The programme offers the following course(s)
- Urban planning and urban project
- Development and planning engineering for territories in transition
- Transformative urban studies
- Architecture, urban planning, political studies
- Project management of the building 2nd year
The Master's degree in Urban Planning and Development (UA) is a multidisciplinary and international program that prepares students for careers in urban planning, urban and real estate project management, engineering, and territorial development. This master's degree also offers the opportunity to develop the skills needed for research in urban planning, development and, more generally, urban studies. The UA master's degree offers a wide range of courses that address all the scales of intervention of urban planners and developers: from the scale of the building, through that of collective and public spaces, to urban, peri-urban and territorial systems. This master's degree includes 5 courses, five of which are organized in a progressive manner over four semesters:
- Urban planning and urban project - UPU
- Development and planning engineering for territories in transition - IDATT
- Transformative urban studies - TRUST
- Architecture, urban planning, political studies - AUEP
- Project management of the building 2nd year- MOBAT
This program is designed to be a continuation of existing bachelor's degrees in the humanities and social sciences (particularly geography with a specialization in urban planning), political science, landscape and architecture. The UA master's degree is also co-accredited with the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Grenoble (ENSAG) and is one of the diplomas recognized for obtaining the qualification in urban planning issued by the Office Professionnel de Qualification des Urbanistes (OPQU).
The objective of the Master's degree is to provide students with a solid culture of the city and contemporary territories, the economic, environmental and social dynamics that shape them, as well as the ability to observe, manage, build and project them. At the end of their training, students develop several fields of competence specific to the activities of the practicing and/or research urban planner. These include knowledge of territories and urban studies, planning and the implementation of strategic orientations (observation, study, analysis and evaluation, territorial forecasting and diagnosis, spatialization of territorial projects and strategic planning, assistance and preparation of urban and territorial public policies), programming and urban composition, real estate and urban planning and projects (design, set-up and management of operations), and territorial management and animation (land law, city policy, operation management, territorial development). These skills not only give access to the major families of outlets that define the profiles of urban planners certified by the OPQU, but also allow students to pursue their studies in a doctorate in Urban Planning and Space Development.
Open to apprenticeship
Access conditions
The selection is done by a commission on the base of candidates’ CV and an interview that has the objective to check whether they have acquired the language and/or urban planning skills required for direct admission to the master.
Public continuing education : You are in charge of continuing education :
- if you resume your studies after 2 years of interruption of studies
- or if you followed training under the continuous training regime one of the previous 2 years
- or if you are an employee, job seeker, self-employed
If you do not have the diploma required to integrate the training, you can undertake a validation of personal and professional achievements (VAPP)
Program administration
Program director
Emmanuel Roux
Continuing education manager
Candidature / Application
You wish to apply for one of our training courses, please consult the admission procedures according to your profile:
- Applicants from outside the European Union whose country of residence falls under the "Studies in France" system must apply on the "Etudes en France" application only
- For all other candidates, you must apply on the e-candidate application. The schedule of candidacy campaigns is available on the website of the Institute of Urbanism and Alpine Geography
Tuition fees 2019-2020 : 243 €
Price of continuing education
In brief
Type : Master's degreeDomain(s) : Humanities and social science
Discipline : Architecture, Humanities and Social Sciences, Territories, Urbanism, Engineering
Required entry level : Baccalaureate +3
Programme type(s) : Education in apprenticeship, Professionalisation contract, Initial and Continuing Education
Location(s) : Grenoble - Vigny Musset
Language(s) : English, French