Master Management des systèmes d'information

Master Management des systèmes d'information

Parcours Advanced research in management of information systems 2e année

Présentation et objectifs

The Master “Advanced ReseArch in Management of Information Systems” (ARAMIS) is a one-year program that offers students training in novel research techniques and methods and in-depth theoretical knowledge in information systems.

This program will provide students with an excellent understanding of the research process and a high level of specialized knowledge in information systems. The solid background acquired will prepare students to pursue careers in the management of information systems as as doctoral student (preparation to further advanced degrees (e.g. PhD), research analyst, information systems consultants or executives, consulting and auditing professions in information systems.

More info on the IAE's website.



Informations complémentaires

  • Training in advanced research methods
  • An innovative learning by doing teaching approach
  • Delivered by experienced and international faculty
  • Access to the doctoral college and potential funding
  • The program is completely taught in English
  • Based in a major university (ranked in the Shanghai list of top world universities)
  • Set in a stunning campus with a vibrant student life

Dimension internationale :

Formation tournée vers l’international





Condition d'accès


  • For Europeans : Undergraduate degree with 240 ECTS.
  • For non-Europeans : A 4-year undergraduate degree from a established university committee

Advanced level in English (TOEIC,TOEFL...)


Application form

  • Interview with University admission panel

Public cible

  • Students possessing a master’s 1st or 2nd degree with a basic training in information systems or computer science / management / statistics / supply chain from Management or Computer science schools.
  • Students in second or third year from high sale and engineering schools are also invited to apply
  • Students from other fields such as medicine, humanities, social sciences, psychology and foreign languages with a strong interest in Information Technology, can apply.
  • Students that have obtained the necessary ECTS credits in the master 1st year's program in Management of information systems will have privileged access

Droits de scolarité

For students in higher education (« formation initiale ») at Grenoble IAE, academic fees for a Masters program is 243 euros for French and European Union students (indicative rates for 2018/2019) and 3770 euros (rates 2019-2020) for foreign students that are not members of the European Union.

For students who have had a break (of more than two years) in their studies will be classified as continuing education students and will pay a mandatory fee of 2500 euros (indicative rates for 2018/2019).

Et après ?

Et après ?

Métiers visés

- Professors in management of information systems
- Academic careers in universities or business schools
- Opportunity to progress to further advanced degrees (e.g. PhD)
- A range of professions in the area of Information systems management
- Consulting and auditing professions