Niveau d'étude visé
Bac +5
60 crédits
1 an
UFR Chimie-Biologie
Langue(s) d'enseignement
The objectives of the Neurosciences, neurobiology master program are to provide the students with a strong scientific background in the various aspects of Neurosciences, from the most integrated ones to the cellular aspects. The students will also become familiar with the various techniques used in this developing field in biology.
At the end of this 2nd year's master program, the students should be able to undertake a PhD program in the fields of neurobiology or neurosciences. The first year of the Neurobiology - neurosciences (NN) master program (Molecular and cellular biology program) is meant to complete the general scientific background of the enrolled students in various fields of biology (cell biology, genetics and biochemistry) (semester 7), introduce the students to their specific master 2nd year's program by offering them specialized courses (semester 8), introduce the students to a research project, from its conception to its experimental undertaking and up to the report of the obtained results by an oral presentation as well as a written report (module of 18 ECTS during the first semester of the 1st year's master ; internship of 2 months in a research laboratory or in a R&D laboratory from a private company), allow the students to develop their written and oral skills for the search of internships and/or jobs as well as for the presentation of research projects and experimental results (mandatory modules of 3 ECTS - Communication tools - and 18 ECTS during the semester 7, 2 months internship during the second semester).
Formation internationale
Formation tournée vers l’international
Sélectionnez un programme
Master 2e année
UE Research project
6 créditsUE Neurophysiology
6 créditsUE Neurodegeneration and repair
6 créditsUE Synaptic Plasticity of the adult nervous system
6 créditsAu choix : 1 parmi 7
UE Cancer disease : experimental and therapeutical approaches
6 créditsUE High throughput Biology
6 créditsUE Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, Modeling , Part II
6 créditsUE Epigenetics and cell differentiation
6 créditsUE Cardiovascular physiology and integrated metabolism
6 créditsUE Ageing and longevity
6 créditsUE Evolution & Development of Eukaryotes
6 crédits
UE Business plan of your start-up (entrepreneurship and science)
3 créditsUE Laboratory internship NN (part II)
24 créditsAu choix : 1 parmi 2
UE Anglais
3 créditsUE ETC
3 crédits
Conditions d'admission
Second year of the master's degree in Biology : to be eligible to apply, you should have completed (or you should be enrolled in) a first year of a master’s degree in Sciences i.e. you should have validated 60 ETCS of a master’s degree in sciences by the end of your current academic year.
Public continuing education : You are in charge of continuing education :
• if you resume your studies after 2 years of interruption of studies
• or if you followed training under the continuous training regime one of the previous 2 years
• or if you are an employee, job seeker, self-employed
If you do not have the diploma required to integrate the training, you can undertake a validation of personal and professional achievements (VAPP).
Master 2 Neurosciences, Neurobiology
- Opening period for recruitment : from 3th of march to 28th of march 2025 with e-candidat
- Opening period for recruitment : from 22th of april to 16th of may 2025 with e-candidat
You want to apply and sign up for a course master ? Please be aware that the procedure differs depending on the diploma you want to take, the diploma you have already obtained and, for foreign students, your place of residence. Let us be your guide – simply follow this link
Droits de scolarité
UGA registration fees 2024 / 2025 : 250 € + 103 € CVEC
Et après
Poursuite d'études
Graduating from a master degree in Neurobiology – neurosciences leads to a career as a research engineer in academic or private laboratories. For the students interested in a career as a research scientist in academic institutions or in private pharmaceutical industries : consecutively to a master degree in Neurobiology – neurosciences, the students may choose to continue with a PhD program depending from a French doctoral school or foreign universities and related to the aforementioned fields of biology. Consecutively to their PhD, the young researchers undertake one or two post-doctoral trainings of 2-3 years each, usually in foreign countries, in order to diversify their expertise. They can then apply to permanent positions as
- Full time researchers at the national French organizations of research (“CNRS”, “INSERM”, “INRA”, “IRD” etc)
- Project managers in R&D laboratories from private biotech companies
- Part time researchers, part time teachers in French or foreign universities
Secteur(s) d'activité(s)
At the end of the 2nd year's master Neuroscience, neurobiology graduate students can move towards careers as a study engineer in private or academic research.