1 year
Grenoble IAE - INP (Graduate school of management), UGA
Language(s) of instruction
To view the presentation of the Corporate management and administration 1st year program in French click on the following link : Parcours Management et administration des entreprises 1re année
Access conditions
Access in 1st year :
- Hold a bachelor's degree + 3 (official diploma targeted by the Ministry of National Education) + 3 years minimum significant work experience
- Or have a diploma bachelor's degree + 3 approved (validation required by the Validation of Studies commission) + 3 years minimum professional experience significant
- Hold a degree lower than bachelor's degree + 3 and experience very significant professional in relation to training (VAPP)
To find out about the admission requirements, please consult our "apply" section directly on the Grenoble IAE website
Public continuing education : You are in charge of continuing education :
- if you resume your studies after 2 years of interruption of studies
- or if you followed training under the continuous training regime one of the previous 2 years
- or if you are an employee, job seeker, self-employed.If you do not have the diploma required to integrate the training, you can undertake a validation of personal and professional achievements (VAPP)
Candidature / Application
Access the "apply" section directly on the Grenoble IAE website