Target level
Baccalaureate +5
120 credits
2 years
UFR Chimie-Biologie
Language(s) of instruction
PLANT-Int is proposed by University Grenoble Alpes (UGA) and Università degli Studi di Milano (UNIMI) and leads to a double master's degree diploma delivered by both universities. Teaching is provided in english, by commuting between Grenoble and Milan, with a large panel of options and internships that allow a customized study plan for every student.
The PLANT-Int major of the master's in biology focuses on Plant science. PLANT-Int trains future scientists for academic or private careers in plant biology and plant biotechnology.
International education
- Double degrees, joint degrees, Erasmus Mundus
- Internationally-oriented programmes
International dimension
Select a program
Master 1re année
UE Introduction to Plant development and Signaling
6 creditsUE Evolutionary biology of plants
6 creditsUE Strategies in experimental biology
12 creditsUE Advanced scientific english/FLE/italian
3 creditsChoice: 1 among 3
UE Plant development part II
6 creditsUE Plant signal transduction part II
6 creditsUE Laboratory stage
6 creditsChoice: 2 among 5
UE Plant Ecology
6 creditsUE Advanced plant cell biotechnology
6 creditsUE Plant metabolic engineering and nutrigenomics
6 creditsUE Development of crop ideotypes
6 creditsUE Molecular plant breeding and genetics
6 credits
Master 2e année
Choice: 3 among 13
UE Evo Devo and the green lineage
6 creditsUE Epigenetics and cell differentiation
6 creditsUE Chemistry and cellular biochemistry
6 creditsUE Molecular Genetics and Epigenetics controls
6 creditsUE Functional genomics (UNIMI)
6 creditsUE Molecular bioinformatics (UNIMI)
6 creditsUE Biostatistics, bioinformatics, modeling (part II)
6 creditsUE High throughput Biology
6 creditsUE Patenting and technology transfer (UNIMI)
6 creditsUE Environmental plant biochemistry and Physiology (UNIMI)
6 creditsUE Basic statistics and Experimental Design
6 creditsUE Molecular and Cellular Imaging (UNIMI)
6 creditsUE Laboratory Methods for Biodiversity (UNIMI)
6 credits
UE Intership I
12 credits
UE Internship II
24 creditsChoice: 1 among 14
UE Evo Devo and the green lineage
6 creditsUE Epigenetics and cell differentiation
6 creditsUE Chemistry and cellular biochemistry
6 creditsUE Molecular Genetics and Epigenetics controls
6 creditsUE Functional genomics (UNIMI)
6 creditsUE Molecular bioinformatics (UNIMI)
6 creditsUE Biostatistics, bioinformatics, modeling (part II)
6 creditsUE High throughput Biology
6 creditsUE Environmental plant biochemistry and Physiology (UNIMI)
6 creditsUE Patenting and technology transfer (UNIMI)
6 creditsUE Basic statistics and Experimental Design
6 creditsUE Molecular and Cellular Imaging (UNIMI)
6 creditsUE Laboratory Methods for Biodiversity (UNIMI)
6 creditsUE Molecular plant breeding and genetics
6 credits
UE Introduction to Plant development and Signaling
6 credits
Course outline
Lectures (17)
- Approaches and tools to study plant development and signalling
- Gametogenesis, Fertilization and Self-Incompatibility
- Early embryogenesis: establishment of the apico-basal axis
- Late embryogenesis: ABA, dessiccation tolerance and dormancy
- Function of the Meristems
- Root Apical Meristem
- Shoot Apical Meristem and Cambium
- Floral Meristem and the basics od flower morphogenesis
- Phyllotaxis and organ growth (auxins, CKs, GAs, Ethylene…)
- Flowering transition (vernalisation, photoperiod, autonomous pathway)
- Photo/Skotosignaling and morphogenesis
- Retrograde signalling and plant development
- Photo perception and photosynthesis (Phototropins)
- Abiotic stress responses (nutrients, genotoxic agents, phytoremediation)
Methodology Tutorials (4,5)
During 3 TD sessions, we will review, several approaches, methodologies and tool that are used to answer questions in plant development and signalling: (1) Molecular cloning for sub-cellular visualization of a protein of interest; (2) Analysis of a transcription factor activity, (3) Analysis of protein-protein interactions. In these sessions, we will both summarize the principle behind each method and then analyse experimental datasets generated by these methods.
