La formation propose le ou les parcours suivants :
- Portail Chemistry 1re année
- Parcours Chimie et techniques de commercialisation 2e année
- Parcours Chemistry for life sciences 2e année
- Parcours Polymers for advanced technologies 2e année
- Parcours Organic synthesis 2e année
The master in Chemistry of the Université Grenoble Alpes is a two-year diploma course. Within the master in Chemistry, the training follows a progressive specialization. The aim is to give master's students a common base of knowledge and skills in chemistry in the first year and then specialized teaching during the second year. The first year is common to the four master 2nd year programs :
- Chemistry for life sciences (CLS)
- Organic synthesis for pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries (SOIPA)
- Polymers for advanced technologies (PTA)
- ChemTechCo (CTC)
During the master’s in Chemistry degree, students will acquire both in-depth theoretical skills in their field of specialization, as part of the 2nd year programs, and general skills in chemistry, with a wealth of experimental know-how in this field where bench experiment is of prime importance. In this way, students will acquire the disciplinary skills vital for any type of chemist (in particular analytical methods, spectroscopy, experimental and bibliographic techniques, amongst others) and skills more focused on the applications specific to each master 2nd year programs. The more specific classes vary from the life sciences interface, to polymer materials and organic synthesis. A master 2nd year's program is also dedicated to technical sale training (taught in French in master 2nd year).
The “disciplinary” classes are also supplemented by several cross-disciplinary classes regarding graduate employment, and by mandatory internshipswhich enable the students to get to grips with working in a team, in an academic or industrial setting, in France or abroad.
At the end of the master’s degree, which draws on a rich network of businesses and research laboratories on the site, graduates wishing to enter the industry with five years of university education will be able to work as laboratory managers (as design engineers, research and development engineers, team leaders, pilot managers, production managers, heads of process management and improvement or heads of industrialisation). Those who want to continue with a thesis will be able to undertake doctoral studies to become researchers (towards posts in higher education, public research or industry). The ChemTechCo program, which is a work-linked course, trains technical sales representatives for companies in the chemical instrumentation and environmental analysis sectors.
Conditions d'admission
- First year master's degree : If you have completed a bachelor’s degree in chemistry, biological chemistry or physical chemistry or are enrolled in the final semester of a bachelor’s program in the same domain, you are eligible to apply to the master’s degree in Chemistry
- Second year master's degree : to be eligible to apply you should have completed, or be enrolled in a first year of a master program in chemistry, biological chemistry or physical chemistry , and totalize 60 ETCS.
Continuous education : Students fall under the continuous education scheme if they:
- go back to studies after an interruption of two years or more
- did follow a continuous education program during one of the two previous years
- are employees, independent entrepreneurs or registered as job seekers
In case you do not have the required diploma, you might initiate the accreditation of personal and professional experience (VAPP).
Responsable pédagogique
Jean Francois Poisson
Contact administratif
Master 1
- Opening period for recruitment : from 26th of february to 24th of march 2024 with
Master 2
- Opening period for recruitment : from 4th of march to 27th of march 2024 with e-candidat
You want to apply and sign up for a course master ? Please be aware that the procedure differs depending on the diploma you want to take, the diploma you have already obtained and, for foreign students, your place of residence. Let us be your guide – simply follow this link
Droits de scolarité
UGA registration fees 2024 / 2025 : 243 € + 100 € CVEC
Sur le web
En bref
Nature : MasterDomaine(s) : Sciences, Technologies, Santé, Ingénierie
Discipline : Biologie, Chimie, Santé, STAPS, Ingénierie
Niveau de recrutement : Bac +3
Modalités : Formation initiale / continue, Formation en apprentissage, Contrat de professionnalisation
Durée des études : 2 ans
Dimension internationale : Oui
Lieux : Grenoble - Domaine universitaire
Langues : Anglais
RNCP : Fiche 38703