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  • Target level

    Baccalaureate +5

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Component

    UFR IM2AG (informatique, mathématiques et mathématiques appliquées), Grenoble INP - Ensimag (Informatique, mathématiques appliquées et télécommunications), UGA

  • Language(s) of instruction

    French, English

  • Dual language

    Partially in english


Co-accredited training between Grenoble University Alpes and Grenoble Polytechnic Institute. It offers the following courses :

  • Computer engineering : standard and block-release format
  • Master of science in informatics at Grenoble (MoSIG) : in English, open to international students
  • Operations research, combinatorics and optimization (ORCO) : core with Mathematics and applications program
  • Cybersecurity (CS) : in English, open to international students, core with Mathematics and applications program
  • Supplementary computing skills : intended for students having completed a first year master's from a scientific discipline other than computing, dual competences
  • Corporate computer network : alternatively accessible (apprenticeship) or in-service training: this course is offered by Grenoble INP
  • Communications engineering and data science

This training is part of the regional dynamic of research through the ARCs (Academic research communities) in the Rhône-Alpes region : master's students obtain funding to pursue their thesis studies. Only the Computer engineering course is also offered in the block-release format. The MoSIG (first and second year), CS, and ORCO courses are co-accredited with Grenoble Institute of Technology. Students are enrolled in one or the other of the institutions according to their origin. These courses are also offered to students of the National Higher School for Computer Science and Applied Mathematics in the second or third year to validate their engineering school. The CS and ORCO courses are also offered in Mathematics and applications programs. Indeed, these courses are located at the interface Mathematics and informatics and the students can come from the first year master's of these two programs. The ORCO contains a course at the Industrial Engineering School of the Grenoble Institute of Technology. The first year master's Cryptography course is core to the Mathematics and applications and Computer science programs. A number of second-year teaching units are offered on half-days to facilitate pooling.

The goal of the program is to provide high-level training in computer science for the fields of software and hardware engineering and computer science research. The training covers a broad spectrum ranging from software and hardware engineering to theoretical computer science, encompassing several domains, to the interface of mathematics and computer science such as computer security or optimization.

The training relies on a rich fabric (industry/experts/laboratories of the site and researchers) and responds to a strong and important demand of the socio-economic world. The main sectors of activity are computer service companies, software publishers, computer manufacturers, business R&D centres, corporate IT departments, and public or private research laboratories.

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Identifier ROME

IT studies and development


Common skills are the acquisition of a general knowledge base and a solid foundation in computer science: programming languages, operating systems, databases, networks, software engineering, interactive software, object-oriented design / programming, complexity and algorithmic. These basic courses are offered in French and English in the first year of the Master. They represent 30 ECTS plus a one-month computer project and a 39-day research initiation project (immersed in a research team). A discovery of the socio-economic world in computer science is offered to all students through specific modules of introduction to the company, the business forum (presentation of about forty companies, interviews, round tables) and seminars thematic given by industrialists. All students also have access to language courses (English or French as a foreign language depending on their level).

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International education

  • Double degrees, joint degrees, Erasmus Mundus
  • Internationally-oriented programmes

International dimension

In order to welcome international audiences, two courses are entirely taught in English (MoSIG and Cybersecurity). In addition, these courses welcome students to Erasmus Mundus master's courses (AREAS + and India 4 EU). The move to international recruitment at the 1st year's level is therefore aimed at students who have obtained their degree in a European university.

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Abroad intership

In France or abroad

Internship period

Second semester


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Master in Computer science standard 1st year

To view the presentation of the Computer science standard 1st year program in French click on the following link : Parcours Informatique classique 1re année

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Master of Science in Informatics at Grenoble (MoSIG)

The training covers a wide spectrum at the level of the first year master's trains graduates with a general education and foundation solid in computer science (in terms of programming languages, databases, networks, software engineering, object-oriented design/programming, complexity, and interactive software) ; the second year of the master's allows students to acquire organizational skills related to research work and to become specialized in a field of computer science in connection with the numerous options offered (Information systems and advanced software engineering, Human-centred computer science - design of highly reliable embedded and cyberphysical systems, artificial Intelligence and web - graphics, vision, and robotics, interactive and ubiquitous systems, and embedded, parallel, and distributed systems). The objective is to give the necessary foundations for a job in research and development as well as to undertake a thesis in Computer science in the fields covered by academic and industrial laboratories.

The aim of the course is to carry out high-level training in computer science for teaching, research, engineering, and development.

