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UE Microwaves and Cryoelectronics

  • Niveau d'étude

    Bac +5

  • ECTS

    3 crédits

  • Composante

    UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)

  • Période de l'année

    Toute l'année


Teachers : Xavier Jehl (CEA) for Chapter 1, Hélène Jacquinot (CEA Leti) for Chapter 2

Objectives :

Key Enabling Technologies are necessary for Quantum Technologies. This course will introduce two main technological tools widely used in quantum engineering technologies but also used in micro-electronics and telecoms.

Program :

Chapter 1 : Cryoelectronics and Low temperature techniques
- Low temperature apparatus (4K and mK refrigerators)
- Electronic devices working at cryogenic temperatures
- Very low noise devices (Josephson parametric amplifier), cryo-CMOS.g.

Chapter 2 : RF/Microwave techniques
- Microwave propagation
- Classical communication systems and modulations
- Transceivers characteristics, heterodyne and homodyne architecture

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Heures d'enseignement

  • UE Microwaves and Cryoelectronics -CMTDCours magistral - Travaux dirigés24h


Semestre 9