Master in Electronics, electrical energy, automation

Master in Electronics, electrical energy, automation

Microelectronics integration of real-time embedded systems (MISTRE) 1st and 2nd year

Presentation and goals

To view the presentation of the Microelectronics integration of real-time embedded systems (MISTRE) program in French click on the following link : Parcours Microélectronique Intégration des Systèmes Temps Réels Embarqués (MISTRE)



Further information

M2 en alternance sous contrat de professionnalisation. Possibilité pour quelques étudiants désirant poursuivre en thèse d'effectuer un projet en laboratoire au lieu d'avoir une mission en alternance en entreprise. En outre, le parcours est labellisé pour pouvoir accueillir des contrats d’apprentissage.

Registration and scholarships

Registration and scholarships

Access condition

  • For the first year: holders of a bachelor degree in EEA or physics, or equivalent diploma
  • For the second year : students who have completed the first year of the Master or equivalent level course in the field of electrical energy

Public continuing education :  You are in charge of continuing education :
• if you resume your studies after 2 years of interruption of studies
• or if you followed training under the continuous training regime one of the previous 2 years
• or if you are an employee, job seeker, self-employed.If you do not have the diploma required to integrate the training, you can undertake a validation of personal and professional achievements (VAPP)

Candidature / Application

You want to apply and sign up for a master ? Please be aware that the procedure differs depending on the diploma you want to take, the diploma you have already obtained and, for foreign students, your place of residence.Let us be your guide – simply follow this link (French version) or link (English version)