Diplômes intégrant cet élément pédagogique :
This is an experimental course in the Biology of animal and plant organisms, the objective of which is the acquisition, through direct observation, of the knowledge on the functional organisation of animal and plant organisms provided in the BIO202 course. It also aims to train students in the techniques of dissection, histological sections and staining and microscopic observation. It consists of the study of the way of life and the functioning of 4 animals belonging to different phyla as well as histological and anatomical studies of organs of higher plants.
Pré-requis recommandés
Knowledge of the biology of organisms from the high school and 1st year university (BIO232).
Compétences visées
- To observe and dissect an animal.
- To observe the organisation of an animal and understand its adaptations to its environment and way of life.
- Associate some of the characters observed with the systematic position of the species
- To be able to draw the animal studied after dissection
- Make and stain plant histological sections.
- Use image capture tools and associated computer tools (image processing software).
- Identify the different plant tissues, the different plant organs. Relating them to the systematic position of plants.
- Use of the photonic microscope.
Informations complémentaires
Langue(s) : AnglaisEn bref
Crédits : 3Volume horaire
- TP : 30h
Rolland Douzet
Sabrina Boulet