6 credits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
The Engineering Seismology course aims to provide students with an overview of the latest issues and methods for quantitative estimation of seismic hazard and risk. A basic knowledge of seismology is required. The course develops these specific topics: seismic wave radiation at the earthquake source, wave propagation and attenuation in the Earth's crust, wave amplification in the subsurface soils (site effects), empirical (Green's functions, ground-motion models GMPE/GMM) and numerical methods for the prediction of strong motions (with a particular emphasis on uncertainties), probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) that combines earthquake recurrence models and ground-motion models, vulnerability of buildings to seismic shaking and their dynamic response, and the specificities of the urban environment. The course addresses these topics with a physical approach (understanding, measurement and quantification of phenomena) but also with a regulatory approach (consideration of these phenomena in seismic standards, microzonation).
Course parts
- UE Engineering seismology - CMTDLectures (CM) & Teaching Unit (UE)48h
Recommended prerequisites
Basic knowledge of seismology, tectonics, statistics.
Semester 9
Additional information
Responsable du module: Pierre-Yves Bard