Master in Mechanics
Applied Mechanics 1st year
Presentation and goals
The 1st international year, 'Applied Mechanics', totally common to both programms of Civil Engineering and Mechanics and which opens on three international courses, including GCER for the second year.
This Master Course gives you the opportunity to apply to the UGA Graduate School and one of its 15 thematic programs. The Graduate School@UGA is a new training program through and for research which was launched in 2021 within the Université Grenoble Alpes, and which concerns all the schools and components of the UGA.
The objective of these thematic programs is to offer interested students an interdisciplinary training program and academic excellence combining university studies and laboratory internships. Each thematic program develops a specific line of research, allowing then to embark on a PhD, or to have a direct professional insertion.
The program regroups students registered in different mentions, master programs or engineer school tracks and working together in specific courses.
Participation in the Graduate School@UGA is for two years (M1 and M2) and may open the possibility of obtaining an academic scholarship for two years for the best international students (non-French baccalaureate holders).
For more information :
International dimension :
Internationally-oriented programmesStudy abroad as an exchange student
As part of this track, you have the opportunity to study for a semester or a year at a UGA partner University abroad.
The International Relations Officers of your faculty will be able to provide you with more information.
More information on :
Accredited organizational unit(s)
- Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble
Master applied mechanics 1st year
- Semester 7
- UE Solid mechanics 3 ECTS credits
- UE Fluid mechanics 3 ECTS credits
- UE Experimental techniques and methods 1 3 ECTS credits
- UE Numerical methods in solid and fluid mechanics 1 3 ECTS credits
- UE Image and signal processing 3 ECTS credits
1 option(s) to choose from 1
- UE English 3 ECTS credits
- UE French as a foreign language 3 ECTS credits
2 option(s) to choose from 2
- UE Plastic analysis of structures 3 ECTS credits
- UE Physics of granular media 3 ECTS credits
- UE Convection in industrial and geophysical flows 3 ECTS credits
- UE Instabilities and turbulence 3 ECTS credits
- UE Basic geomechanics 3 ECTS credits
- UE Introduction of geophysical fluids dynamics 3 ECTS credits
- UE Mechanics of material 3 ECTS credits
- UE Multiphysical couplings (THCM) 3 ECTS credits
- UE Environmental flows 3 ECTS credits
- UE Wave in fluids 3 ECTS credits
- GS_GREEN_UE Climate and Energy for a Sustainable Transition 3 ECTS credits
1 option(s) to choose from 1
- UE Research project 1 6 ECTS credits
- GS_Soft-Nano_UE-Research Methodologies 6 ECTS credits
- UE Experimental techniques and methods 2 3 ECTS credits
- UE Numerical methods in solid and fluid mechanics 2 3 ECTS credits
1 option(s) to choose from 1
- UE English 3 ECTS credits
- UE French as a foreign language - Semester 8 3 ECTS credits
3 option(s) to choose from 3
- UE Plastic analysis of structures 3 ECTS credits
- UE Physics of granular media 3 ECTS credits
- UE Convection in industrial and geophysical flows 3 ECTS credits
- UE Instabilities and turbulence 3 ECTS credits
- UE Basic geomechanics 3 ECTS credits
- UE Introduction of geophysical fluids dynamics 3 ECTS credits
- UE Multiphysical couplings (THCM) 3 ECTS credits
- UE Mechanics of material 3 ECTS credits
- UE Environmental flows 3 ECTS credits
- UE Wave in fluids 3 ECTS credits
- GS_GREEN_UE_Energy Systems for the Transition 3 ECTS credits
1 option(s) to choose from 2
- UE Research Internship M1 AM 6 ECTS credits
- GS_Soft-Nano_UE_Internship 6 ECTS credits
- UE Research project 2 12 ECTS credits
Registration and scholarships
Registration and scholarships
Access condition
- For the first year : holders of a general scientific degree with a specialisation in mechanics, or equivalent diploma
- For the second year : students who have completed the first year of a compatible programme or one of equivalent level
For candidates whose country of residence is not included in the "Studies in France" portal (PEF) scheme, the calendar for the eCandidat application campaigns is available here
Public continuing education : You are in charge of continuing education :
- if you resume your studies after 2 years of interruption of studies
- or if you followed a formation under the regime formation continues one of the 2 preceding years
- or if you are an employee, job seeker, self-employed
If you do not have the diploma required to integrate the training, you can undertake a validation of personal and professional achievements (VAPP)
Candidature / Application
Would you like to apply and register ? Be aware that the procedure differs depending on the diploma, the degree obtained, or the place of residence for foreign students. Let us guide you simply by following this link
Tuition fees 2022-2023 : 243 € + 100€ CVEC
And after
And after
This research program offers two main career opportunities :
- Doctoral studies in environmental fluid mechanics, either in France or abroad, with a view to pursuing a career as teacher-researcher in a university, or researcher in a large public organisation (CNRS, CEA etc)
- Engineer within a company or organisation in the environment or energy sectors
Candidature / Application
Would you like to apply and register ? Be aware that the procedure differs depending on the diploma, the degree obtained, or the place of residence for foreign students. Let us guide you simply by following this link
Program director
Program administration
Registrar's Office for the Master in Mechanics
In brief
Discipline : Environment, Materials, Physics, Earth Sciences, EngineeringProgramme type(s) : Initial and Continuing Education
Language(s) : English
Location(s) : Grenoble - University campus
International dimension : Yes
Duration of studies : 1 year
Required entry level : Baccalaureate +3