Tutorials + Discussions (11,5)
Individual students present a subject based on the study of article(s), on one of the topics developed in the lectures. Ahead of the presentation, a tutorial slot of 20min will be dedicated for consultation between each presenting student and his/her professor. A group of 2-3 students will also work together on the article(s) in order to prepare questions for the presenting student, and will give feedback on the answers. There will be 2 presentations by discussion session of 1h30.
Workshops during lab visit (5)
We will visit the LPCV lab in which workshops will be organised to illustrate real research life in the lab, including developmental phenotyping in Arabidopsis, confocal imaging or fluorescent markers in planta, light chromato-sensing in algeas.
UE Evolutionary biology of plants
6 credits
Course outline
- The green lineage: groups and phylogenetic classification
- Conquest of the land by plants: Emergence from the aquatic environment and evolution of body plans
- Endosymbiosis in the plant kingdom: Mechanism, coordination of three genomes and consequences on physiology, development and metabolism
- Evolution of reproductive strategies: algae, mosses, ferns, spermaphytes
- Photosynthesis evolution (antenna structure, photoprotection, state transitions)
As well as several focussed lectures on the plant cell wall, the lipid metabolism, the evolution of microalgaes…
Bibliographic project
A group of 2 students will cover the bibliography on a specified scientific question proposed by a reference teacher. The reference teacher will indicate a review article and 2 break-through research articles to start with. Based on this information, the students will gather bibliographic references (i.e. up to 40 articles), read the corresponding articles and synthetize them in a collaborative written report. An oral presentation of their synthesis will be presented in front of the other students, leading to a discussion around the scientific question they cover.
Tutorials: Preparing, presenting and discussing a bibliographic project
To help prepare the bibliographic project, the student will benefit of 2 tutorials about techniques for bibliographic researches and a presentation of useful bibliographic resources (journals, databases, …) available through the UGA library, as well as a dedicated slot for collaborative work at the University library. A discussion will also be organized between the students and their reference teacher about the on-going bibliographic research and the structure of the written and oral reports.
Oral presentations of the bibliographic work will take place during discussions sessions with the complete group of students.
UE Strategies in experimental biology
12 credits
Course outline
The aim of this course is to learn how to carry on an integrative experimental project, from the conception to realization, analyse and feed-back.
This can be considered as a first initiation to the management of a scientific project, and thus the course includes some aspects of collaborative work. Beyond this main learning objective, we also consider crucial to provide an integrated view of various aspects of biology. This is the reason why the SEB course is highly multidisciplinary and integrates cellular, physiological, biochemical aspects, as well as molecular biology, immunology and genetic aspects and is not focused on photosynthetic organisms.
Students will first address a question in the field of oxidative stress biology, rising at least 3 hypotheses they want to test. They will then design an experimental plan to test the different hypotheses. Three different approaches/biological models will be available: yeast physiology, enzymatic and analytic biochemistry and eukaryotic cell biology.