The initial semester (Master1 - S7) is composed of foundational courseware

The second semester (Master1 - S8) combines core foundational courseware with optional specialization courses.

For the semester S9 of 30 ECTS, students need to select courses worth 24 ECTS in their chosen theme (according to their initial training) and 6 ECTS of courses from a different theme,
 if timetables are consistent and enrollment restrictions apply.

The final semester (Master2 - S10) is dedicated to an end of studies research (or professionnal) project.

The course is labelled "Core AI" by MIAI.

Mosig master website

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  • UE Programming language and compiler design

    6 credits
  • UE Software engineering

    3 credits
  • UE Principles of operating systems

    6 credits
  • UE Algorithms Problem Solving

    3 credits
  • UE Mathematics for computer science

    3 credits
  • UE Introduction to visual computing

    3 credits
  • UE Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

    3 credits
  • Choice: 1 among 2

    • UE Programming project (OS)

      3 credits
    • UE Programming project (Compiler design)

      3 credits
  • UE Research project

    3 credits
  • UE Research methodology

    3 credits
  • Choice: 8 to 13 among 14

    • UE Introduction to modeling and verification of digital systems

      3 credits
    • UE Operations Research

      3 credits
    • UE Data base foundations

      3 credits
    • UE Introduction to distributed systems

      3 credits
    • UE Human computer interaction

      3 credits
    • UE Computer networks principles

      3 credits
    • UE 3D graphics

      3 credits
    • UE Introduction to mobile robotics

      3 credits
    • UE Introduction to cryptology

      3 credits
    • UE Parallel algorithms and programming

      3 credits
    • UE Fundamental Computer Science

      3 credits
    • UE Foundations of Data Science

      3 credits
    • UE Embodying the shift: digital in the age of low-tech

      3 credits
    • UE Algebraic Algorithms for Cryptology

      3 credits
  • UE Programming language and compiler design

    6 credits
  • UE Software engineering

    3 credits
  • UE Principles of operating systems

    6 credits
  • UE Algorithms Problem Solving

    3 credits
  • UE Mathematics for computer science

    3 credits
  • UE Introduction to visual computing

    3 credits
  • UE Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

    3 credits
  • Choice: 1 among 2

    • UE Programming project (OS)

      3 credits
    • UE Programming project (Compiler design)

      3 credits
  • UE GS_MSTIC_Scientific approach

    6 credits
  • UE Technical writing and speaking

    3 credits
  • Choice: 8 among 14

    • UE Introduction to modeling and verification of digital systems

      3 credits
    • UE Operations Research

      3 credits
    • UE Data base foundations

      3 credits
    • UE Introduction to distributed systems

      3 credits
    • UE Human computer interaction

      3 credits
    • UE Computer networks principles

      3 credits
    • UE 3D graphics

      3 credits
    • UE Introduction to mobile robotics

      3 credits
    • UE Introduction to cryptology

      3 credits
    • UE Parallel algorithms and programming

      3 credits
    • UE Fundamental Computer Science

      3 credits
    • UE Foundations of Data Science

      3 credits
    • UE Embodying the shift: digital in the age of low-tech

      3 credits
    • UE Algebraic Algorithms for Cryptology

      3 credits
  • UE Process engineering

    6 credits
  • UE Advanced networking

    6 credits
  • UE Advanced parallel system

    6 credits
  • UE Fundamentals of Data Processing and Distributed Knowledge

    6 credits
  • UE Scientific Methodology, Regulatory and ethical data usage

    6 credits
  • UE Robotics

    6 credits
  • UE Computer Graphics

    6 credits
  • UE Multi-agent systems

    3 credits
  • UE Information visualization

    3 credits
  • UE Computer vision

    6 credits
  • UE Cloud Computing, from infrastructure to applications

    6 credits
  • UE Large scale Data Management and Distributed Systems

    6 credits
  • UE GPU Computing

    6 credits
  • UE From Basic Machine Learning models to Advanced Kernel Learning

    6 credits
  • UE Advanced Machine Learning: Applications to Vision, Audio and Text

