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UE Surface functionalization and applications I

  • Niveau d'étude

    Bac +4

  • ECTS

    3 crédits

  • Composante

    UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)

  • Période de l'année

    Printemps (janv. à avril/mai)


The applications of surface functionalization are multiple and cover large fields at the interface between chemistry and biology. The aim of this course is to focus on two challenging applications: surface functionalization for biosensors and for (electro)catalysis. The course is structured into two modules differentiated by the nature of the functionalized material which (mineral/inorganic or biological).



I. Short introduction on biomolecules (DNA, proteins, enzymes, sugars…)

II. Functionalization of mineral and inorganic based-materials and related characterization techniques (fluorescence microscopy, AFM, SEM, ellipsometry…)

  DNA, sugars and proteins

  • Physisorption, chemisorption
  • Self-assembly on conducting and semi-conducting surfaces (silanization, thiol self assembly)
  • Electrofunctionnalization: conducting polymers, diazonium salts
  • Auto-organization of biomolecules : origami, DNA wires, protein auto-assembly, protein organized around organizing structure (Metals…)
  •  Applications: biosensors, stimulating electrodes and anti-fouling surfaces


  • Functionnalization
  • Applications: (photo)electrocatalytic water splitting (reduction of protons, water oxidation), CO2 reduction


  • Functionnalization
  • Applications: hydrogenases, CO2 reductase …

III. Functionnalization of bio-based nanomaterials

  •  Functionnalization with catalysts
  •  Applications


  •  Functionnalization (bioconjugation) with catalysts (artificial enzymes) and nanoparticles
  •  Applications
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Heures d'enseignement

  • UE Surface functionalization and applications I - CM-TDCours magistral - Travaux dirigés24h


Semestre 8