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UE Research Intensive Track II

  • Niveau d'étude

    Bac +4

  • ECTS

    3 crédits

  • Composante

    UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)

  • Période de l'année

    Printemps (janv. à avril/mai)


The Research Intensive Training is a trademark of the Master N2. It is specifically dedicated to intensify the formation through research, allowing students to the be continuously immersed in their laboratories in parallel to their courses, during the 2 years of the program.

For this purpose, students can choose up to 3 optional RIT modules of 3 credits each, one in each semester of the program, except for the last semester which is already fully devoted to the master thesis.

A RIT module consists in a part-time internship in a lab of the Grenoble area, representing 1 day each week during a semester. RIT modules are thought to be performed in the same research teams on the same research project, allowing students to achieve a substantial research contribution with possibly a publication during their master.  However students can also change lab, project or research team, with the agreement of their program coordinator, in order to get a broader scientific experience. Students can then discover ongoing research in nanosciences not only in their specialization but also in sister disciplines. It also offers them an opportunity to initiate connections in view of finding their master thesis subject.

RIT modules are evaluated through a short report followed by an oral examination, in which students expose their research objectives, implementation, and results, and answer to the questions of the jury. RIT performed in the second semester of the first year can be evaluated together with the compulsory M1 research internship.

Admission to Research Intensive Training modules requires the agreement of the school-year coordinator.  In M1, the training is fully appropriate to students having completed a 4-years bachelor of science, or engineering, however 3-year's bachelors who have excellent academic results can also be admitted to the RIT.

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Semestre 8