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UE Quantum Physics I

  • Level

    Baccalaureate +4

  • ECTS

    3 credits

  • Component

    UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)

  • Semester



Goal: This course is a deepening of the quantum mechanics concepts introduced in the undergraduate courses. The fundamental principle of quantum mechanics are illustrated by applications to nanoscale condensed-matter systems taken from recent research works and by discussing prospects for quantum information technologies. The concepts presented in this course are prerequisites for many second-year courses related to nanophysics and quantum engineering. A good knowledge in quantum mechanics is indeed more and more essential for technological research and development of nanoscale quantum devices.


  • Chapter 1: Introduction and recalls on the quantum mechanics postulates and formalism (Dirac notation, Hilbert space). Two-level system, Zeeman effect, spin Hamiltonian. Tensorial product notation for states and operators. Many-body quantum states (bosons and fermions).
    Exercices: Basics of quantum mechanics formalism.
  • Chapter 2: Recalls on confinement problem. Electron bound states in a potential.
    Exercises: Example of 1D confinement problems, quantum harmonic oscillator.
  • Chapter 3: Introduction to atomic physics. Spherical symmetry, angular and spin kinetic momenta. Mean field approximation, central potential, many electrons atoms, Hund rules, spin-orbit coupling, optical transitions.
    Exercises: Grotrian diagrams, spin-orbit coupling, fine and hyperfine structure.
  • Chapter 4: Approximation methods for eigenstate calculations, perturbation theory, variational method.
    Exercises: Application to electronic systems.
  • Chapter 5: Time evolution. General equation for the time evolution, two-level systems, perturbation theory, Fermi golden rules.
    Exercises: Application to Rabi oscillations.

Prerequisites: Basics of quantum mechanics.

Bibliography: Quantum mechanics, C. Cohen-Tannoudji, Vol. 1, ISBN-13: 978-0471164333, Vol. 2, ISBN-13: 978-0471569527.

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Course parts

  • UE Quantum Physics I - CMTDLectures (CM) & Teaching Unit (UE)24h


Semester 7