Tutorial sessions are organized in September, in order to refresh knowledges about methodological aspects of the experimental techniques that will be used in the course
- List of the topics:
TUT#1: Protein expression in heterologous biological systems
TUT#2: Detection of macromolecules (RNA and proteins): PCR, western-blots, …
TUT#3: Cell culture & Fluorescent techniques
TUT#4 : Aspects of enzymology
- Prerequisite for tutorials:
Spectrophotometry, Beer law
Microbiology: plate and liquid cultures, growth curves, basics of genetics (for yeast)
Principle of DNA and protein electrophoresis
Principle of polymerase chain amplification (PCR)
Meetings with teachers
Periodic meetings (=Tutorat, in french) between the pair of students and 3 teachers) are organised to help you in your work, with two major periods: before (2 meetings) and after the practical work (1 meeting). The aim of these sessions is to assist you in the design of your project at the theoretical level. Technical problems will be resolved more easily during the experimental sessions. In total, you will have about two hours of interview per pair with the three teachers.
The students spend 8 full days (9 hours/day) of experimental work during three weeks. The different approaches proposed are grouped into "workshops", according to the biological material and techniques available. More simply, the building E consists of 3 floors, each floor being more specifically dedicated to a workshop:
- on the 1st floor, you will find the "yeast" workshop with techniques adapted to studies on the yeast S. cerevisiae. Several mutants are available to you.
- on the 2nd floor, you will find the "biochemistry" workshop with the possibility of studying some characteristics of the proteins that you have previously purified.
- on the 3rd floor, you will find the "fibro" workshop with the possibility of working on fibroblast cultures and of studying some cellular functions.
In each workshop, work benches are booked for you according to the days specified in the schedule. On the extra days, you will be able to carry out experiments that you wish, within each workshop, to study a given subject in more depth or to repeat an experiment.
UE Advanced scientific english/FLE/italian
3 credits
UE Communication tools
3 credits
UFR Chimie-Biologie
The introductory lecture will describe the basis to perform good oral and written presentations. This synopsis will be documented with several sequences of combined lecture, tutorial, workshop to allow the master students to deal with any situation of their Master 1 year or their future work.
A first sequence will help the students to find an internship. A tutorial and a workshop will be organized in order to improve their CV and practice an interview.
A second teaching sequence will address the way to write a scientific report, from an internship report towards a scientific publication. This part will be followed by a lecture concerning the different modes of scientific communication, written or oral (report, meeting, lab-book, etc) within a laboratory.
A third sequence will deal with oral scientific presentation. A tutorial will explain how to prepare the presentation as well as how to present it. A workshop will give the opportunity to practice in front of an audience. It will also be the basis for an evaluation.
Another lecture will provide an opening towards electronic communication tools in order to be able to succeed in a skype interview and to be visible on the web using tools like LinkedIn or Viadeo.
A closing lecture will offer a transversal view of the different points highlighted throughout the course.
Writing skills will be evaluated based on a scientific report. The report and presentation evaluation will be related to other scientific teaching units followed by the students during the first semester of the master 1 but the evaluation will not take into account scientific knowledge.
UE Business plan of your start-up (entrepreneurship and science)
3 credits
UFR Chimie-Biologie
Science, academic research and entrepreneurship
Intellectual properties & juridical forms of companies (in French language due to the specific aspects of the French law)
Marketing of innovation
Customer segmentation
Business development
Project management
Market research
Business plan
UE Plant development part II
6 credits
UE Plant signal transduction part II
6 credits
UE Advanced plant cell biotechnology
6 credits
UE Plant metabolic engineering and nutrigenomics
6 credits
UE Development of crop ideotypes
6 credits
UE Molecular plant breeding and genetics
6 credits
UE Evo Devo and the green lineage
6 credits
UFR Chimie-Biologie
Tous les ans
Course outline
The main theme of this course is centred on how regulatory networks and specific patterns of gene expression shape development and have evolved in animal and plant kingdoms.
On the animal side, you will hear about basic concepts of early evolution of metazoan development and body plans in Arthropods, we will analyse the role of neural crest in vertebrate segmentation and head patterning, and discuss developmental mechanisms of evolutionary change.
On the Plant front, developmental genetics of plant speciation, evolution of flower development, and molecular mechanisms generating flower diversity and underlying plant domestication will be the major topics.
