6 crédits
Département de la licence sciences et technologies (DLST)
This course covers both animal and plant physiology, integrating in both disciplines an experimental approach directly linked to the theoretical teaching. In animal physiology, it concerns the study of human physiological functions such as homeostasis, rest and action potential and muscular contraction.) The plant physiology part concerns the mineral and carbon nutrition of plants, as well as the development of Angiosperms and its regulation. The TD sessions consist of application exercises, analysis of experimental results and preparation of the TP sessions.
Heures d'enseignement
- UE Physiology - TDTD12h
- UE Physiology - CMCM27h
- UE Physiology - TPTP18h
Pré-requis recommandés
Basics of cell biology (see BIO231 and BIO331)
Semestre 4
Compétences visées
- To know the experimental approach in biology including its ethical dimension.
- To know a function integrating the electrical activity of a nerve and the voluntary contraction of a muscle.
- To know two different contraction mechanisms: the voluntary contraction of skeletal muscle and the spontaneous contraction of cardiac muscle.
- To know the mineral nutrition and the management of water stress by plants.
- To know the photosynthetic function and the plant metabolism
- To know plant evolution: growth and differentiation in plants
Biology (Raven) - lon term rent