Master Electronique, énergie électrique, automatique
Parcours Electrical Engineering and Control Systems / MISCIT 2è année
Présentation et objectifs
Control and information technology components are increasingly used in complex engineering systems. The pervasive infiltration of computer systems (embedded systems and networks) in engineered products and in society requires new insights and ideas in engineering research, education and entrepreneurship. Model-based system integration methodology combined with an overall emphasis on compositional design methodology then appears as a crucial issue in modern process automation and research in automatic control. The proposed curriculum consequently includes advanced topics in control-oriented modeling, systems theory, supervision communication networks and real-time operation, along with the more classical multi-objective and discrete-events control issues. Our aim is to provide high level knowledge and skills for research and developments (R&D) in process automation, from the latest theories to their applications.
Two specialties, with different pedagogical goals, are offered:
- Industrial Processes Automation (IPA) aims at the industrial world, with a focus on team working and communication, technological innovation and the adaptability to new environments.
- Control and Systems Theories (CST), oriented towards research with the development of analytical skills and independent working capabilities.
The classes are given in English and organized in two semesters:
- September to December: theoretical classes;
- January to June: project and 5 months of industrial or research internship.
As this master is the last year of the academic curriculum and finalizes the students' education before their professional insertion in industry, the employers expectations are of first importance. Five competencies were consequently defined as top priorities: their inclusion in the curriculum is achieved as follows.
Team working: the principles of dialectical interaction are first addressed in the labs, in teams of two or three. Natural affinities determine the groups' composition for the introductory labs, when the students get confidence in the topic. The students are then suggested to change the teams' composition for each lab, in order to develop their adaptability. In a small project the students are divided into two student-organized competitive teams with similar objectives. A longer project differs in the size of the teams (3-4 students) and their composition, set according to complementary backgrounds and affinity for the proposed topic.
Problem solving: this competence is first addressed with homework, graduated from guided application of the theoretical material to process design. Industrial seminars, where the importance of finding applicable solutions with tight time constraints and thanks to the available software and engineering tools, emphasize the necessity for pragmatism and control architecture design.
Concern for quality: an important transition has to be achieved at the Master level between the students habits to deliver personal works aimed at knowledge and understanding checking from their teachers, and the ability to produce technical notes or engineering tools that can be used directly at the industrial level. This aspect of the education is considered with labs and projects reports. For example, the deliverable required at the end of the long term project includes a report and a code library that ought to be used by the next generation of students (multi-years project).
Capacity for applying knowledge in practice: this capacity is developed with software-oriented and experimental laboratories. The homework also contributes with topics that imply the use of multiple theoretical concepts in practice. The projects are oriented to integrate as much theoretical knowledge as possible, thanks to the supervision by teachers with different backgrounds.
Capacity to learn: at the master level, the fundamental of individual learning is supposed to be acquired. This capacity is then more oriented toward dynamic learning, through the interactions between students and the use of available information resources to complement the traditional learning process. The project thus includes a guided bibliographical search and takes advantage of the students various backgrounds (electrical, mechanical, computer, civil or instrumental engineering) to develop multidisciplinary approaches.
At the crossing of the previous skills, we can mention the importance of developing the students' confidence in their capability to adapt in an industrial environment, away from the well-known scholar system. The ability to work in an international and intercultural environment appears as an important issue, strongly supported by the European Union through mobility programs. The interest for entrepreneurial skills is also crucial and such skills are of first importance for innovation.
The previous competences and their application obviously only reflect some specific aspects of the pedagogy and each professor in the program would complement it with her/his own experience. The fact that they can only be acquired through practice render their teaching particularly difficult and one would be over-optimistic to pretend that the generic competences can be taught successfully to all the students. Nevertheless, they set some interesting guidelines for curriculum designers and may be presented to the students as complementary issues to the technical education.
Dimension internationale :
Formation tournée vers l’internationalStudy abroad as an exchange student.
As part of this track, you have the opportunity to study for a semester or a year at a UGA partner University abroad.
The International Relations Officers of your faculty will be able to provide you with more information.
