Centre Universitaire d'Etudes Françaises
Semester 1
List of courses
Introduction to linguistics lecture
3 creditsMorphology seminar
3 creditsMorphology seminar
Introduction to linguistics seminar
Introduction to linguistics lecture
3 credits
UFR Langage, lettres et arts du spectacle, information et communication
General content
Introduction to the areas of phonetics/phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics (internal language) and a brief overview of “external” language (linguistic anthropology, sociolinguistics)
Difference between grammar, linguistics and language sciences
Prescriptive vs. descriptive approach, standard vs. non-standard
Language and speech according to Saussure
Human language and animal language
Natural language vs. artificial language
Speaking and writing
Language families
The double articulation of language, morphemes and phonemes, the notion of minimal pair
Sign and referent
Paradigmatic and syntagmatic approaches
Indices, signals, symbols, icons and signs
Semantic relationships: hyponymy, hypernymy, synonymy and opposite
Semic analysis
Distributional analysis
Immediate constituent analysis
A brief overview of the purposes of sociolinguistics and linguistic anthropology: Practices, representations, language ideologies, critical approaches
The naturalist approaches: neurolinguistics, linguistic genetics, cognitive linguistics
Morphology seminar
3 credits
UFR Langage, lettres et arts du spectacle, information et communication
Introduction to general morphology in a descriptive, typological and empirical approach.
- Splitting methods
- Morphological operations (affixation, reduplication, alternation)
- Concatenative and non-concatenative languages (prototypes: Arabic, Hebrew)
- The two Comrie indices (Synthesis-isolation and fusion-agglutination)
- Introduction to the morphology-phonology interface: some basics on the morphemic borders, allomorphs and suprasegmental phenomena considered from a morphological point of view.
+ 1 observation session of two canonical extremes: Sinitic type isolation (Mandarin) and Northern native American type polysynthesis (inuktitut)
+ 1 cross-disciplinary session with the deafness specialists on morphological operations in sign languages.
Morphology seminar
Centre Universitaire d'Etudes Françaises
Introduction to linguistics seminar
Centre Universitaire d'Etudes Françaises