Master Electronique, énergie électrique, automatique

Master Electronique, énergie électrique, automatique

Parcours Electrical Engineering and Control Systems 1ére année

Présentation et objectifs

The Electrical Engineering and Control Systems (EECS) program is intended for English-speaking students who want to obtain a solid training in the fields of Electronics, Electrical Energy and Automation and who wish to pursue a PhD thesis in one of the laboratories in Grenoble or elsewhere in the world.

The program consists of a common core in semesters 7 and 8 which correspond to the first year of the Masters degree. In semesters 9 and 10, students will choose to pursue their studies in one of the following areas:

  • Computational Sciences for Electrical Engineering (CompSEE)
  • Master in Systems, Control and Information Technologies (MISCIT)
  • Wireless Integrated Circuits and Systems (WICS)



Informations complémentaires

  • Very favorable research environment (research platforms, quality teachers, internships in reserch labs, laboratory project, ...) and opportunities to pursue a PhD thesis.
  • Excellent professional integration of students after the Master's degree in a stable and qualified job market  in the field of electronics, electrical engineering and automation (EEEA).
  • Original and complementary thematic positioning with respect to other EEEA Masters at the national level.
  • Very strong international attractiveness for English-speaking students (MISCIT).

Dimension internationale :

Formation tournée vers l’international

Study abroad as an exchange student

As part of this track, you have the opportunity to study for a semester or a year at a UGA partner University abroad.

The International Relations Officers of your faculty will be able to provide you with more information.

More information on :



Master 1re année



Condition d'accès

See the section "Candidater et s'inscrire" (opposite)

Admission to the first year of Masters: prospective students should:

  • have completed at least three full years of University studies (an L3, bachelor or equivalent degree with 180 ECTS),
  • have followed a basic class in Automatic Control, or Electrical Engineering, or Applied Physics and succeeded with top grades,
  • have fluency in English.

Continuing education: You are eligible for continuing education:

  • if you are resuming your studies after a two-year interruption,
  • or if you were following a training under the continuing education system during one of the 2 previous years
  • or if you are an employee, a job seeker or a self-employed person.

If you do not have the required diploma to enter the program, you can undertake a validation of your personal and professional experience (VAPP in French).

For more information, you can look up the web page of Direction de la formation continue et de l'apprentissage.

For applicants whose country of residence is not part of the "Portail Etudes en France" (PEF) system, the application campaign schedule for the eCandidat application is available here.


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Simply follow this link to get started

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