6 crédits
UFR PhITEM (physique, ingénierie, terre, environnement, mécanique)
The lecturers will browse the different aspects of the synthesis of bulk molecular materials and bottom-up strategies towards the corresponding molecular nanoobjects. This approach is based on the use of well-defined precursors and a good control of the conditions in which they react together in order to master the topology/dimensionality, size/nuclearity, shape and dispersity of the bulk materials and nanoobjects. A special attention will be paid to their characterization using single-crystal X-ray diffraction and to their magnetic and electrochemical properties.
Molecular Magnetism
Prerequisites, a quick reminder…
Interacting spins: The Kahn’s model
Multifunctional Molecule-based Magnets
Processing of Molecule-based Magnets Photoresponsive molecular systems
- Based on photoinduced energy transfer
- Based on charge separation state
- Application in redox photocatalysis
- Application in molecularsensor
- Based on photochromic units
Single-Crystal X-Ray diffraction
- Crystal
- RX-materials Interactions
- Diffracted intensity
- Apllication: structure resolution
Heures d'enseignement
- UE Molecular nanomaterials - CMCours magistral - Travaux dirigés36h
- UE Molecular nanomaterials - TPTP4h
Pré-requis recommandés
Basically, the prerequisites are those of M1 Nanochemistry courses in particular Supramolecular and Coordination Chemistry and Molecular Photophysics:
- Synthesis: Basis in coordination and supramolecular chemistry including ligand design and synthesis, thermodynamic of complexes.
- Properties and techniques: oxido-reduction properties, optical properties of complexes (Tanabe-Sugano diagrams, luminescence properties), magnetic properties of the single ion (Van Vleck and Curie laws, Zero-Field Splitting, Spin Cross-Over), knowledge on powder X-ray diffraction
Semestre 9