Niveau d'étude
Bac +5
3 crédits
UFR Chimie-Biologie
Période de l'année
Toute l'année
The syllabus of the English course in M2 aims at enabling students to validate 3 competences that will be essential for their working life or for their doctoral studies in the future, at the B2 level: 1°) CAN give a clear presentation on a familiar topic, and CAN answer predictable or factual questions 2°) CAN find relevant information and essential points in written texts 3°) CAN make simple notes that are of reasonable use for essay or revision purposes, capturing most important points." (CEF, appendix D). Reading comprehension can be validated in M1. The course contents are linked to the students' fields of studies.
Heures d'enseignement
- CMCM28h
Semestre 9