    6 credits
  • UE Natural Language Processing & Information Retrieval

    6 credits
  • UE Information Security

    6 credits
  • UE Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning

    3 credits
  • UE Statistical learning: from parametric to nonparametric models

    6 credits
  • UE Refresh courses

    0 credits
  • UE Human Computer Interaction

    6 credits
  • UE Next Generation Software Development

    6 credits
  • UE Safety Critical Systems: from design to verification

    6 credits
  • UE Research project

    30 credits
  • UE GS_MSTIC_Research ethics

    6 credits
  • UE Process engineering

    6 credits
  • UE Advanced networking

    6 credits
  • UE Advanced parallel system

    6 credits
  • UE Fundamentals of Data Processing and Distributed Knowledge

    6 credits
  • UE Scientific Methodology, Regulatory and ethical data usage

    6 credits
  • UE Robotics

    6 credits
  • UE Computer Graphics

    6 credits
  • UE Multi-agent systems

    3 credits
  • UE Information visualization

    3 credits
  • UE Computer vision

    6 credits
  • UE Cloud Computing, from infrastructure to applications

    6 credits
  • UE Large scale Data Management and Distributed Systems

    6 credits
  • UE GPU Computing

    6 credits
  • UE From Basic Machine Learning models to Advanced Kernel Learning

    6 credits
  • UE Advanced Machine Learning: Applications to Vision, Audio and Text

    6 credits
  • UE Natural Language Processing & Information Retrieval

    6 credits
  • UE Information Security

    6 credits
  • UE Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning

    3 credits
  • UE Statistical learning: from parametric to nonparametric models

    6 credits
  • UE Refresh courses

    0 credits
  • UE Human Computer Interaction

    6 credits
  • UE Next Generation Software Development

    6 credits
  • UE Safety Critical Systems: from design to verification

    6 credits
  • UE Research project

    30 credits

Computer engineering standard 2nd year

To view the presentation of the computer engineering standard 2nd year program in French click on the following link : Parcours Génie informatique classique 2e année

Visit the full page about this program

Computer engineering block-release 2nd year

To view the presentation of the computer engineering block-release 2nd year program in French click on the following link : Parcours Génie informatique alternance 2e année

Visit the full page about this program

Operations Research, Combinatorics and Optimisation (ORCO) 2nd year

Semester 9 corresponds to the specialization training, semester 10 consists of a practicum in a company or laboratory of 5 to 7 months, which represents 30 European credit transfer and accumulation system credits.

The scientific objectives are to train students in the foundations and methods of operational research (mathematical programming, graph theory, complexity, stochastic programming, heuristics, approximation algorithms etc) and to prepare students to use and develop these methods to solve complex industrial applications (supply chain, scheduling, transport, revenue management etc) and implement the corresponding software solutions.

Students departing from this course intend to, depending on their preferences :

  • Orient themselves towards the research professions (academic or industrial thesis)
  • Enter, as a specialist engineer, major research and development services in optimization (SNCF, IBM, Air France, Amadeus etc) or enter consulting firms in optimization (Eurodécision, Artelys etc)

They will also be able to enter less specialized companies by highlighting their ability to methodologically analyse operational problems and thus displaying themselves as potential key elements in the improvement of the company's performance (by linking up with specialized firms or developing in-house methods). In the longer term, students who are oriented towards the industrial world should be able, with their experience in improving company performance and good "business" knowledge, to naturally access decision-making positions at high levels of responsibility.

The course is labelled "Core AI" by MIAI.

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  • UE Advanced models and methods in operations research

    6 credits
  • UE Combinatorial optimization and graph theory

    6 credits
  • UE Optimization under uncertainty

    6 credits
  • UE Constraint Programming, applications in scheduling

    3 credits
  • UE Graphs and discrete structures

    3 credits
  • UE Advanced heuristic and approximation algorithms

    3 credits
  • UE Advanced mathematical programming methods

    3 credits
  • UE Academic and industrial challenges

    3 credits
  • UE Transport Logistics and Operations Research

    6 credits
  • UE Advanced parallel system

    6 credits
  • UE Multi-agent systems

    3 credits
  • UE Fundamentals of Data Processing and Distributed Knowledge

    6 credits
  • UE Scientific Methodology, Regulatory and ethical data usage

    6 credits
  • UE Large scale Data Management and Distributed Systems

    6 credits
  • UE Cryptographic engineering, protocols and security models, data privacy, coding and applications

    6 credits
  • UE From Basic Machine Learning models to Advanced Kernel Learning

    6 credits
  • UE Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning

    3 credits
  • UE Learning, Probabilities and Causality

    6 credits
  • UE Statistical learning: from parametric to nonparametric models

    6 credits
  • UE Mathematical optimization

    6 credits
  • UE Safety Critical Systems: from design to verification

    6 credits
  • UE Information visualization

    3 credits
  • UE GPU Computing

    6 credits
  • UE Robotics

    6 credits
  • UE Cloud Computing, from infrastructure to applications

    6 credits
  • UE Advanced Machine Learning: Applications to Vision, Audio and Text

