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UE Mathematic tools for life sciences - MAT133 -

  • ECTS

    3 crédits

  • Composante

    Département de la licence sciences et technologies (DLST)


This is a reminder of the concepts taught in secondary school to ensure that students have the mathematical tools they need to continue their training in life sciences. The teaching will focus on practical and computational aspNumber of credits rather than theoretical ones. It will cover the notions of logic, fractions, powers, percentages, usual functions, vectors and matrices as well as systems of linear equations. These notions will be very useful for the mathematics course offered in the second semester, which introduces mathematical biology and the study of population dynamics, but also for all the other courses (biology, chemistry, physics, statistics, computer science, etc.) of the Licence.

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Heures d'enseignement

  • Mathematic tools for life sciencesCours magistral - Travaux dirigés30h

Compétences visées

  • Knowing the basics of mathematics
  • Master the mathematical tools used in life sciences
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