Master Ingénierie de la santé
Parcours Biohealth engineering 1re et 2e année
Présentation et objectifs
The master's program in BioHealth Engineering (BHE) provides a solid foundation for the development of sustainable biotechnological solutions and their use in health care. Students acquire knowledge about state-of-the-art techniques, experience in operating technological platforms and analyzing big data in the context of human health. Graduates have the competence necessary to research and develop diagnostics, disease prevention tools and therapies
With the rapid advance of biomedical engineering, life sciences and physical sciences have converged to create a new discipline: biomedicine. This convergence is helping scientists to make important breakthroughs, such as innovative tools for diseases detection and drug design and delivery, for modeling diseases progression and drug response aiming at improving our skills in personalized medicine.
Over the past 150 years, thanks to basic and translational science, average life expectancy has increased leading to an increased occurrence in chronic diseases. There is consequently a growing need for scientists to increase their knowledge in multi-pathologic models in order to adjust biomedical innovations. Postgraduate recruits to the fast-growing sector of biomedical engineering will need to bring not only their expertise in a particular field, but also a thorough grounding in a range of technologies and the ability to apply their knowledge and skills to the design of new products and services.
Thus, the first year of the Master BHE aims at teaching basic sciences (basic technical skills in biology and chemistry, statistics, drug design and modeling, physiology, English) and initiation in innovative biomedical engineering (DNA/membrane/cell system technologies, data training). The 1st year of the master's program in BioHealth Engineering (BHE) consists in two terms (S7 and S8) of courses. Each term consist of approximately 30 ECTS credits. The courses presented on this page apply to studies starting in autumn 2022.
Informations complémentaires
Students investigate important questions at the interfaces of biomedical engineering, molecular and nanoscale biotechnology, computational mathematics and clinical research. They undertake individually mentored thesis research projects in laboratories at uga or in partner universities, affiliated spin-offs and teaching hospitals.UGA and its partner institutions provide students with a broad but high-level programme of courses in core subjects which they choose in relation to their individual field of research. these are further enriched by a series of advanced courses in the fundamentals of engineering and biomedical science. students also acquire key transversal skills such as teamwork, management of complex processes, conceptual approaches, entrepreneurship and intercultural awareness.
Biohealth computing schools Unique to health4life’s curriculum are the interdisciplinary and intensive biohealth computing schools (biohc), organised and hosted by the european scientific institute in archamps (greater geneva). as well as meeting and interacting with leading experts from academia, industry and international organisations, students are coached in the use of design thinking methodology to address unmet needs in human and environmental health, with the opportunity to pitch their innovation ideas to a panel of international experts. Health4life is heavily research & innovation- oriented. The programme benefits from the region’s rich ecosystem offering a level of technological know-how unrivalled in Europe, and a truly multidisciplinary approach to scientific research. Grenoble is at the crossroads of three internationally recognised hubs of healthcare, micro-nanotechnology and it-iot. Home to some of the world’s best research centres, grenoble has spurred the creation of a growing cohort of start-ups and has attracted leading multinationals (bioMérieux, GE healthcare, Becton Dickinson, Roche Diagnostics, and Covidien) seeking to carve out a position in the rapidly-growing medtech industry.
Biohealth engineering brings together these strengths in biomedical practice, research, innovation, and entrepreneurship and offers students attractive internships from affiliated teaching hospitals, research institutes (including the cea, europe’s largest independent research centre in nanoelectronics and technology), biotech and medical device companies. Moreover, the programme collaborates with local and regional innovation service providers such as CIC-IT, Biopolis, Linksium, Eccami, Medic@lps, Tasda, Minalogic and Lyonbiopôle.
Biohealth engineering is part of the eit health master on technological innovation on health, founded on long-standing partnerships with major european universities, such as Universitat de Barcelona, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Universidade de Lisboa, Universita de Torino. students are also recruited from world-class universities outside Europe, including Manipal (India), Soochow (China) , Beyrouth (Lebanon) ...
