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UE Chemistry and Biochemistry

  • ECTS

    6 credits


Course outline


  • Biocatalysis

         Basis in Enzymes cofactors and vitamins

         Cofactors involved in group transfer

         Cofactors involved in redox reaction

         Cofactors and chemical origin of life


  • Biological Chemistry of Oxygen

          Chemistry of O2

          Defense mechanism, detoxification of reactive oxygen species (ROS)

          Role of ROS in physio-pathology

          Regulation, sensing mechanism

          Cellular sources of ROS.


  •  Membrane Biochemistry

         Lipids, Membrane and Rafts

         Membrane proteins: synthesis and topology

         Membrane proteins and detergent biochemistry



         Vesicular trafficking.


  •   Biochemistry of viral infection and immunity

         Membrane fusion

         Membrane budding

         Biochemistry of innate factors


  •   Extracellular Biochemistry: GAGs

         Extracellulaire matrices

         Glycosaminoglycans (GAG): biosynthesis and catabolism

         GAG: biological activities

         GAG: pathology and applications


  •   Methods of study

         Molecualr factory characterisation : cryoelectron microscopy

         Imaging complexes, location and dynamic in cellulo

This module brings strong background (relative to oxidative stress) to the Unit “Experimental Approaches in Biology”

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Course parts

  • UE Chemistry and Biochemistry - CMLectures (CM)30h
  • UE Chemistry and Biochemistry - TDTutorials (TD)20h