Diplômes intégrant cet élément pédagogique :
The goal of this teaching unit is to work on a numerical subject related to physics. The students generally work in pairs on a subject that they have defined on their own or by choosing from a list that has been given to them. They must write numerical simulation code using Python for the modeling and numerical simulation of a physical phenomenon. The evaluation is done on the basis of a report produced by the students.
Informations complémentaires
Lieu(x) : GrenobleLangue(s) : Français
En bref
Période : Semestre 8Crédits : 3
Volume horaire
- Cours magistral - Travaux dirigés : 18h
- TD : 2h
Responsable pédagogique
Mourad Ismail
Etudiants internationaux
Ouvert aux étudiants en échange dans la limite des capacités d'accueil