6 crédits
UFR Chimie-Biologie
Période de l'année
Toute l'année
- Integrated function of the immune system
- Continuum between the innate- and the adaptive immune system
- Physiological modes of action of the immune system in infectious diseases and cancer
- Immune system regulation
- Immune system dysfunction and therapeutic modes of action: examples of developing applications.
Heures d'enseignement
- UE Immunobiology - TDTD9h
- UE Immunobiology - CMCM39h
Semestre 8
Compétences visées
Targeted skills:
- To Complete the fundamental achievements in immunology, essential for the IMID and Pro2Bio programs or in other Master 2 programs.
- To acquire a methodology to solve problems in immunology.
- To increase the “know – how” in the experimental, the analysis of a research problem and its presentation in a scientific paper