    6 credits
  • UE Natural Language Processing & Information Retrieval

    6 credits
  • UE Information Security

    6 credits
  • UE Human Computer Interaction

    6 credits
  • UE Next Generation Software Development

    6 credits
  • UE Practicum

    30 credits
  • UE GS_MSTIC_Research ethics

    6 credits
  • UE Advanced models and methods in operations research

    6 credits
  • UE Combinatorial optimization and graph theory

    6 credits
  • UE Optimization under uncertainty

    6 credits
  • UE Constraint Programming, applications in scheduling

    3 credits
  • UE Graphs and discrete structures

    3 credits
  • UE Advanced heuristic and approximation algorithms

    3 credits
  • UE Advanced mathematical programming methods

    3 credits
  • UE Academic and industrial challenges

    3 credits
  • UE Transport Logistics and Operations Research

    6 credits
  • UE Practicum

    30 credits

Cybersecurity 2nd year

The global economic impact of losses due to cybercrime amounts to hundreds of billions of euros per year ($445 billion according to the McAfee/CSIS study of 2014) with a strong increase in attacks, especially for identity theft and digital data theft, as well as malicious attacks. Protection against these vulnerabilities includes :

  • Robustness to cyber attacks of sensitive infrastructure (e.g. stuxnet)
  • Robustness of security components against software vulnerabilities and data leaks (e.g. heartbleed)
  • Protection of privacy and security of cloud infrastructures
  • Robust design and evaluation of safety components
  • Fault detection in protocols or software and hardware components

The topics covered in the training cover the complementary areas of Cybersecurity, including cryptology, forensics, and privacy, in particular for embedded systems and distributed architectures.

Train cybersecurity experts (including data privacy aspects) with a bac + 5 degree, able to evolve immediately in an industrial environment and who can also pursue a thesis.

The course is labelled "Core AI" by MIAI.

Visit the full page about this program

  • UE Software security, secure programming and computer forensics

    3 credits
  • UE Security architecture

    6 credits
  • UE Cryptographic engineering, protocols and security models, data privacy, coding and applications

    6 credits
  • UE Threat and risk analysis, IT security audit and norms

    3 credits
  • UE Physical Security : Embedded, Smart Card, Quantum & Biometrics

    6 credits
  • Choice: 1 among 2

    • UE Advanced security

      6 credits
    • UE Advanced cryptology

      6 credits
  • UE Research practicum (in company or laboratory)

    30 credits
  • UE Software security, secure programming and computer forensics

    3 credits
  • UE GS_MSTIC_Research ethics

    6 credits
  • UE Cryptographic engineering, protocols and security models, data privacy, coding and applications

    6 credits
  • UE Threat and risk analysis, IT security audit and norms

    3 credits
  • UE Physical Security : Embedded, Smart Card, Quantum & Biometrics

    6 credits
  • Choice: 1 among 2

    • UE Advanced security

      6 credits
    • UE Advanced cryptology

      6 credits
  • UE Research practicum (in company or laboratory)

    30 credits

Supplementary computing skills (CCI) 2nd year

To view the presentation of the Supplementary computing skills (CCI) 2nd year program in French click on the following link : Parcours Compétences Complémentaires en Informatique (CCI) 2e année

Visit the full page about this program

Cybersecurity and legal informatics 2nd year

To view the presentation of the Cybersecurity and legal informatics 2nd year program in French click on the following link : Parcours Cybersécurité et informatique légale 2e année

Visit the full page about this program

Corporate computer networks

To view the presentation of the Corporate computer networks program in French click on the following link : Parcours Cybersécurité et informatique légale 2e année

Visit the full page about this program

Communications engineering and data science (CODAS)

New international training course co-habilitated with ENSIMAG, open since the beginning of the academic year 2021.
More information on the ENSIMAG website. 

Visit the full page about this program

  • UE Elective course

    4 credits
  • UE Algorithms Problem Solving

    3 credits
  • UE Technical writing and speaking

    3 credits
  • UE Introduction to Cybersecurity

    10 credits
  • UE Principle of Internet

    8 credits
  • UE French as a foreign language

    3 credits
  • UE Project

    6 credits
  • UE Statistical analysis and document mining

    6 credits
    • Statistical analysis and document mining

    • Statistical analysis and document mining Complementary

      3 credits
  • UE Research methodology

    3 credits
  • UE Data base foundations

    3 credits
  • UE Digital Transmission from Técnico Lisboa

    5 credits
  • UE Foundations of Data Science

    3 credits
  • UE Database foundations 2

    3 credits