6 crédits
Département de la licence sciences et technologies (DLST)
Période de l'année
Printemps (janv. à avril/mai)
This course aims at acquiring the basics of enzymology (catalysis, Michaelis-Menten equation, catalysis mechanisms) and metabolism (glycolysis, Krebbs cycle, bacterial metabolism). The TD sessions consist of application exercises of the notions seen in class and the preparation of the TP sessions. The practical sessions concern the learning of the manipulation and characterization of enzymes (purification, spectroscopy).
Heures d'enseignement
- UE Biochemistry 2 - CMCM19,5h
- UE Biochemistry 2 - TDTD19,5h
- UE Biochemistry 2 - TPTP12h
Pré-requis recommandés
Biomolecular constituents of the cell (see BIO131)
Thermodynamics and Chemical Kinetics for biologists (see CHI335)
Semestre 4
Compétences visées
- Demonstrate the ability to synthesise knowledge acquired during the course
- Demonstrate the ability to use knowledge to solve problems.
- Demonstrate the ability to use constructed reasoning, not just the restitution of knowledge
- Demonstrate the ability to manipulate
- Learn to write reports on practical work and the care taken in their presentation.