Diplômes intégrant cet élément pédagogique :
Presentation and analyses of scientific publications on the following topics (with the help of experts in the relevant fields):
- Bacterial transcription
- Clinical and experimental evolution of bacterial pathogens
- Cell division and export systems in Gram-positive bacteria
- Cell biology and gene regulation of host/bacterial pathogen interactions
- Biochemistry and regulation of oxidative stress in bacteria.
Compétences visées
- Ability to understand and analyze scientific data on the basis of published manuscripts.
- Ability to write scientific projects.
Informations complémentaires
Lieu(x) : GrenobleLangue(s) : Anglais
En bref
Période : Semestre 9Crédits : 6
Volume horaire
- TD : 30h
Responsable pédagogique
Joel Gaffé
Etudiants internationaux
Ouvert aux étudiants en échange dans la limite des capacités d'accueil