Overall, this Evo-Devo course will give an overview, through the examples of various developmental models, of how shaping/reshaping of genes and genomes drove the diversity represented along the tree of life and conducted to present-day organisms living on earth.
The teaching team consists of local, national and international specialists in their field who will present the topics they are passionate about.
Lectures (15)
1) General introduction (2 lectures)
What is Evo-Devo:
- Introduction to Evolution of Developmental Genes
- Evidences for evolution of developmental genes in animals and plants
2) Animal Evo-Devo (6 lectures)
- An overview of animal clades and patterns of Development
- Evolutionary dynamics of zygote gene activations
- Conservation of gene regulation circuits in Evolution
- Cranial ganglia patterning in vertebrate development
- Molecular basis of placodes development in Vertebrates
- Male genome reprogramming: What have the mice taught us?
3) Plant Evo-Devo (6 lectures)
- The Phylogeny of Chloroplasts
- Retrograde signalling networks in the regulation of development in eukaryotes
- The mysterious origin of the flowering plants
- Evolution of floral symmetry and epigenetics
- Combining next generation Evo-Devo with new model organisms to study plant-pollinator interactions.
- Plant Evolution and Domestication
4) Concluding/Overview lecture (1 lecture)
Plant and Animal Genome Plasticity in Evolution
Tutorials (12)
Tutorials consist in analyses of scientific publications by students. The articles are in direct connection to the lectures/seminars. They are given to the students a week in advance. Students highlight the messages of the articles via analysis of the main figures/results. They present the state-of-the-art and the objectives of the study as an introduction, then the approaches employed to answer the questions, the main results and their driven-conclusions, and finish with perspectives of the presented work. Article analysis is followed by a discussion with the Professor and all students of the class.
UE Epigenetics and cell differentiation
6 credits
UFR Chimie-Biologie
Today, the term Epigenetics is used to describe the study of heritable changes in genome function that occur without a change in DNA sequence. This includes the way gene expression is passed from one cell to its progeny, how gene expression changes during the differentiation of one cell type into another, and how environmental factors can change the way genes are expressed.
Epigenetic regulation involves changes of chromatin structure. Interestingly, the mechanisms involved in epigenetic regulation, such as histone modifications, also participate in the transient changes of gene expression.
This course is therefore opened to all students with an interest in the control of gene expression. There are far-reaching implications of epigenetic research for plant and human biology and disease.
The different mechanisms involved in epigenetic regulation, and the different contexts involving epigenetic regulation will be presented.
- Actors involved in epigenetic regulation (role of histone modification, chromatin remodeling complex, histone variants, DNA methylation, small and long noncoding RNA),
- Contexts involving an epigenetic regulation (response to cell environment, cell differentiation, development)
- Implication in diseases
UE Chemistry and cellular biochemistry
6 credits
UFR Chimie-Biologie
(Course outline)
The course is organized in three interconnected topics:
1/ Biocatalysis
2/ Oxygen chemistry in Biology
3/ Biochemistry around cellular membranes (membranes lipids and rafts, membrane proteins, and glycosaminoglycans)
Basis in Enzymes cofactors and vitamins
Cofactors involved in group transfer
Cofactors involved in redox reaction
Cofactors and chemical origin of life
Biological Chemistry of Oxygen
Chemistry of O2
Defense mechanism, detoxification of reactive oxygen species (ROS)
Role of ROS in physio-pathology
Regulation, sensing mechanism
Cellular sources of ROS.
Membrane Biochemistry
Lipids, Membrane and Rafts
Membrane proteins: synthesis and topology
Membrane proteins and detergent biochemistry
Extracellular Biochemistry: GAGs
Extracellulaire matrices
Glycosaminoglycans (GAG): biosynthesis and catabolism
GAG: biological activities
GAG: pathology and applications
This module brings strong background (relative to oxidative stress) to the Unit “Experimental Approaches in Biology”
UE Molecular Genetics and Epigenetics controls
6 credits
UFR Chimie-Biologie
Tous les ans
Course outline
This course offers a general view of the new advances related to the control of gene expression, genome structure and organization across the tree of life: bacteria, lower (yeast, protozoans) and higher (plants, mammalian) eukaryotes, and viruses.
