6 crédits
Crédits ECTS Echange
UFR Sociétés, Cultures et Langues Étrangères
Période de l'année
Automne (sept. à dec./janv.)
Initiatives is a project-based course which helps students develop the knowledge, competencies, and abilities needed to advance sustainability and the ecological transition as unprecedented change is happening at the global, regional and local levels. By working for a period of 12 weeks on a specific project, students are trained to use qualitative, quantitative and scenario methods in a systems-theory approach. “What can change?” “How can change happen?” “Who can change?” are the pivotal questions of the course. The six key sectors of the ecological transition (Transport and Industry) are explored from a practical perspective. The projects pay specific attention to biophysical and subsurface resources. This course works hand in hand with the course “Environmental Problem Solving: knowledge, methods and competencies” and the various interventions of our colleagues from the geology department.
Heures d'enseignement
- InitiativesTD12h
Semestre 7