Diplômes intégrant cet élément pédagogique :
This course is an introductory course on numerical field computation using the finite difference and the finite element methods.
- Finite difference method.
- Finite element method:
- Strong and weak formulations.
- Finite element analysis : domain discretization, local and global interpolation, numerical integration, assembly, resolution of linear system, etc.
1. Meunier, G. (2010). The finite element method for electromagnetic modeling, John Wiley & Sons.
2. Jin, J. M. (2015). The finite element method in electromagnetics, John Wiley & Sons.
Pré-requis recommandés
Familiarity with the following content of the course "Numerical Methods" :
- Approximation and interpolation.
- Numerical integration.
- Numerical linear algebra:
- Fast linear solvers (direct and iterative).
- Fast eigen-solvers.
Compétences visées
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- Generate and discretize simple 2D geometries.
- Generate and run a finite difference code, and analyze its results for a simple 2D elliptic equation.
- Generate and run a simple finite element code, and analyze results for a simple 2D elliptic equation.
Informations complémentaires
Langue(s) : AnglaisEn bref
Période : Semestre 8Crédits : 3
Volume horaire
- Cours magistral - Travaux dirigés : 16h
- TP : 12h
Etudiants internationaux
Ouvert aux étudiants en échange dans la limite des capacités d'accueil
Crédits : 3.0
Crédits : 3.0