It focuses on the analysis and comprehension of the mechanisms underlying gene expression. This includes in vitro and in vivo approaches as well as the newest developments of gene editing.
A specific emphasis will be given to new aspects of gene regulation at a transcriptional and post-transcriptional level in eukaryotic cells (animals and plants). In particular, the role of the epigenome involving DNA methylation, histones and histone variants, long and short non-coding RNAs will be illustrated.
Through a broad range of model organisms (human, mouse, plants, yeast, bacteria…) the questions that are addressed in the fields of evolution, cell differentiation and development will be presented. The mechanisms used by parasites and viruses to infect host cells will be analyzed as well.
Through these different models, we will see that although specificities exist in the control of gene expression and the way organisms adapt to their environment, common mechanisms and common themes do exist throughout the tree of life.
Key words: Transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene expression regulation, chromosome structure, RNA interference, gene editing, genomes evolution and adaptation, infection, non-coding genomes, Genetics and Epigenetics.
UE Functional genomics (UNIMI)
6 credits
UE Molecular bioinformatics (UNIMI)
6 credits
UE Biostatistics, bioinformatics, modeling (part II)
6 credits
UFR Chimie-Biologie
Course outline
At the end of the course, the students should be able to analyze a "omic" dataset. More precisely, they should be able.
1- to load, explore and summarize graphically a dataset.
2- to compute confidence interval estimates for proportions, means and variances.
3- to formulate hypotheses, compute tests statistics, interpret p-values and make practical decisions for the
standard parametric and non-parametric tests.
4- to adjust simple and multiple linear models, analyses of variance (anovas), logistic regression, Cox
5- to select genes that explain a response variable by applying multiple testing approaches.
6- to analyze a data set of differential gene expression.
UE High throughput Biology
6 credits
UFR Chimie-Biologie
Course outline
The lectures present the basic methodology and some advanced techniques used for high throughput in vitro small molecule drug discovery. The principles and statistical methods used for assay optimization and validation will also be explained.
I. Molecular biology, Biochemistry and Protein expression
II. Proteomic analysis; Mass spectrometry
III. Lab-chips and Cell-chips
IV. Structural biology: Crystallogenesis and Crystallization; RMN
V. Combinatory chemistry
Format of exams: Oral exam (at the end of December) and Research project (at the beginning of January)
UE Patenting and technology transfer (UNIMI)
6 credits
UE Environmental plant biochemistry and Physiology (UNIMI)
6 credits
UE Basic statistics and Experimental Design
6 credits
UE Molecular and Cellular Imaging (UNIMI)
6 credits
UE Laboratory Methods for Biodiversity (UNIMI)
6 credits
UE Intership I
12 credits
Grenoble IAE - INP (Graduate school of management), UGA
UE Evo Devo and the green lineage
6 credits
UFR Chimie-Biologie
Tous les ans
Course outline
The main theme of this course is centred on how regulatory networks and specific patterns of gene expression shape development and have evolved in animal and plant kingdoms.
On the animal side, you will hear about basic concepts of early evolution of metazoan development and body plans in Arthropods, we will analyse the role of neural crest in vertebrate segmentation and head patterning, and discuss developmental mechanisms of evolutionary change.
On the Plant front, developmental genetics of plant speciation, evolution of flower development, and molecular mechanisms generating flower diversity and underlying plant domestication will be the major topics.
Overall, this Evo-Devo course will give an overview, through the examples of various developmental models, of how shaping/reshaping of genes and genomes drove the diversity represented along the tree of life and conducted to present-day organisms living on earth.
The teaching team consists of local, national and international specialists in their field who will present the topics they are passionate about.