Dimension internationale :
Formation ayant des partenariats formalisés à l’internationalPartenariats:
Établissement(s) partenaire(s)
BigData4Health summer school 2017
Aménagements particuliers
L'UGA s'attache à offrir aux personnes en situation de handicap des conditions d'accueil et d'accompagnement adaptées à leurs besoins et à leurs projets.
Se faire reconnaître travailleur handicapé et Bénéficiaire de l'Obligation d'Emploi (BOE), par la Reconnaissance de la Qualité de Travailleur Handicapé (RQTH), peut vous permettre de bénéficier de tous les accompagnements techniques et humains possibles et de prétendre à des droits particuliers.
Vous trouverez toutes les informations sur la validation d'acquis (VAE - VAPP) ici.
Programme en cours de saisie, se référer aux MCCC dans les pièces à télécharger.
Master 1re année
- Semestre 7
- UE Biotechnology of membrane and cell systems 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Planning and communication in science 3 crédits ECTS
- UE French as a foreign language
- UE Anglais 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Practical aspects of biotechnology - Fundamentals 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Physiology 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Pharmaceutical formulation 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Informatics and statistics 3 crédits ECTS
0 option(s) au choix parmi 0
- UE Biotechnology of DNA systems 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Data management technologies, policies and ethics 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Scientific programming in Python 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Health Innovation Report 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Introduction to drug discovery and drug design 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Hackathon project 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Internship 12 crédits ECTS
0 option(s) au choix parmi 0
- UE Biotechnology engineering: design, experimentation and marketing 12 crédits ECTS
- UE Data challenge 6 crédits ECTS
- UE Image processing 6 crédits ECTS
Master 2e année
- Semestre 9
- UE Computer-based medicine for chronic diseases (ESI summer school archamps) 6 crédits ECTS
- UE Proteomics for health research 3 crédits ECTS
- UE French as a foreign language
- UE other UGA's mentions
- UE other UGA's mentions
- UE Innovative cell and gene therapies 6 crédits ECTS
- UE Animal experimentation 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Modeling in environmental health
- UE Micro and nanotechnologies for health 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Pollutants and health 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Anglais 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Application of AI for Healthcare 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Artificial intelligence for OMICS 6 crédits ECTS
- UE BioHC School “Learning for health data" 6 crédits ECTS
- UE Biomedicines innovative project 6 crédits ECTS
- UE Regenerative medicine innovative project 6 crédits ECTS
- UE In vitro diagnostics innovative project 6 crédits ECTS
- UE Treatment and prophylaxis of infectious diseases 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Data analysis in health and environment 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Data management technologies, policies and ethics 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Drug repositionning 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Ethical and societal aspects of Artificial Intelligence 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Genetics and epigenetics of infertility 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Internet of things and AI for Health 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Introduction to AI for Health 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Machine learning and Deep learning for health 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Market analysis, finance, strategy 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Methods and means for biohealth research 6 crédits ECTS
- UE Neural network modelling AI for Health Applications 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Biomarkers and In Vitro Diagnostics 6 crédits ECTS
7 option(s) au choix parmi 10
- UE Ecole BioHC (Une école au choix parmi les écoles organisées) 6 crédits ECTS
- UE Entrepreneurship essentials (EIT) 6 crédits ECTS
- UE Projet Tutoré 6 crédits ECTS
- UE Stage EIT 18 crédits ECTS
- UE Stage 24 ECTS 24 crédits ECTS
- UE Stage 30 crédits ECTS
1 option(s) au choix parmi 6
Stages, projets et missions
Stage: ObligatoireDurée : 6 mois
Stage à l'étranger : En France ou à l'étranger
Condition d'accès
The master of Health Engineering is open in initial training and continuing education. The 2nd year is accessible on file (and / or interview) to the candidates having validated the 1st year of master of a compatible course or else by a validation of studies or acquired according to the conditions determined by the university or training.
Public continuing education : You are in charge of continuing education :
- if you resume your studies after 2 years of interruption of studies
- or if you followed training under the continuous training regime one of the previous 2 years
- or if you are an employee, job seeker, self-employed
If you do not have the diploma required to integrate the training, you can undertake a validation of personal and professional achievements (VAPP)
You can also consult the prices applying to the public of the continuing education (link :
How to apply depends on your profile ? You are a student of French nationality, or you reside in the EU, or you reside in a country not covered by the Studies in France procedure (see below), you must apply via the ecandidat application on the dates below :
- Only the 2nd year of the Master in health engineering is in English language: application from the 1st of March to the 29th of April 2024.
