Niveau d'étude
Bac +4
3 crédits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
Goal: This solid-state physics class is the follow up of Solid-State Physics I. It goes one step further in the description of solid properties, including light-matter interactions (polarons, polaritons), effects of magnetic field (Landau levels, Fermi surfaces) and new states of matter (introduction to superconductivity and magnetic order).
- Review of electronic band structures.
- Effects of interactions: plasmons, polarons and polaritons.
- Effects of magnetic field: Landau levels, probe of Fermi surfaces, quantum Hall effect.
- New states of matter : superconductivity, magnetic phases, spin Hamiltonians, magnons.
Introduction to solid state physics, 8th edition, Charles Kittel
Solid state physics, Neil Ashcroft and David Mermin
Heures d'enseignement
- UE Solid state physics II - CM/TDCours magistral - Travaux dirigés24h
Semestre 8