Lectures (15)
1) General introduction (2 lectures)
What is Evo-Devo:
- Introduction to Evolution of Developmental Genes
- Evidences for evolution of developmental genes in animals and plants
2) Animal Evo-Devo (6 lectures)
- An overview of animal clades and patterns of Development
- Evolutionary dynamics of zygote gene activations
- Conservation of gene regulation circuits in Evolution
- Cranial ganglia patterning in vertebrate development
- Molecular basis of placodes development in Vertebrates
- Male genome reprogramming: What have the mice taught us?
3) Plant Evo-Devo (6 lectures)
- The Phylogeny of Chloroplasts
- Retrograde signalling networks in the regulation of development in eukaryotes
- The mysterious origin of the flowering plants
- Evolution of floral symmetry and epigenetics
- Combining next generation Evo-Devo with new model organisms to study plant-pollinator interactions.
- Plant Evolution and Domestication
4) Concluding/Overview lecture (1 lecture)
Plant and Animal Genome Plasticity in Evolution
Tutorials (12)
Tutorials consist in analyses of scientific publications by students. The articles are in direct connection to the lectures/seminars. They are given to the students a week in advance. Students highlight the messages of the articles via analysis of the main figures/results. They present the state-of-the-art and the objectives of the study as an introduction, then the approaches employed to answer the questions, the main results and their driven-conclusions, and finish with perspectives of the presented work. Article analysis is followed by a discussion with the Professor and all students of the class.
UE Epigenetics and cell differentiation
6 credits
UFR Chimie-Biologie
Today, the term Epigenetics is used to describe the study of heritable changes in genome function that occur without a change in DNA sequence. This includes the way gene expression is passed from one cell to its progeny, how gene expression changes during the differentiation of one cell type into another, and how environmental factors can change the way genes are expressed.
Epigenetic regulation involves changes of chromatin structure. Interestingly, the mechanisms involved in epigenetic regulation, such as histone modifications, also participate in the transient changes of gene expression.
This course is therefore opened to all students with an interest in the control of gene expression. There are far-reaching implications of epigenetic research for plant and human biology and disease.
The different mechanisms involved in epigenetic regulation, and the different contexts involving epigenetic regulation will be presented.
- Actors involved in epigenetic regulation (role of histone modification, chromatin remodeling complex, histone variants, DNA methylation, small and long noncoding RNA),
- Contexts involving an epigenetic regulation (response to cell environment, cell differentiation, development)
- Implication in diseases
UE Chemistry and cellular biochemistry
6 credits
UFR Chimie-Biologie
(Course outline)
The course is organized in three interconnected topics:
1/ Biocatalysis
2/ Oxygen chemistry in Biology
3/ Biochemistry around cellular membranes (membranes lipids and rafts, membrane proteins, and glycosaminoglycans)
Basis in Enzymes cofactors and vitamins
Cofactors involved in group transfer
Cofactors involved in redox reaction
Cofactors and chemical origin of life
Biological Chemistry of Oxygen
Chemistry of O2
Defense mechanism, detoxification of reactive oxygen species (ROS)
Role of ROS in physio-pathology
Regulation, sensing mechanism
Cellular sources of ROS.
Membrane Biochemistry
Lipids, Membrane and Rafts
Membrane proteins: synthesis and topology
Membrane proteins and detergent biochemistry
Extracellular Biochemistry: GAGs
Extracellulaire matrices
Glycosaminoglycans (GAG): biosynthesis and catabolism
GAG: biological activities
GAG: pathology and applications
This module brings strong background (relative to oxidative stress) to the Unit “Experimental Approaches in Biology”
UE Molecular Genetics and Epigenetics controls
6 credits
UFR Chimie-Biologie
Tous les ans
Course outline
This course offers a general view of the new advances related to the control of gene expression, genome structure and organization across the tree of life: bacteria, lower (yeast, protozoans) and higher (plants, mammalian) eukaryotes, and viruses.
