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UE Evolutionary biology of plants

  • ECTS

    6 crédits

  • Composante

    UFR Chimie-Biologie

  • Période de l'année

    Toute l'année


Course outline


- The green lineage: groups and phylogenetic classification

- Conquest of the land by plants:  Emergence from the aquatic environment and evolution of body plans

- Endosymbiosis in the plant kingdom: Mechanism, coordination of three genomes and consequences on physiology, development and metabolism

- Evolution of reproductive strategies: algae, mosses, ferns, spermaphytes

- Photosynthesis evolution (antenna structure, photoprotection, state transitions)

As well as several focussed lectures on the plant cell wall, the lipid metabolism, the evolution of microalgaes…

Bibliographic project

A group of 2 students will cover the bibliography on a specified scientific question proposed by a reference teacher. The reference teacher will indicate a review article and 2 break-through research articles to start with. Based on this information, the students will gather bibliographic references (i.e. up to 40 articles), read the corresponding articles and synthetize them in a collaborative written report. An oral presentation of their synthesis will be presented in front of the other students, leading to a discussion around the scientific question they cover.

Tutorials: Preparing, presenting and discussing a bibliographic project

To help prepare the bibliographic project, the student will benefit of 2 tutorials about techniques for bibliographic researches and a presentation of useful bibliographic resources (journals, databases, …) available through the UGA library, as well as a dedicated slot for collaborative work at the University library. A discussion will also be organized between the students and their reference teacher about the on-going bibliographic research and the structure of the written and oral reports.

Oral presentations of the bibliographic work will take place during discussions sessions with the complete group of students.

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Heures d'enseignement

  • UE Evolutionary biology of plants - CMCM28,5h
  • UE Evolutionary biology of plants - TDTD16,5h

Pré-requis recommandés


  • Knowing the bases of cell biology, gene regulation, and plant physiology
  • Finding informations in a scientific article written in English
  • Knowing how to intreprete and to bring a critical view on experimental results
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Semestre 7

Compétences visées

- Targeted skills:

  • Being able to describe the main characteristics of the green lineage, to explain the issues of the land conquest by plants and to compare reproductive strategies among major plants groups
  • Searching for scientific bibliographic references related to a defined topic and finding the corresponding articles
  • Searching, in a set of reviews and primary articles, for key/pertinent elements that inform on advances in a given scientific topic
  • Putting a scientific question in the context of the state-of-the-art; Presenting (orally and in a written report) a synthetic view on a large amount of scientific data
  • Understanding how scientific approaches and methodologies lead to knowledge elaboration
  • Working in collaborative groups
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