internationally-oriented programmes
Select a program
Science and management of biotechnologies 1st year
To view the presentation of the Science and management of biotechnologies 1st year program course in French click on the following link : Parcours Sciences et management des biotechnologies 1re année
Drug sciences and pharmaceutical engineering 1st year
To view the presentation of the Drug sciences and pharmaceutical engineering 1st year program in French click on the following link : Parcours Sciences et ingénierie du médicament 1re année
Health methods and technologies 1st year
To view the presentation of the Health methods and technologies 1st year program in French click on the following link : Parcours Méthodes et technologies de la santé 1re année
Health double curriculum 1st year
To view the presentation of the Health double curriculum 1st year program in French click on the following link : Double cursus santé 1re année
Physiotherapy 1st year
To view the presentation of the Phisiotherapy 1st year program in French click on the following link : Parcours Kinésithérapie 1re année
Science and management of biotechnologies : biopharmaceuticals 2nd year
To view the presentation of the Science and management of biotechnologies: biopharmaceuticals 2nd year program in French click on the following link : Parcours Sciences et management des biotechnologies : médicaments biotechnologiques 2e année
Science and management of biotechnologies : cell and gene therapy, tissue engineering 2nd year
To view the presentation of the Science and management of biotechnologies: cell and gene therapy, tissue engineering 2nd year program in French click on the following link : Parcours Sciences et management des biotechnologies : thérapies cellulaires, géniques et ingénierie tissulaire 2e année
Science and management of biotechnologies : biomarkers - in vitro diagnosis 2nd year
To view the presentation of the Science and management of biotechnologies: biomarkers - in vitro diagnosis 2nd year program in French click on the following link : Parcours Sciences et management des biotechnologies : biomarqueurs, diagnostic in vitro 2e année
Industrial pharmacy, formulation, processes, production 2nd year
To view the presentation of the Industrial pharmacy formulation processes production 2nd year program in French click on the following link : Parcours Pharmacie industrielle, formulation, procédés, production 2e année
Quality control, quality assurance, validation methods 2nd year
To view the presentation of the Quality control, quality assurance, validation methods 2nd year program in French click on the following link : Parcours Contrôle qualité, assurance qualité, méthodes de validation 2e année
Innovative methods for pharmacological development and individualization 2nd year
To view the presentation of the Innovative methods of pharmacological development and individualization 2nd year program in French click on the following link : Parcours Méthodes innovantes pour le développement et l'individualisation pharmacologique 2e année
Environment, health, toxicology and ecotoxicology research methods 2nd year
To view the presentation of the Environment, health, toxicology and ecotoxicology research methods 2nd year program in French click on the following link : Parcours Méthodes de recherche en environnement / santé / toxicologie / écotoxicologie 2e année
Methods for the design and management of clinical research projects 2nd year
To view the presentation of the Methods for the design and management of clinical research projects 2nd year program in French click on the following link : Parcours Méthodes pour la conception et la conduite de projets en recherche clinique 2e année
Models, technological innovation, imaging 2nd year
To view the presentation of the Models, technological innovation, imaging 2nd year program in French click on the following link : Parcours Modèles, innovation technologique, imagerie 2e année
Medical physics and radiation protection of humans and the environment 2nd year
To view the presentation of the Medical physics and radiation protection of humans and the environment 2nd year program in French click on the following link : Parcours Physique médicale 2e année
Artificial intelligence for one health 2nd year
To view the presentation of the Artificial intelligence for one health 2nd year program in French click on the following link : Parcours Artificial intelligence for one health 2e année
Health engineering 2nd year
To view the presentation of the Health engineering 2nd year program in French click on the following link : Parcours Ingénierie de la santé 2e année
BioHealth engineering 1st and 2nd year
This program gives access to multidisciplinary courses in health sciences. According to their professionnal aims, students can build courses related to three main topics: biotechnologies, health-environment relationships or innovative medical devices. This 12 months program is particularly suitable for non-french speaking students.
Genetics genomics and infertility 2nd year
To view the presentation of th Genetics genomics and infertility 2nd year program in French click on the following link : Parcours Génétique, génomique et infertilité 2e année
Access conditions
The master of Health engineering is open in initial training and continuing education. The 1st year of master is accessible on file (and / or interview) to the candidates justifying a national diploma conferring the degree of license in a field compatible with that of the master or via a validation of studies or of acquired according to the conditions determined by the university or the training.
The 2nd year is accessible on file (and / or interview) to the candidates having validated the 1st year of master of a compatible course or else by a validation of studies or acquired according to the conditions determined by the university or training.
Public continuing education : You are in charge of continuing education :
- if you resume your studies after 2 years of interruption of studies
- or if you followed training under the continuous training regime one of the previous 2 years
- or if you are an employee, job seeker, self-employed
If you do not have the diploma required to integrate the training, you can undertake a validation of personal and professional achievements (VAPP)
Candidature / Application
Do you want to apply and register for a course at the University of Grenoble Alpes ? How to apply depends on your profile and your country of residence. You are a student of French nationality, or you reside in the EU, or you reside in a country not covered by the Studies in France procedure (see below), you must apply via the ecandidat application on the dates below :
- For the 1st year of the master in Health engineering : entry of online applications between 18/03 and 06/05. Interviews for those pre-selected in early june 2020
- For the 2nd year of the Master in Health Engineering - whatever your mention and your course of 1 (M1 IS are therefore also concerned): entry of online applications between 10/02/2020 and 14/06/2020 EXCEPT for foreign students willing to integrate the international course who need to obtain a study visa for France : applications from 28/02 - 20/04
- You live in one of the countries below. You are therefore subject to the Studies in France procedure: online applications are entered on the Campus France site. The dates for applications are specified on this site. The "Studies in France" procedure only concerns students residing in one of the following 41 countries : Algeria, Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo Brazzaville, South Korea, Ivory Coast, Djibouti, Egypt, United States, Gabon, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Mauritania, Mexico, Peru, Democratic Republic of Congo, Russia, Senegal, Singapore, Taiwan, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey and Vietnam.
- For more information, we invite you to consult the website of the Master in Health engineering
- Contact : scolaritemasteris @
- In order to comply with the Pedagogical Continuity Plan, we are going to open a second campaign of candidates for the 1st year Science and management of biotechnologies, Drug sciences and pharmaceutical engineering and Health methods and technologies masters. This will start on May 18 and will end on June 15. The applications submitted during the first campaign are of course valid
And after
Additional information
Les équipes qui réalisent cette formation sont issues d'une communauté d'enseignants-chercheurs et de chercheurs qui exercent leurs activités de recherche au sein de laboratoires associés au CNRS, ou CEA ou à l'INSERM et de services du CHU de Grenoble. Les enseignements, les missions et les stages proposés aux étudiants vont des aspects les plus fondamentaux jusqu'au développement d'applications immédiatement utilisables en clinique ou en santé publique. Les solutions s'appuient sur les outils et les résultats les plus récents des mathématiques, de la physique, de l'informatique ou de la biologie.
Les programmes mettent toujours en jeu des collaborations fortes entre des services de santé et des équipes de disciplines scientifiques et techniques et impliquent de nombreux industriels.