More information on :
Master 2e année
- Semestre 9 OPTION CST
- UE Multi-objective control 6 crédits ECTS
- UE Modeling and system identification 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Nonlinear and predictive control 6 crédits ECTS
- UE Adaptive control systems 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Design project 1 3 crédits ECTS
1 option(s) au choix parmi 2
- UE Efficient methods in optimization 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Modeling and control of PDE 6 crédits ECTS
- UE Embedded control and modeling labs 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Supervision and diagnosis 3 crédits ECTS
1 option(s) au choix parmi 1
- UE Anglais - Master 2 - Semestre 9 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Français Langue Etrangère (FLE) 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Multi-objective control 6 crédits ECTS
- UE Modeling and system identification 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Adaptive control systems 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Design project 1 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Embedded control and modeling labs 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Supervision and diagnosis 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Network applications 6 crédits ECTS
1 option(s) au choix parmi 1
- UE Anglais - Master 2 - Semestre 9 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Français Langue Etrangère (FLE) 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Project management and seminars 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Internship 24 crédits ECTS
- UE Systems Reliability and Maintenance 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Project management and seminars 3 crédits ECTS
- UE Internship 24 crédits ECTS
- UE Reinforcement learning and optimal control 3 crédits ECTS
Condition d'accès
This two-semester program is a specialty (second and last year, master 2nd year in the French system) of the master Electrical Engineering and Control Systems (EECS). The French master is 2 year, but if you have the appropriate background, the first year may be validated as equivalent and at the end of the one-year MiSCIT program you obtain a diploma corresponding to 2 years of studies (master EECS, MiSCIT specialty diploma). We welcome students who obtained (by the end of spring at the latest) :
- at least 180 ECTS for the students in an exchange program who wish to join MiSCIT for one semester in order to validate specific classes in their home institution
- at least 240 ECTS (typically 4 years of University studies) for students wishing to validate the master 2nd level
For students from foreign countries who completed a full Bachelor program of 4 years or more, your application will be evaluated by a specific jury (called the Commission de Validation des Acquis).
Requirements. In order to apply to this master program, the prospective student should:
- hold a master 1, bachelor or equivalent degree completed after four full years of University studies
- have followed basic classes and obtained top grades in Automatic Control and, for IPA prospective students, in Communication Systems.
- prove an English proficiency with CEFR (B2), TOEFL (IBT 87-109), IELTS (5.5-6.5), TOEIC (785-945) or equivalent. Students coming from English-speaking countries or/and who had a University curriculum in English are considered proficient enough. If you don't have the opportunity to take the test in your home University, an English test is organized during the first week of the classes, to check the level of everyone.
Public continuing education. Your application is handled by the "continuing education" office:
• if you resume your studies after 2 years of interruption of studies
• or if you followed training under the continuous training regime one of the previous 2 years
• or if you are an employee, job seeker, self-employed
Droits de scolarité
Et après ?
Et après ?
Métiers visés
Becoming of past students (a few examples)
Automatic Control System Engineer - Consultant at ALTEN, Lyon, France |
Automation and Control Engineer at GE Power Conversion, Belfort, France |
Automation Engineer at Automatique & Industrie, St Jean de Moirans, France |
Automation Engineer at ECM Technologies - Industrial Furnaces, Saint Martin d'Heres, France |
Automation Engineer at HQS Expert, Grenoble, France |
Automation Engineer at ST Microelectronics, Grenoble, France |
Back-end Developer at SV Technologies JSC, Hanoi, Vietnam |
Consultant in Automation at SIEMENS Paris, France |
Control & Flight Physics Engineer at Altran, Toulouse, France |
Engineer Optic Fiber, Rhon'TELECOM, Noisy-le-Grand, France |
Field Application Engineer at Arrow Electronics, Paris, France |
Information Technology Consultant at Al-Siraj High School, Lebanon |
Innovation Engineer at Schneider Electric, Grenoble, France |
Mechatronics Engineer at QualySense AG, Switzerland |
Research and Development Engineer at Xperto Integral Systems, S.A. de C.V., Monterrey, Mexico |
Scrum Master for Software Projects at Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi, Lardy, France |
Senior Electrical Control Engineer, Kolbeco Compressors America Inc., California, USA |
Senior Engineer Power & CW at Millicom (Tigo), Paraguay |
Signal Processing Engineer at AET Technologies, Meylan, France |
Software and Control System Engineer at ARRIVAL, UK |
Software Automation Engineer at Marchesini Group S.p.A., Milan, Italy |
Software Engineering at Intel Corporation, Moirans, France |
Ph.D. student at GIPSA-lab, G2E-lab, LIG, LJK or G-SCOP, Grenoble, France |
Ph.D. student in Electronics at Institut Jean Lamour and CentraleSupelec, Paris, France |
Ph.D. student at Ecole des Mines, Saint-Etienne, France |
Ph.D. student at INRIA, Montbonnot, France |
Ph.D. student in Robotics and Computer Science at LAAS, Toulouse, France |
Ph.D. student in Robotics, Sorbonne Universite, Paris, France |
Ph.D. student at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain |
Ph.D. Student at the Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language, Pampelune, Spain |
Ph.D. Student at The University of Texas at Arlington, USA |
Ph.D. student at Institut FEMTO-ST, Besancon, France |
Ph.D. student at WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, Davos, Switzerland |
Ph.D. student at GIPSA-lab and Renault, Lardy, France |
Ph.D. student at Trinity College, Dublin, Irlande |
Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Engineering Technology of KU Leuven, Belgium |
Insertion professionnelle
Responsables pédagogiques
Olivier SENAME
Secrétariat de scolarité
Responsable formation continue
En bref
Discipline : Environnement, Matériaux, Physique, Terre, Informatique, Mathématiques, Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communicationLieux : Grenoble - Polygone scientifique
Dimension internationale : Oui