University diploma for English trainers

Presentation and goals

Would you like to teach English? Have you heard of the University Diploma (DU) for English language trainers at Grenoble Alpes University? 


This course is designed for those wishing to teach English in a variety of professional contexts, whether starting from scratch, or for those with some experience, who want to consolidate their experience with a university diploma.


With this diploma, you'll find a professional outlet as an English trainer or teacher in a variety of environments:


- Companies

- Training centres

- International schools, colleges and lycées / bilingual sections

- Public establishments (chambers of commerce and industry, town halls, GRETA)

- Private secondary schools

- Higher education as a part-time or contract teacher



Develop your skills in:


- The theory and practice of English teaching (content creation, tools and methods, group management)

- Multimedia digital technologies for learning

- How to sell your services in a competitive market (planning and packaging your courses, financial aspects, marketing)

- Body and voice in English language teaching


What is a diplôme d'université exactly?

For those unfamiliar with the French system of university degrees, a diplôme d'université, or DU, is not a national diploma like the licence (BA / BSc), master (MA / MSc), or doctorat (PhD). A DU is created by a single university and is managed locally by that university. In comparison, a national diploma is managed by the Ministry of Education at the national level.  This gives the local university more autonomy regarding the organization of the program, tuition, and recruitment of trainers who teach on these programs.



Further information

Why should you study in Grenoble?


  • Receive a diploma from Grenoble Alpes University, one of the major French universities (around 59 000 students and more than 10 000 international students representing 150 nationalities).
  • In 2022, Grenoble Alpes University ranked in the top 150 of the Shanghai global ranking, which compares the research productivity of the world’s top 1000 Universities and at the national level, and ranked 5th among the best French Universities.
  • Experience life in Grenoble, a city just 1 hour from Lyon, 2 hours from Geneva, 2 hours 30 from Marseille, 3 hours from Paris (by train). The proximity with major airports (Lyon and Geneva) also gives the opportunity to discover other major French cities (such as Bordeaux, Strasbourg or Lille), as well as Europe.
  • Discover the French student’s way of life, in the top French university town (magazine “L’Étudiant”, annual ranking, 2016).


For more information:


Possibility of getting advice on accommodation and transport from university staff and former trainees

International dimension :

Internationally-oriented programmes


Surprisingly refreshing and a decent standard. I found a job almost immediately within the “Education Nationale" as a "Maitre Auxiliaire” and I could then test what was learned on hand and measured how lucky we were to have been able to follow that course. Clearly the Stendhal DU is giving you most of the necessary tools to bring your teaching into the 21st century.” Jean-Luc

Ce DU m'a permis de gagner en compétence, de m'adapter plus sereinement à des nouveaux enjeux (formations en ligne), de me familiariser à de nouveaux concepts, et de trouver des solutions innovantes dans mon activité de tous les jours. Il m'a permis d'avoir un poste de vacataire à l'université et de développer/diversifier mon activité de formatrice indépendante.” Maud, formatrice sous statut d'auto-entrepreneuse

Formation intéressante, permettant de comprendre les enjeux du métier de formateur. La formation m’a mis le pied à l’étrier, et m’a permis de débuter ma carrière de formatrice, d’abord en entreprise puis au sein d’écoles supérieures privées.” Helen, formatrice

Formation effectuée en 2015 (tout premier cru !). Ambiance et équipe exceptionnelles, nous sommes toujours en contact. Ce DU m'a aidé à construire des séquences pédagogiques et à utiliser les moyens informatiques.” Cosette, formatrice



Training modalities


  • 130 hours of teaching: 117 h of classroom teaching in the form of four intensive weeks /13 h of distance learning

Individual and group projects in person and via distance learning, tutored by a language university teacher


  • 30 hours of practical work experience


Location: France or abroad

Theme: classroom observation, analysis, preparation of teaching sequences and taking charge of a few lessons.

Possible internship contexts: private companies, training centres, schools, universities, IUT, associations, etc.



Schedule 2024 2025


- Course starts: January 27, 2025


- Four weeks of classroom training on the Grenoble campus


- January 27 to 31, 2025

- March 17 to 21, 2025

- April 14 to 18, 2025

- June 16 to 20, 2025

Practica, projects, and missions

Internship: Mandatory
Duration: 30h
Internship abroad: In France or abroad

Content: mainlyclassroom observation & analysis, preparing teaching materials and teaching a few hours (typically 10-20% of the placement).

Possible contexts: private language schools, primary, secondary or tertiary sector (universities, IUTs, engineering schools, etc.), associations, etc.

Mentoring / tutoring: individual or in groups of two.

Registration and scholarships

Registration and scholarships

Access condition

Entry requirements


Candidates must already have a 3-year higher university degree (French licence, BA / BSc, etc.).  If you do not have the diploma required to enter the program, you can apply for validation of personal and professional experience (VAPP).


Candidature / Application

How to apply


Your application will be taken into account on receipt of your application file. To do this, you need to complete your application online via the online platform eCandidat:!accueilView


The application campaign for the 2024-2025 academic year is open according to the following schedule:


    First session: April 15, 2024 to June 28, 2024

    Interview and jury: Friday, July 12, 2024


    Second session: August 26, 2024 to October 15, 2024

    Interview and jury: Friday, October 21, 2024


The admissions board will deliberate on the basis of the documents submitted online and following the application interview, which can take place in person or remotely, depending on your preference.

Response within 8 days


C1 level English (certified by an external language certification / a Bachelor's degree in English, Une licence LLCER / LEA, etc.) or native English speaker and B1 level French or native French speaker.

Price of continuing education

This training is eligible for the CPF (Compte personnel de formation).

It may also be paid for by a third party (employer, job centre, back-to-work organizations). It is up to you to seek funding in parallel with your admission procedure.


For information on how to quote and finance your course, you can contact a continuing education advisor in the central department specializing in continuing education (Direction de la Formation Continue et de l'Apprentissage), at the following address

fc-socle @

And after

And after


Entering the job market:


- Self-employed English language trainer

- Salaried trainer in training centres, international schools, companies, public institutions

- Teaching assistant in primary schools

- Substitute teacher in secondary schools

- Contract teacher in higher education


Vocational placement

99% graduation rate