Master Génie civil

Master Génie civil

Parcours Geomechanics, civil engineering and risks 2e année

Présentation et objectifs

The international GCER program, co-accredited with G-INP, is based on:

  • The international 1st year, which is entirely common to the two specialisations Civil engineering and Mechanics and leads to three international programs, including GCER
  • At master 2nd level, three specialised courses worth 3 ECTS are common to the HCE program and the ENSE3, one module worth 3 ECTS is common to the HCE, and one specialised course is shared with the STE specialisation. More than 80% of the courses in this program at 2nd years level are part of the Earthquake engineering program of the Erasmus Mundus MEEES (Master in Earthquake engineering and engineering seismology)

The Geomechanics, civil engineering and risks (GCER) program is an international course primarily intended for students wishing to focus on research (PhD thesis) in the field of geomechanics and civil engineering in France or abroad, with a view to pursuing a career as teacher-researcher in a University, researcher in a large public organisation (CNRS etc) or R&D engineer within a company.


This Master Course gives you the opportunity to apply to the UGA Graduate School and one of its 15 thematic programs. The Graduate School@UGA is a new training programme through and for research which was launched in 2021 within the Université Grenoble Alpes, and which concerns all the schools and components of the UGA.

The objective of these thematic programs is to offer interested students an interdisciplinary training program and academic excellence combining university studies and laboratory internships. Each thematic program develops a specific line of research, allowing then to embark on a PhD, or to have a direct professional insertion.

The program regroups students registered in different mentions, master programs or engineer school tracks and working together in specific courses

Participation in the Graduate School@UGA is for two years (M1 and M2) and may open the possibility of obtaining an academic scholarship for two years for the best international students (non-French baccalaureate holders).

For more information :



Informations complémentaires

All courses are taught in English

Dimension internationale :

Formation tournée vers l’international

Study abroad as an exchange student

As part of this track, you have the opportunity to study for a semester or a year at a UGA partner University abroad.

The International Relations Officers of your faculty will be able to provide you with more information.

More information on :




Condition d'accès

The first year of master's degree is accessible on file (and / or interview) to candidates with a national diploma conferring the degree of license in a field compatible with that of the master or via a validation of studies or acquired according to the conditions determined by the university or training. The second year is accessible on file (and / or interview) to candidates who have validated the 1st year of a compatible course or through a validation of studies or acquired under the conditions determined by the university or training

Public continuing education : You are in charge of continuing education :      


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