- You live in one of the countries below. You are therefore subject to the Studies in France procedure: online applications entered on the Campus France site.
- The application dates are as follows: from 01 october 2023 to 15 december 2023. These dates are also listed on the Campus France website.
- The "Studies in France" procedure only concerns students residing in one of the following 41 countries: Algeria, Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo Brazzaville, South Korea , Ivory Coast, Djibouti, Egypt, United States, Gabon, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Mauritania, Mexico, Peru, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Russia , Senegal, Singapore, Taiwan, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey and Vietnam.
- For more information, we invite you to consult the master of Health engineering website or the training catalog
Public cible
Non French speaking students with a background in :
- Molecular biology, cellular biology and biotechnologies (biotechnology courses)
- Biology, biochemistry, toxicology (health-environement courses)
- Medical imaging, signal processing, informatics...(innovative medical devices courses)
This program is also open to students with a medical or pharmaceutical background. This MSc can also be selected by french speaking students wishing to follow courses in english and to include a mobility in their 2nd year (courses or internship).
- Students from the first year of Master’s programme (M1) « Ingénierie de la Santé »
- Students who have validated 4 years of higher education in biology, chemistry- biology…
- Students who validated 5 years of Pharmacy studies – industrial or research track
- MD or PharmD students with a strong scientific background, students in veterinary medicine
- Students in life sciences engineering
- Other profiles, after examination by the selection committee
Droits de scolarité
3500 € specific participation costs + national costs
Et après ?
Et après ?
Poursuite d'études
Health4life leads on naturally to PhD positions and/or R&D careers in world-leading industries, high-potential start-ups, teaching hospitals and universities, where students are able to utilise their skills in collaborative cutting-edge research and innovation projects, translating technologies into viable applications for the benefit of all.
Our multidisciplinary, two-summer school programme offers diverse perspectives in all areas of health.
Examples of prospects :
- Pursuing doctoral thesis studies (around 40% of students are doing a thesis in France or elsewhere)
- Executive in hospital and industrial teams in the health sector
- Research engineer in academia
- Creation of start-ups in the field of engineering for health
Secteurs d'activité
Research in the biohealth field, particularly in the following areas: biotechnologies, environmental toxicology, public health, innovative medical devices.
Insertion professionnelle
Find all the information concerning the success rate at the diploma and the future of our graduates
It is also possible to consult our resource documents From studies to employment classified by fields of training (link:
How to apply depends on your profile ? You are a student of French nationality, or you reside in the EU, or you reside in a country not covered by the Studies in France procedure (see below), you must apply via the ecandidat application on the dates below :
- Only the 2nd year of the Master in health engineering is in English language: application from the 1st of March to the 29th of April 2024.
- You live in one of the countries below. You are therefore subject to the Studies in France procedure: online applications entered on the Campus France site.
- The application dates are as follows: from 01 october 2023 to 15 december 2023. These dates are also listed on the Campus France website.
- The "Studies in France" procedure only concerns students residing in one of the following 41 countries: Algeria, Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo Brazzaville, South Korea , Ivory Coast, Djibouti, Egypt, United States, Gabon, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Mauritania, Mexico, Peru, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Russia , Senegal, Singapore, Taiwan, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey and Vietnam.
- For more information, we invite you to consult the master of Health engineering website or the training catalog
Responsable pédagogique
Ahcene Boumendjel
Michel Seve
Valerie Guieu
David Warther
Secrétariat de scolarité
Scolarité BHE
En bref
Discipline : Biologie, Chimie, Santé, STAPS, Environnement, Matériaux, Physique, Terre, IngénierieModalités : Formation initiale / continue
Langues : Anglais
Lieux : Grenoble - La Tronche domaine de la Merci
Durée des études : 2 ans
Niveau de recrutement : Bac +3