GS_Quantum_UE_Quantum Labworks

Diplômes intégrant cet élément pédagogique :


The goal of this course is to offer a pool of advanced quantum labworks covering a broad field of topics: quantum materials, quantum engineering, quantum information and quantum technologies.

Students will attend from 5 to 7 labworks (depending on the number of students) among the ones listed below:

  • Labwork 1: 2D Materials 1, atomic force microscopy and Raman spectroscopy on graphene, F. Marchi and N. Bendiab
  • Labwork 2: 2D Materials 2, scanning tunneling microscopy on graphene bilayers, V. Renard
  • Labwork 3: Hall effect, magnetoresistance of semiconductors, A. Kuhn
  • Labwork 4: Superconductivity, evidence of the Meissner effect, A. Kuhn
  • Labwork 5: Quantum optics 1, generation of entangled photon pairs using non-linear optics, P. Segonds
  • Labwork 6: Quantum optics 2, entanglement and Bell inequalities, D. Ferrand
  • Labwork 7: Quantum oscillations in topological materials, A. Pourret
  • Labwork 8: Photon bunching in cathodoluminescence, G. Jacopin

The detailed planning will be established after the start of the academic year.

Informations complémentaires

Langue(s) : Anglais