The programme offers the following course(s)
- Marketing and sales 1st year
- Advanced research in marketing 2nd year
- Marketing and digital communication 2nd year
- Brand marketing engineering 2nd year
- The "Quanti" : Market research professions 2nd year
- Digital marketing and e-business 2nd year
The master's in Marketing and sales at Grenoble IAE is a resolutely generalist master's programme in the sense that the various directions it follows collectively target a broad range of marketing jobs. Each second year master's programme, on the other hand, specialises in a specific type of employment opportunity:
- The "Quanti" programme : Market Research Professions: recently endorsed by Syntec Etudes, this programme is already broadly in phase with the expectations of firms in the sector. The fast-moving changes in the profession, linked to the development of "big data", have nonetheless meant our having to adjust the programme accordingly. The professions targeted are therefore traditionally research managers with the advertiser, research companies, more marginally, product managers or market managers, and increasingly, project managers, data analysts, web analysts, and data and big data managers;
- Brand Marketing Engineering: this is the most generalist programme. It is based on the current specialisation in Marketing Engineering and concentrates on brand management in small and medium-sized enterprises or in major groups (product manager, brand manager, commercial sector manger, etc.);
- Digital Communication and Marketing: this programme, available only as a sandwich programme, acknowledges the growing importance of the Internet, social networking and digital media in the communication business and will very markedly enhance students' competencies in these fields. The professions targeted are: internal and/or external communication manager, communication project manager in agencies, marketing and communication manager, community manager, web communication manager, etc.;
- Digital Marketing and E-Business: this generalist programme in digital marketing is intended to train future managers in "e-business" activities (web marketing strategy, e- and/or m-business; e-CRM ; online reputation; search engine marketing) and, more specifically, targets the professions of e-marketing operation manager, affiliation and partnership manager, web/e-business project manager, web marketing analyst, traffic manager, e-CRM loyalty manager, e-business/e-marketing/e-commerce manager, digital manager, etc.;
- Research and consultancy in marketing: this is intended to provide training in the research professions (researcher, research professor, director of studies and/or research in business) and marketing consultant. In comparison with the current specialisation, this programme takes a slightly different approach to becoming more professional, incorporating the broad skills base common to all master's degrees (training in an entrepreneurial "attitude", soft skills (Cf details below)), putting greater emphasis on training in analysis and consultancy and making a work term compulsory.
Access conditions
To find out about the admission requirements, please consult our "apply" section directly on the Grenoble IAE website.
Public continuing education:
You are in charge of continuing education:
• if you resume your studies after 2 years of interruption of studies,
• or if you followed training under the continuous training regime one of the previous 2 years
• or if you are an employee, job seeker, self-employed.
If you do not have the diploma required to integrate the training, you can undertake a validation of personal and professional achievements (VAPP).
Competences common to all masters of the IAE:
- Entrepreneurial posture and innovation skills
- "Soft skills": language skills, relationship skills Common skills within the Marketing Master:
- In M1, all skills are common, by definition, since the program is fully shared.
- In M2, among the soft skills, some will be specific to marketing: skills in negotiation purchase and trading, eloquence (generalization of a test of "grand oral" to all courses)
- The training will be organized in blocks (e.g. methodology). Within each block, students will follow the subjects defined in their course construction.
Program director
Soffien Bataoui
Agnes Helme-Guizon
Marie-Claire Wilhelm
Jean-Luc Giannelloni
Laurence Carsana
Program administration
Administration Valence M2 Communication marketing et digitale
marketing-m2com-alternance @
Phone :
Administration Grenoble M1 Marketing vente
marketing-m1 @
Phone : +33 (0)
Administration M2 Ingénierie marketing des marques
marketing-m2im @
Phone :
Administration M2 Marketing Digital et Consommateur Connecté
marketing-m2mdc-alternance @
Phone :
Administration Valence M1 Marketing Vente
marketing-m1-valence @
Phone :
Administration M2 Research & data intelligence for marketing
marketing-m2arm @
Phone :
Candidature / Application
Access the "apply" section directly on the Grenoble IAE website.
Consulter le site de Grenoble IAE pour plus d'information sur les frais de scolarité en formation initiale et formation continue.
In brief
Type : Master's degreeDomain(s) : Law, economics and management
Discipline : Law, Economics, Political Studies, Management
Required entry level : Baccalaureate +3
Programme type(s) : Professionalisation contract, Education in apprenticeship, Initial and Continuing Education
Duration of studies : 2 years
Location(s) : Valence - Briffaut / Grenoble - University campus
Language(s) : English, French