Diplômes intégrant cet élément pédagogique :
- Maxwell in a vacuum
- Maxwell's equations
- Notion of distribution, charge and current distribution
- Invariances and symmetries of the EM field
- Interface and boundary conditions
- Electrostatic case: Coulomb law, electric potential, conductors, dipoles
- Magnetostatic case: Biot and Savart, magnetic potential, dipoles
- Magnetodynamic case: induction phenomenon, induced currents
- Wave case: propagation, reflection on a plane conductor, guided waves
- Electromagnetic energy in vacuum
- Maxwell in matter
- Polarization of material
- Microscopic origin of polarization
- Macroscopic aspects of static polarization of dielectric materials
- Polarization charges
- Macroscopic fields in matter, dielectric susceptibility (tensor)
- Microscopic origin of magnetization
- Paramagnetism, diamagnetism
- Macroscopic fields in matter, magnetic susceptibility (tensor)
- Ferromagnetism: spontaneous magnetic order, domains, hysteresis cycles and magnetization processes
- Electromagnetic energy in matter
- Propagation of electromagnetic waves in materials
- Reflection, transmission, absorption and dispersion
Informations complémentaires
Langue(s) : AnglaisEn bref
Période : Semestre 8Crédits : 3
Volume horaire
- TD : 10h
- Cours magistral - Travaux dirigés : 15h
Etudiants internationaux
Ouvert aux étudiants en échange dans la limite des capacités d'accueil
Crédits : 3.0
Crédits : 3.0