It focuses on the analysis and comprehension of the mechanisms underlying gene expression. This includes in vitro and in vivo approaches as well as the newest developments of gene editing.
A specific emphasis will be given to new aspects of gene regulation at a transcriptional and post-transcriptional level in eukaryotic cells (animals and plants). In particular, the role of the epigenome involving DNA methylation, histones and histone variants, long and short non-coding RNAs will be illustrated.
Through a broad range of model organisms (human, mouse, plants, yeast, bacteria…) the questions that are addressed in the fields of evolution, cell differentiation and development will be presented. The mechanisms used by parasites and viruses to infect host cells will be analyzed as well.
Through these different models, we will see that although specificities exist in the control of gene expression and the way organisms adapt to their environment, common mechanisms and common themes do exist throughout the tree of life.
Key words: Transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene expression regulation, chromosome structure, RNA interference, gene editing, genomes evolution and adaptation, infection, non-coding genomes, Genetics and Epigenetics.
UE Functional genomics (UNIMI)
6 credits
UE Molecular bioinformatics (UNIMI)
6 credits
UE Biostatistics, bioinformatics, modeling (part II)
6 credits
UFR Chimie-Biologie
Course outline
At the end of the course, the students should be able to analyze a "omic" dataset. More precisely, they should be able.
1- to load, explore and summarize graphically a dataset.
2- to compute confidence interval estimates for proportions, means and variances.
3- to formulate hypotheses, compute tests statistics, interpret p-values and make practical decisions for the
standard parametric and non-parametric tests.
4- to adjust simple and multiple linear models, analyses of variance (anovas), logistic regression, Cox
5- to select genes that explain a response variable by applying multiple testing approaches.
6- to analyze a data set of differential gene expression.
UE High throughput Biology
6 credits
UFR Chimie-Biologie
Course outline
The lectures present the basic methodology and some advanced techniques used for high throughput in vitro small molecule drug discovery. The principles and statistical methods used for assay optimization and validation will also be explained.
I. Molecular biology, Biochemistry and Protein expression
II. Proteomic analysis; Mass spectrometry
III. Lab-chips and Cell-chips
IV. Structural biology: Crystallogenesis and Crystallization; RMN
V. Combinatory chemistry
Format of exams: Oral exam (at the end of December) and Research project (at the beginning of January)
UE Environmental plant biochemistry and Physiology (UNIMI)
6 credits
UE Patenting and technology transfer (UNIMI)
6 credits
UE Basic statistics and Experimental Design
6 credits
UE Molecular and Cellular Imaging (UNIMI)
6 credits
UE Laboratory Methods for Biodiversity (UNIMI)
6 credits
UE Molecular plant breeding and genetics
6 credits
Access conditions
- First year of the master's degree in Biology (Molecular and cellular biology program) : if you have completed a bachelor’s degree in Sciences or are enrolled in the final semester of a bachelor’s program in Sciences in France, you are eligible to apply for the first year of the master’s degree in biology
- Second year of the master's degree in Biology : to be eligible to apply, you should have completed (or you should be enrolled in) a first year of a master’s degree in Sciences i.e. you should have validated 60 ETCS of a master’s degree in Sciences by the end of your current academic year.
Public continuing education : You are in charge of continuing education :
• if you resume your studies after 2 years of interruption of studies
• or if you followed training under the continuous training regime one of the previous 2 years
• or if you are an employee, job seeker, self-employed
If you do not have the diploma required to integrate the training, you can undertake a validation of personal and professional achievements (VAPP).
Candidature / Application
Recruitment campaign : From 26th of february to 24 of march 2024 with
You want to apply and sign up for a course master ? Please be aware that the procedure differs depending on the diploma you want to take, the diploma you have already obtained and, for foreign students, your place of residence. Let us be your guide – simply follow this link
UGA registration fees: 243€ + 100€ CVEC