Diplômes intégrant cet élément pédagogique :
This course covers the basics of the biology of animal and plant organisms, as well as the main principles of the evolution of these organisms. The topics covered include the functional organisation and reproduction of higher plants (angiosperms), the major organisational plans of the animal kingdom, the general principles and mechanisms of biological evolution and environmental adaptations as a source of biodiversity.
Pré-requis recommandés
Basic knowledge in cell biology (BIO231). Scientific programs of the last two years of high school.
Compétences visées
- To provide a solid foundation on the diversity of the animal and plant worlds at the scale of organisms and species.
- Introduction to biodiversity through the study of the major organisational plans of living beings (animals and plants), their diversity and the evolutionary mechanisms that led to this diversity.
- Relation between morphological, anatomical and histological diversity and adaptation to the environment of organisms.
- Role of evolution and its mechanisms in this adaptation.
- Acquisition of the basic knowledge, notions and concepts necessary to pursue studies in biology in the broadest sense.
Biology (Campbell)
Biology of plants (Raven).
Classification phylogénétique du vivant (Lecointre et Guyader),
Informations complémentaires
Lieu(x) : GrenobleLangue(s) : Anglais
En bref
Période : Semestre 2Crédits : 6
Volume horaire
- TD : 16h
- CM : 39h
Rolland Douzet
Annie Ray