6 crédits
UFR Chimie-Biologie
Période de l'année
Toute l'année
This course will allow a better understanding of the anatomical, neurochemical, neurobiological and neurophysiological basis of normal and pathological behaviors (anxiety, addiction, stress). This course will contain the following lectures:
-Neurotransmission in the central nervous system: basis and main systems (lectures, 13h)
-Functional neuro-anatomy of the cerebral cortex (lecture, 3h)
-Interest of the functional neuro-imagery in the study of behaviors (lecture, 4h; tutorial, 2h)
-EEG: a tool for the study of the awake/sleep behavior (tutorial, 2h)
-Study of the neurobiological basis of the behavior: behavioral tests in human and animal (tutorial, 2h)
-Study and neurobiological model of the emotional processing (lecture, 4h)
-Physiopathology of anxiety, stress and depression (lecture, 3h)
-Neurobiology of drug addiction (lectures, 7h)
-Alterations in visuo-spatial orientation and obsessive-compulsive disorders (lecture, 2h)
-Behavioral tests in animal (practical, 4h)
Heures d'enseignement
- UE Neurological Bases of the Emotions and Motivation - TPTP6h
- UE Neurological Bases of the Emotions and Motivation - TDTD8h
- UE Neurological Bases of the Emotions and Motivation - CMCM32h
Semestre 8
Compétences visées
Targeted skills:
To obtain a good understanding of the neurobiological and neurophysiological systems underlying several emotions and behaviors (addiction, stress, motivation) in human beings and animals.